Unforgiveness opens the door to oppression.


Forgive the person because it doesn't hurt them when you hold onto bitterness it hurts you. And when you forgive them, it makes you the bigger person.


I always think of the movie To Kill a Mockingbird. In that movie the lawyer was such a great person, he fought for good in the face of adversity but the evil man retaliated and spit in his face. I think everyone would have expected him to spit back or try to fight him but he just stood there. He didn't even flinch. I saw such courage in that. He was the definition of the bigger man. The definition of integrity. And in that moment he made a spectacle out of evil. He revealed it's true weakness.


What was so honorable about it was that he didn't return evil for evil. He was fighting for an honorable cause (to defend an innocent black man of rape in a time when he knew the repercussions of such defense would be extreme) yet he did so without regard for such repercussions which showed great courage and integrity. He was willing to fight for what is honorable and good without regard for himself but when he was attacked in return for the good that he did he refused to fight back because there was no fault in him. He refused to return evil for evil which made him even more honorable.


But the greatest example of integrity is the way in which our Lord refused to fight the officials when they hit Him, instead He replied with, if I have done wrong testify of the wrong but if not then why do you hit me? He is the most powerful being on the planet.. to have ever walked this earth. He was GOD in human form. But He submitted Himself to that which He had all authority over. He allowed Himself to be beaten and bruised in our stead. For the greatest cause of all. For love.


God is the most intimidating entity in existence yet He is as gentle as a dove. He is the most sacrificial person that has ever existed and He is the greatest warrior of all time. He is love but He is fierce. Gods nature is righteousness. He is good. He is love. But the very definition of love is it's opposition to evil. For that reason, God is a warrior.


God hates evil. But He doesn't hate us. He gave His life to release us from bondage to the enemy because He loves us unconditionally. He is for us not against us. He gave His life to save us from evil. We have been ransomed. Bought and purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ. For that reason Satan is the ENEMY of our soul. Why? Because we have been bought and purchased by God so that we are no longer our own but His. We are not enemies of God. We are His. We ARE ONE with Him. Therefore, we are enemies of Satan not God.


God and Satan are enemies. We ARE ONE with God. Therefore, that makes Satan our enemy. Thus the reason when we invite him into our lives things don't go very well. He is not our friend. He is a liar. That is why the Lord advises us not to listen to him. Because when we choose Satan over Him we are inviting evil into our lives thus the negative consequences. Does that mean God is going to stop loving us if we ignore Him and listen to our enemy Satan? No, not if we belong to Him because He is our father and we never chose Satan as our father by rejecting Him. But it does mean that we will suffer. Why? Because evil is not nice like God. And we chose it over Him.


People ask me why God allows Satan to exist. But why does He allow anyone to exist? We were all created for Him and by Him... including Satan. God is the father of all living even though some have rejected Him like Satan. We will choose Satan or God as our father. And God allows us to exist even when we do not choose Him because He wants us to choose to have a relationship with Him of our own accord, and He's not going to control us like a puppet. And Satan is who he is because he chooses to be who he is. God did not create any one of his creations as a puppet. Satan was created perfect with all of the attributes of good, but he rejected God and thus became the opposite of Him thus bringing the opposite of Him into existence:

Lust is the opposite of love.

When people listen to Satan, the source of lust, they rape, desire the same sex, and commit adultery.

Malice is the opposite of gentleness.

When people listen to Satan they commit all kinds of violent crimes including murder.

Etc, etc.


God is who He is and Satan is who he is.

The fruits of the Lord's Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, etc

Satan is all that is the opposite of His spirit.


All that which is evil is the absence of good. That which is evil would not exist if that which is good were chosen instead. Therefore, one cannot say why does God allow Satan to do this or that or why does He not restrict him because evil is a result of us choosing evil over Him and when we choose Him over Satan he is in fact restricted by God.

