There are chemical reactions going on at all times at the quantum level. These are spiritual interactions. We consist of three parts: the
body, spirit, and soul. At all times, our spirits are interacting with other spirits. That's what chemistry is between two people. It's basically just a spirit to spirit connection. Obviously, no one falls in love with every person they meet. So they will
only meet one person in which they fall in love with them. They may have many spirit to spirit connections in their lifetime, and they may even be able to (briefly) feel the person's aura but only once in their life (if they do) will they meet that one
person in which the spirit to spirit connection is so strong that it's on a continuous level and when that happens they are in love.
I researched the twin flame sites
on the internet for several years. These sites use many tactics to
not only discourage people but to confuse them as well. I feel it is necessary to let these people know the deception that these sites are causing. I am speaking from experience because I have in fact went through the supposed twin flame process, and I have
met what these sites refer to as my "twin flame." I have come to know that these sites are based on false conceptions through personal experience.
learned all of this through the spiritual awakening that I read about over the years through the twin flame sites. But I did something I'm sure most wouldn't do; I disregarded half of what I read even though it did not make sense that I should disregard it when I had experienced everything the article referred to.
What they callthe
twin flame = one true soul mate.
And what they call soul mates = other relationships.
You only have one soul mate.
These articles label
them as your twin flame.
From my experience they are writing about what one experiences when meeting his/her soul mate (aka twin flame) only they have added in nonsense such as reincarnation
and the false notion that one supposedly rarely completes the process. That’s all lies. God created soul mates to do His work together 'on earth'. So if one has met/recognized their soul mate then they are to be together and do God's work on earth. The concept of the twin flame is actually a biblical concept, and the article I posted titled 'two become one' reflects the actual process-- I attached it as a subpage to this article.
These sites take the original idea of a bashert from the Jewish belief in soul mates which originated from Genesis (in the bible) and combine this truth with indian
beliefs such as reincarnation. A soul mate is considered to be "the one" that God intended for a person to be with based on compatibility thus the reason when these people meet their soul mate they feel a tremendous connection to this person. The people that created these twin flame articles label this person as your twin flame instead of referring to them as your soul mate (you
only have one soul mate), and they will say that this familiarity results from having experienced past lives with them, but I always disregarded that concept. Mainly because I knew somehow deep down that was not true. That was the Holy Spirit within me that
warned me it was not true. So what was the danger of believing what I read in this article? It seems harmless? Well, if I would have believed that I had been reincarnated and had many soul mates, but my twin flame may or may not exist on the same plane as
me then I probably would have given up on this particular person. Then, most importantly, this would have pushed me further away from God/Jesus because there is a spiritual awakening that meeting our soul mate is meant to catalyze.
I completed the spiritual awakening that the sites refer to, but the information on these other sites is misleading. These sites take the truth and twist it by adding false misconceptions in an attempt to provoke feelings of discouragement and fear. Though, I'm not sure that they even realize they are doing this. These sites
give signs of a soul mate encounter which include an instant connection, similar life experiences, and spiritual growth. Most people refer to spiritual growth as having a relationship with God himself. This is true, as the sites do say, however there is one important aspect involved with spiritual growth and that is Jesus Christ.
These sites mention God but not the messiah? Do the scriptures not mention a savior?
According to the articles, soul mates and twin flames
seem one in the same and most people never meet their actual twin flame (what they call a bashert). This did not seem logical to me after I read it because if I had many soul mates but twin flames seem one in the same then why were they totally different?
Why had I typed in the symptoms of this unique soul mate encounter if it was so typical? My soul mate that has these characteristics is not anything like anyone else I've
dated. Also, if most are not able to be with their supposed twin flame because they do not exist on the same plane then how are they typing in the symptoms they experienced when they met them? I started to see that it was all a lie, and I found out the truth through researching the origin of soul mates. It is biblical as
the concept of souls usually is, and the bible never mentions reincarnation, but I believe it may mention someone named Jesus. These people mentioned in these articles that the best way to get to your twin flame/soul mate was to stay surrendered to God throughout,
but they sort of forgot to mention the only way to God is through Jesus Christ. And the soul mate connection needs the actual love of God that can only be obtained through a personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ to be sustained.
Satan/demons try to confuse us by taking the actual truth or foundation that something is built upon and perverting it. But there is a way around it and that is to research the origin. There must be some truth within the root of everything
because how else could we be deceived? If we could not in some way relate?
It has been said that what they call twin flames can make out in dreams or whatever. But this
should only occur naturally without the use of witchcraft. There are sites that teach people to engage in demonic sex with demons. They lure the person in by making the person think they are making out with what they call their twin flame but really it's a
demon. What happens is the demon gets invoked and starts putting images in the person's mind so that they think they are making out with what they call their twin flame. But really it's a demon and it drains them of their spirit. And the person that wrote the
article was just another one of it's victims. They have to pray against the spirits and ask God to remove them once they have been influenced.
And there
are sites that teach kundalini or the tantric sexual kundalini awakening. The practice is described as unleashing serpent energy to rise up in someone. This is also demonic and completely unnecessary for soulmates to unite spiritually. It's meant to happen
naturally. And it's complete ecstasy when it happens naturally. All witchcraft/kundalini does is delay the process if utilized. It just delays the process in the spiritual as well as the physical and can cause severe repercussions such as insanity and even
death. And if a person that is not saved engages in it there can be dire repercussions for the soulmates both male and female as their identity is linked. For soulmates that are saved it's just a waste of time. For those that aren't it can be a threat to their
God is love and Satan/demons don't want anyone to become filled with love so they try to get them to settle for lust or idolatry instead.
In closing, I want to forewarn those of you that may have read these sites. When they teach these "words to recite" before visualizing/communicating with your twin flame its actually a form of idol worship. We have 'one' soul mate that
we were created to "be with." They are right here on earth with you. There is no need to speak to them through prayer. Go talk to them.
is targeting us in an attempt to get us to put the idea of love with another person above God/Jesus, but we need God/Jesus to be able to experience it. People are allowing Satan to deceive them into believing they are talking to God/angels of light when they
are actually talking to Satan/demons.
The 'supposed' twin flames that say they are together wrote some of those
sites but they are deceived.
It is important to test the spirits whether they are of God or not. And it is important to guard our
hearts and minds from deceit. Take up the full armor of God that quenches all the fiery darts of the wicked one and ask God daily to deliver us from all demons so that we are united in perfect love and filled with His Holy Spirit.
{God doesn't like it when people feel hopeless; like they are a slave to sin, and
they can never rise above it. It's a lie from the enemy. If that were the case there would be NO SIGNIFICANCE to Jesus' coming. His goal has ALWAYS been to get us to turn to Him. And we were given the Holy Spirit so that we may rise above Satan's influence
by accepting His sacrifice/love and turning to Him. Because we are FULLY CAPABLE of doing so. And He hates the twin flame sites so much because they are promoting discouragement in order to cause His people to fall from hope. He created soul mates so that
they may do His will ON EARTH. Meaning, they were NOT created to be separated. All we have to do is turn to Him and we can fulfill our anointing. It's that simple}.