"Revelation declares that Satan has deceived the world. The word deceive portrays a person who believes a lie to be the truth. A deceived person is one who is utterly convinced that right is wrong and wrong is right. Satan is a deceiver. He practices deception in many realms, and he practices it in the area of the word of God. If Satan can convince a person that God is a liar, then he can get that person to turn their life over to him.
Demons use perversion to distort the word of God. Satan is a perverter of all the things God has given us. The appetite for food may be perverted into gluttony. Alcohol given by God for us to enjoy has been perverted into a terrible social problem. Sex is God's gift to a man and woman in the bond of marriage. Now this gift has been perverted into wickedness through acts of promiscuity and homosexuality. The world calls it "sexual preference."
Satan wants to pervert the plan of God. He produces imitators who lead people astray. When Moses stood before Pharaoh and his rod became a serpent, Pharaoh’s magicians did the same thing. There have been and will be many wolves in sheep's clothing until the return of Christ. Satan will ultimately produce the antichrist, who will be an imitation of Jesus.
Therefore, it is always necessary to test the spirits.. test it by the word of God. "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world" ( 1 John 4:1).
Satan's greatest device against us is that which he used against Job; namely accusation. Satan will accuse us of sin that God has forgiven. He is a slanderer and a liar. He accused Job of serving God only because He blessed him but Job was vindicated, and God was victorious.
Satan loves to act as our accuser, but he definitely won't tell you that sin is to blame. Cause sin = him. He condemns you for choosing him over God. Then blames God for what he did.
Satan will tell you that God is to blame for your troubles, and he will tell you that you are to blame. He will accuse you and try to defeat and destroy your faith. Our defense is confession (1 John 1:9) and we are not condemned; we are forgiven."
For the LORD is our rock and fortress and deliverer.
Our rock in whom we take refuge.
The biggest lie Satan ever told us was that we are not capable of rising above his influence. And choosing good over evil. If that were the case there would be no significance to Jesus' coming. His goal has always been to get us to turn to Him, and we were given the Holy Spirit so that we may conquer Satan and rise above his influence. Once we received the Holy Spirit we were given all authority over the enemy. The Holy Spirit is not subject to Satan/sin.
We can observe Satan's lies and the way he is influencing people in music and the media. One example is that song they play on 94.9 that says 'look into my eyes, its where my demons hide.' The theme is a lack of hope. Like the demons have taken over and there is no escaping the evil within his nature. And it's nonsense. God is our father, and He is not evil natured. And we have His nature in us. We may have chosen sin when we listened to Satan, but we are still God's children thus the reason everyone is born with a conscience and knows the difference between good and evil therefore we are all capable of choosing Him/good over Satan/evil. The only time we lose our conscience is if we renounce the Lord thus choosing Satan as our father and obtaining a reprobate mind.
"In Isaiah 14:15-17 Satan's judgment is revealed. People will marvel not at his power but in his deceptiveness in appearing to have power. Satan was great until iniquity was found in him. He was an awesome creation of God, but that is all he is-- a created being. He is one angel. Just one fallen angel. Since he is not omnipresent, he cannot be where I am and where you are at the same time. He is not a spirit that covers the earth. God can and is everywhere at all times. Satan is a threat and no more. Fear, lies, and deceit have become his power concerning us. The power he has is only the lies we believe."
You should not listen when the enemy makes accusations. Cast his thoughts down in the name of Jesus.
When Satan tries to accuse you of having been unworthy tell him to get behind you. God/Jesus loves us unconditionally so once we accept Him our transgressions are forever washed away and we are deemed worthy. It's not about what we've done. It's about what He did for us.
Refusing forgiveness and trying to earn grace hurts God. Do we make those we love earn it? No. So, then, what makes us think that our heavenly father would?
He loves us more than anyone has ever loved us:
our family, our soul mate, or anyone else.
Any love we are capable of giving is only a small portion of His love.
God IS love.
He is the source of any and ALL unconditional love.
And He loves us unconditionally.
All He wants us to do is believe it.
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for anyone interested in a different and critical perspective on t...
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This article is super misleading. What is the difference in yo...