Satan's favorite ploy is to deceive us and make us forget that when we are afflicted with the negative consequences of evil it is because we chose it over God. He likes to blame God for the evil in the world that he causes. He wants to somehow convince us that we do not have our own consciousness (this is a lie therefore it's the opposite and we do have our own consciousness). He wants to convince us that we are not here making our own choice as to whether to listen to him or not (this is a lie; it's the opposite, we are here making the choice to listen to him or not), and most importantly he wants to make himself out like he is a victim lacking in his own evil desire/will and we are all slaves to his evil nature including him (this is a lie; it's the opposite, none of us are slaves lacking in our own will. Satan was not created evil he was created perfect. But he chose to rebel against God. He is not a victim lacking his own will). He wants to make out like God is not the good natured person that He is and rather an evil ALL controlling tyrant who is responsible for all of the evil in the world when it couldn't be further from the truth. God is not an all controlling tyrant and He controls NO ONE. That includes Satan. But why does Satan lie and try to convince us that he does not have his own will and neither do we? Well because there are some things that he doesn't want us to figure out. First that he is the source of all evil in the world. And second, that he is the Lords enemy. Why would he not want us to figure that out? Because he knows that we ARE ONE with the Lord. He knows the power and authority that we have in Christ and thus the power and authority we have over him. So what does he do? He fights to deceive us into believing a lie. That we are the Lord's enemies and He wants to destroy us. But what is the opposite of that lie and thus the truth. That we are not His enemies and He wants to save us. We ARE ONE with Him and He wants us to take up His authority so that we are free. But Satan tries to convince us that we never can because we are stuck in his grasp forever. But why? Because he doesn't want us to figure out that it's the opposite. We are not slaves to Satan. We ARE ONE with the Lord thus having His authority we can and WILL rise above his influence. Satan likes to lie and tell us that he can somehow stop us from getting to God and who we are in Christ. But he is a liar and it is the opposite. He cannot stop us from getting to God or who we are in Christ. We have our own will and we choose whether we want evil or good. And we have a merciful God that gives us everything good and died to release us from bondage to Satan/evil therefore when we choose Him we are liberated in Him so that we have all authority over Satan and the forces of evil.


Everything Satan says is a lie. And thus the opposite is true. God is not evil. He is good. God is not responsible for all the evil in the world. He is responsible for all the good in the world. Satan is responsible for all the evil in the world. God promises to turn everything into good for those that love Him but that doesn't mean that it was His will that we chose the opposite of Him. It just means that He loves us enough to promise He will fix our mistakes when we screw up.


God gave us the commandments and the golden rule because He loves us. He wants us to abstain from evil because it only harms us. I have taught my daughter to be kind. But if I found out that she was acting evil or cruel I would never stop loving her because she is my child. I love her unconditionally. And God feels the same way about His children.



We were all created for God and by Him. He is the father of all creation and as our father He desires a relationship with us. We were all created with our own individual consciousness because the Lord did not want to create a bunch of puppets that lacked the ability to interact with Him. Our will is our consciousness. So we in our consciousness can either choose God because we desire a relationship with Him or we can reject Him of our own will like Satan did because we do not desire Him. If we do so we desire evil because we did not desire Him/good. Evil is the absence of good. Satan bears the name of evil because he was the first to reject God.


Satan was created with his own consciousness. Thus the reason he was able to reject God. But he was once perfect and close to God. But he betrayed Him by rejecting Him and thus became evil.

Satan rejected God. God is not his father. And He's not the father of anyone that rejects Him. People go to hell because they want to be separated from God. They want nothing to do with Him.

If someone is His enemy it is because they rejected Him. And that wasn't what He wanted.

God loves unconditionally. But He won't force anyone to love Him back. Those that love Him back He refers to as His children.


No one can force anyone to love them. Imagine that I am a good king with a heart of gold. And I have a favored son who is a prince. I shower this prince with everything he could ever want. I give him the highest position of authority in my courts. But one day he conspires against me. He decides that being my son and being favored by me isn't enough. He wants to be me. And even though I was his father and he got all of his talents from me he wants to destroy me. Because he wants to take my place as king. So he conspires with everyone else in my courts to convince them to wage war against me. And he even convinces a few to side with him. My heart is broken because my own son rejected me and plans to destroy me. He renounced me as father and determined in his heart to destroy me thus I had no choice but to consider him my enemy.


I bet I don't have to tell you who the good king is or who the evil prince was. And I bet I don't have to tell you who wins the war.


Of course no one can force anyone to love them and if someone purposes to destroy them they have no choice but to consider them their enemy. Even if they were once family. And they would of course no longer consider the person family to them if they purposed to destroy them and make them their enemy. I would assume that the person that was renounced would no longer have positive feelings toward their enemy. But who knows.




Why didn't God forgive Satan?



Satan was once one of the most beautiful angels. But he began to fight God and tried to get other angels to do the same. The problem isn’t that God will not forgive Satan; the problem is that Satan will not stop fighting God.


What is it that makes my daughter my child? She has my attributes. Satan has no attributes of God at all because he renounced and rejected Him. He chose to reject those attributes that made him a son of God. And he hates anyone that has attributes of Him. Therefore, he does everything he can to get everyone to renounce and reject Him like he did. Satan is "pure" evil. He was the first to renounce and reject God therefore he is "pure" evil. He has NONE of the attributes of good.


