The Spiritual Realm

The five senses consist of hearing, sight, touch, smell, and taste. These senses are incorporated into reality to experience and interpret what we perceive as objective reality. The dream state is governed largely in a sense through the other aberrant senses that influence us. These are labeled as fear, doubt, lust, anger, sadness or in contrast we can experience comfort, hope, love, peace, joy.. These senses are seen as transparent because they do not exist in relation to the mind as something observable but felt. These senses have been referred to as our intuition, conscience, or our subconscious. In dreams as well as in the subconscious mind these senses” per say take over. How we would describe these senses from the conscious human perspective is different than how they actually are… and they can take many forms. Someone that is more in tune with these senses is considered to be empathic and have a sixth sense. With imagined reality these senses take over the mind and insert visions into the person’s consciousness which is no longer constrained by the person’s objective reality during this time. In the waking mind we perceive that which is corporeal whereas when asleep we reach into a realm unfamiliar to us. This does not necessarily make this realm any less real just separate. Conscious perception typically relies on the five senses when awake and in turn is constrained by that which we observe and experience around us. But there is no difference in imagined reality and our observed perception of reality in the concept of time. The only difference being that we can see what we do not see in the observed world around us because these senses are able to take over our minds during this state of unconsciousness and therefore are able to insert sensory input into our consciousness that is sometimes nonsensical to us. While awake these senses are no longer observed in their current state or in the sense of form they take in the dream state. Some are able to observe them but only to the limited extent enabled in this perceived reality: which could only be a certain energy form concurrent with objective terms.


The hypothalamus is located near the limbic system (which controls emotions) and can be responsible for inducing neurally transmitted information arising from the heart. The heart aka the label scientists have given for the energy field located in the center of the body has also been known to mankind to be responsible for what we understand to be our "emotions". The soul/Holy Spirit has been known to reside within the center of the area that scientists have labeled as "the heart".


There are a lot of labels for what supposedly occurs during the circadian rhythm or sleep wake cycle. It occurs in the area that scientists call the hypothalamus as well. Our subconscious takes full effect during this cycle but since it cannot be fully understood they just label different cycles. But we can say something similar to the previous statement: the hypothalamus receives neuronal signals from the area known as the heart/soul and is in control of the sleep wake cycle. During this process our subconscious takes control allowing our waking mind to rest. This can also occur while awake and is known as day dreaming. Often most cannot recall their dreams because their subconscious has surfaced causing their wakeful mind to go into a state of catatonia. Some can remember their dreams more than others because they are more in tune with their subconscious.


Hallucinations, daydreaming, and imagining are often considered the same. They are very similar to the state of dreaming in that the subconscious mind takes over either intermittently or for fleeting glimpses of time. So it's almost as if your shifting back and forth between consciousness and the subconscious realm. This is often experienced after taking drugs or some other mind altering substance. It can also occur after much sleep deprivation and during a fever or severe illness in which the person is often near death. I believe that this is due to a heightened relative influence of the senses around us during this time.. or in other words when we are closer to death or influenced by drugs that are essentially poisoning us we breach the other realm.

Maybe a person that experiences paranormal activity has been closer to death.. or maybe their mind is subject to the other realm in a certain way due to a past experience that allows them to sort of exist in a type of limbo that borders two different realities.

I have had experiences with the spiritual realm all of my life. Since I was a little girl I have seen dark shadows hovering over me or standing at the foot of my bed.

But when I see the dark shadows I'm not hallucinating or imagining it. My subconscious mind has not taken over because Im usually sober minded and conscious/awake when it happens. So therefore I'm seeing the other side without breaching this realm. Or the senses haven't actually taken over my mind as in a dream state..
Rather I'm just seeing them in an objective/unchanging form in this level of consciousness as opposed to the various subjective forms taken when influenced through the subconscious mind.
So in this realm of consciousness they are only perceived from the outside as a sort of dark energy essence but from within there can be a variation of influences in the way we see them and are affected by them.

We can also be influenced by light energy beings/angels.
I've seen and felt them before as well.




The Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This is the substance of all things good. Which was given to us as a gift from God. The opposite of this is demonic spirits... lust, sorrow, anger, strife, hatred, doubt, malevolence, and overindulgence.


These spirits take on an image of personification however the way in which they exist in this realm is different from how they actually are, and they can take many forms. Just as demons have names: such as the demon of lust or the demon of the anti christ. These are feelings to our human perception and are experienced in such a manner that must remain concurrent with objective terms unless experienced in the dream state where they can be seen within more subjective terms. There is a realm unseen that we inhabit within our spiritual existence which exists to us only on a subconscious level. It is within this realm that we know God and demons; and these demons/spirits can insert images/ideas into our mind.. and so can God.

{I used the word personification outside of the literary reference. I used it within this context: a divinity or imaginary being representing a thing or abstraction. Which is an actual definition of the word but it's rarely used}


We are all born with a conscience, and initially, we all have God as our primary subconscious source. Once we accept Him and become saved the Holy Spirit then imprints our spirit.

Satan/demons can speak to us but they are not our primary subconscious source unless we sell our soul to Satan per say at which point God would then be forced to turn us over to him and we would then obtain a reprobate mind (ie lose our conscience), and Satan would become our primary subconscious source.


Our subconscious mind is proof that God and Satan are real, and the closer you get to God the more you will be able to recognize the way they both speak to you.


It’s like a vague drown out notion you get that you barely remember, but it's there, and it's happening constantly. They give you notions constantly, and as you recognize it more it causes you to be able to recognize Satan’s lies and cast them out in the name of Jesus...


and your mind becomes so quiet and still


so that most of the time all you hear are your own thoughts


unless God speaks to you


and you recognize Him when He does cause it's so quiet.




I've noticed something recently.. emotions have some serious power over a person. For some reason I had never noticed. I guess because I'd never experienced them in such intensity. Love can heal. I think it's the strongest force on earth. But when one experiences it in it's entirety.. or almost to the level of completion.. and for some reason it is deterred.. it can drain a person and fill them with an utterly devastating emptiness. And I think it can make a person sick. The denial and repression. Because love is what sustains us. It's what keeps us well and filled with that which is of the spirit. I've noticed that when I stay upset and haven't any vitality I get sick all the time. I used to never get sick. I had the strongest immune system. And it's because I was healthy emotionally which in turn affected my physical state.


I remember when I was heart broken because I just felt denied by everyone I love.. and I stayed sick all the time. I was at the emergency room and everyone there seemed to be unusually kind. They were extremely interested in my well being. And it literally made me feel better. Not just emotionally but physically. And I've never forgotten the care and concern they showed me. It was like it mended my heart and brought back some vitality in me because mine was dangerously low.


A scientific article addressed how people can literally get ill and die from a broken heart. I never thought about it but I believe it now. I think animals could experience the same thing. Every day when I get home from work or wherever my cat is waiting there in the window for me.. just watching and waiting for my return. But one week I stayed gone for days.. and when I came in the door my cat was acting strange, like he didn't know me. And when I went to pick him up he started meowing in a really strange manner and trying to claw me. This went on for forever.. he just kept doing it. It scared me and I started to cry. I really thought he had lost his mind. I grabbed him and held him to my chest. Then started talking to him like I always did.. calling his name repeatedly and telling him it's okay. He finally came back to normal.


Now I’m really careful about leaving him at home alone for too long. But if animals experience that so do humans.


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