The biblical scriptures state that Jesus was the only "begotten" son of God.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

So what does it mean when it says Jesus was His only begotten son? What does begotten mean? The Greek word for begotten refers to the only one of it's kind. He is the ONE son of God that has been "pure" good. Jesus is the second person of the trinity. This differentiates Him from all those before Him. Because He is not just the son of God. He is ONE with God. Because of His sacrifice if we desire Him in our heart we are saved and reborn in Him. We receive a new identity in Him. The blood of Jesus reconciles us. We become ONE with Him. Thus we have His attributes. We are then deemed sons and daughters of God.


Satan fights to get us to reject God. He wants us to reject God and all of the attributes of Him like he did. We can reject and renounce the Lord so that God is not our father and we become pure evil like Satan thus making ourselves the Lord's enemy. Or we can follow the Lord so that we are sons and daughters of God. When we are sons and daughters of God He sees only the good in us when we mess up. Just like we see only the good in those we love when they mess up. He is that love. Therefore, it does not exist in those that reject Him. They are not His children. They have no attributes of Him. They have no good in them and they have no love in them. They reject all good and desire evil. But when we are sons and daughters of God we desire good and not evil. I hate evil like God does, but I also love unconditionally like He does. If someone I love hurts me I forgive them repeatedly. I see only the good in them. Because I love unconditionally. You will know them by their fruits. Most of us are sons and daughters of God and would never reject Him. We belong to the Lord yet we live in captivity to the enemy instead of the victory over him that the Lord gave us. Because Satan keeps making us forget we have the authority to put him in check. Our position is even higher than that of the angels. Because not even the angels are ONE with God.

Jesus is the "one" son of God to have been pure good like God. Not even the angels have that status. None of them. Not even those that refused to follow Satan. No one has the status of the purity of God except God Himself.

And He exists in three different forms:

1. The Father in Heaven

2. The son (human form)

3. The Holy Spirit (in us)


He sacrificed His life to become one with us so that we may overcome.


God gives us our cognition. Without Him we would have no understanding. God gives us our hope. Without Him we would be miserable... with no joy or happiness whatsoever. God gives us our peace... without Him we would all have a heart attack. Understand this. When we die it is because Satan brought that which causes death into the world. Sickness has a name. And it's always a demon. Satan has but one goal and it's to kill, steal, and destroy. And he wants to destroy you. He wants to deceive your mind so he can drain you. He wants to steal your sense of humor, your wisdom, your intelligence, your health, and eventually his goal is to get you to allow him to destroy you.


Do you know why God hates evil? It's because it harms us. God hates evil because He loves us. And He warns against it to protect us from it because He knows it will only hurt us. All of my life I have been the meek one and that is a good thing. I am extremely gentle. It's my strength. But I had a tendency to be a little bit of a push over. People tended to walk all over me and mistake my kindness for weakness. But recently I've changed. I'm a lot more bold than I used to be and it balanced me out. It didn't make me less meek or gentle; I'm still as gentle as I ever was but I don't let people push me around. That's how God is. He is gentle but He is not a pushover. And He will not cower in the face of evil. Rather evil cowers in His presence. Perfect love casts out all fear.


When perfect love rose up in me it cast out all fear. Do you know what caused perfect love to rise up in me and cast out all fear? Concern for my soul mate and hatred for the evil that threatened to harm him. The protective love I have for him resulted in an anger and disdain for evil that I had never felt before.


I know what his weaknesses are. I know he messed up and listened to Satan. But I don't hate him. I hate evil because it wants to harm him. I love him unconditionally. All I care about is getting him to see the truth because I do not want him harmed. We've all messed up and listened to Satan. And that is how God feels about us. He loves us unconditionally. And He warns against evil because He does not want us harmed. And when we refuse to listen to Him bad things happen because we desire evil and evil harms us. It breaks God's heart when we refuse to listen to Him because He does not want us harmed. And there is nothing more devastating and heart breaking for our Lord than a child that sells their soul to Satan. He gave His very life for us... was beaten and bruised in our stead because of His pure unconditional love for us. He would give us anything because He loves us so much. Even His own life. And all He asks is that we accept His sacrifice. But instead they completely renounce and reject Him. They hate Him and choose Satan as their father. And He cries out from the depths of His soul because He was the one that gave them their life... their attributes... their personality. Everything that they were was given to them by Him. He was their father and their provider. He watched over them and protected them their entire lives yet they renounced Him as father and refused His love and sacrifice. They completely renounced His love and protection and desired that which is evil over Him. And the evil they desired is the evil that annihilates them.


When we are children of God and we belong to Him even though we listen to Satan we still have a safety net. We are all going to die unfortunately because of our forefathers. They listened to he which brought sin and death into the world. But God sacrificed and made a way so that when we accept His sacrifice death is not eternal. Rather we have eternal life in Him after death. Those that reject Him reject that eternal life. We have free will and we are accountable but God is Lord over us when we belong to Him. With that comes His protection to the extent that it is permitted because God will not violate our free will. Even as a child of God we can choose to listen to Satan instead of God knowing it's going to get us in trouble because when we listen to Satan we are forfeiting some of God's protection but not all of it because we still belong to Him. But those that reject the Lord forfeit that protection "entirely."


Love is protective. And fierce. God is that love. He is the master intercessor. He chases after us our entire lives in order to get us to turn to Him and out of the grasp of Satan because He doesn't want us harmed. He even took our place in death to save us when we had turned away from Him.

God has many gifts for us. He wants to prosper us. But Satan wants to deceive us to prevent us from following Him and partaking in what He desires for us.

Satan wants to deceive us and get us to renounce Him. He wants to indoctrinate us all with his lies and deception. And some are accepting his lies and deception when all he has to offer is destruction. He wants to rob us of every blessing the Lord died to give us.

The Lord wants us to accept His sacrifice. He took our place in death to save us when we had turned away from Him in the hope that we would see how much He loves us, accept His sacrifice, and turn to Him instead of Satan.

So why did He have to sacrifice to save us? Because we had [turned away from Him]. We can then understand that it was for this reason that God sacrificed for us in an attempt to [get us to accept] Him who gives life. We have to accept His sacrifice. But why? Well, what is God trying to save us from? Satan which causes death. How? Through His sacrifice. How? By taking our place in death to give us life. But can He save us from he who causes death through His sacrifice and give us life if we refuse to accept it and we renounce Him who gives life for Satan who causes death? Can He save us from Satan if we refuse to accept His sacrifice and we reject it/Him completely for Satan? No.


What you need to understand about these people that reject the Lord is that they despise Him. Literally. They want nothing to do with Him or His sacrifice. They would rather be in hell than anywhere near Him. In fact, if you mention them spending eternity with Him in heaven they tell you they'd rather be in hell. Forget the lies you've heard from people that listen to the pharisaic spirit. No one that loves the Lord will EVER go to hell. I don't care how much messed up crap they've done. The only people that go to hell are those that choose to go there because they despise the Lord and they don't want to be anywhere near Him. Thus in their eyes it would be torment for them to have to have eternal life with Him in heaven.


As I've said before, there is a difference between questioning or doubting the existence of God and rejecting Him. A huge difference. There are a lot of saved people that are skeptical but they would NEVER reject the Lord because they are already saved. They have already accepted Him and they love Him. In fact, some of the most anointed teachers in the world were once skeptics and doubted the existence of God.


A lot of people don't understand that rejecting the Lord's unconditional love and sacrifice is not comparable to rejecting the sacrifice and love of a person here on earth. What defines a person? Is it another person on earth? To some extent. When it comes to family members a person has traits passed down to them from other members in their family. And soul mates are literally ONE in the Lord to an absolute extent thus they impart to each other an identity from themselves. But preceding all of that what truly defines a person? The mind (spirit/consciousness/will) and emotions. But what are emotions? Emotions are a product of the Holy Spirit within us or demonic spirits. Therefore, whichever entity we listen to defines who we are. Most of us are mostly nice like God because we are saved. We may mess up and listen to Satan but we have accepted the Lord's love and sacrifice thus the Holy Spirit resides within us. Thus we have a lot of love in our hearts. But when a person completely rejects the love of Christ he or she becomes pure evil. Like Satan.

The Lord said that it was better for Him to go away because He would send the comforter (the Holy Spirit) back to us. The Lord sacrificed for us so that we may receive the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. The Holy Spirit is what gives us our identity as true sons and daughters of God. But we have to accept the Lord's unconditional love and sacrifice in order for the Holy Spirit to imprint our spirit.

Why is it necessary for us to accept His sacrifice in order for the Holy Spirit to imprint our spirit? Because He will not force His way into anyone's life. He will not force a person to accept Him. He will not force a person to listen to Him. He will not force a person to have a certain identity. He gave us all our own consciousness. And it is up to us to decide if we will choose to listen to Him or Satan. It is up to us to decide if we desire evil or good. And whichever we desire is what we become. God created us all to belong to Him. He created us all for a relationship with Him. As I said before, whichever entity we decide to listen to defines who we are. There are many that reject their identity in Him. Thus they do not have the personality they were meant to have and they are pure evil. Our personality is based on what we choose. If we chose God unto completion, we would have the personality we were meant to have. Most of us are saved but we haven't chosen Him unto completion so we have some strengths but also some weaknesses. Some of us choose to trust God more than others thus they have less anxiety. They are more carefree. So God ordained them with the gift of faith. Others are more gentle. They choose to listen to God and be considerate. So God ordained them with the gift of compassion. God ordains us with gifts in areas in which we are exceedingly strong. But we were not meant to have any weaknesses thus when we reach completion we will no longer be weak in areas in which we once were. However, even though we will no longer have weaknesses, we will always be stronger in areas in which we were ordained with gifts rather than in areas in which we were not.

I know it's crazy to think that a person could be so complete as to not have any weaknesses but that's what happens when a person reaches completion. That doesn't mean the person will never make a mistake ever again. It just means they are complete.



Satan wanted to be king so much that he purposed to destroy God and made Him his enemy eternally by renouncing Him entirely. So what did God do? He created man, came to earth in the form of our Lord Jesus Christ, died for us, and made us ONE with Him so that we reign with Him both in heaven and on earth. I just find it amusing. Satan renounced God for kingship so He created man with the intent to give them kingship.


That is why Satan hates us so much. He wants to keep us from accepting that kingship by getting us to fall for his lies. He tries to get us to live in constant defeat. He tries to get us to believe that we are slaves to him but it's all a lie. It's the opposite.. we are ONE with GOD thus we were given kingship and we were meant to reign over him. Everything he tells us is a lie.


God created man with the intent to make us one with Him and give us kingship. This pisses Satan off so what does he do? He lies to us and tells us it's the opposite, that God created us with the intent to make us slaves to Satan/sin. He's also pissed because the Lord died to give us all eternal life. It comes with the kingship. And he doesn't want us to have that either. So what does he do? He lies and tells us it's the opposite. That the Lord wants to destroy us all. But why? Because he's pissed that the opposite is true. He can't change the fact that we were all meant to reign with Him and receive eternal life so he tries to get us to reject Him so we won't receive eternal life or kingship. When we accept Him as father we receive His Spirit and become reborn in His Spirit. We receive eternal life and kingship when we become one with Him. But we have to receive Him rather than reject Him. We receive His attributes when we receive Him as father. Kingship and eternal life are His attributes thus we receive them when we become sons and daughters of God and receive His attributes. If we renounce Him as father we reject His attributes of kingship and eternal life and we are not sons and daughters of God but we are sons and daughters of Satan. If we reject Him and choose Satan as our father over Him we renounce Him who gives life and kingship for He who causes death. Simply put, Satan's goal is to get us to reject kingship and life and choose death.


Those that love God and do not realize it never go to hell. Only those that hate God and blatantly as well as knowingly reject Him and choose Satan as their father go to hell. Those that love God and don't realize it go to heaven but remain in bondage to Satan whilst here on earth as long as they remain in denial/deception. Because they are listening to Satan's lies and they have invited him into their lives. They need to stop listening to his lies and acknowledge the truth then they will be free of his lies and oppression.

No one is oppressed by Satan without first choosing him over God. But Satan will lie and tell us that we do not have free will and we do not have the ability to resist him and choose to listen to God instead. He will convince us that we are in a prison but it does not truly exist because Satan does not have any power over us unless we give it to him. He only has power over us if we allow him to by believing his lies. But all we have to do is stop believing his lies and we are free of his lies. He is a liar. We do have free will. And we are never stuck powerless in bondage to Satan. The Lord our God came to earth in the form of a human to ransom us. He set us free from bondage to Satan. And now because of His sacrifice we have His Holy Spirit living in us so that we are ONE in Him thus having His power and authority we can rise above Satan’s influence as we were given the keys to bind (restrain Satan and demonic forces) and loose (release the angels of the Lord). We were given all authority in heaven and earth as we are ONE with Him. We just need to choose to take up that authority. And it is because we were given that authority that Satan seeks to destroy us and keep us in bondage to him by convincing us to believe the lie that we lack free will or the ability to overcome in the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in us. He does not want us to see the truth that we truly are one with Him because of the Lords sacrifice. We truly do have His power within us. He is always with us living inside of us and it's time we realize it and take up His power/authority. We must believe in the truth. We must realize the truth in order to take up His authority and Satan knows it that is why he fights to blind us of that truth as well as all truth.

We are never too far gone. But there are so many people that get caught up in strongholds and webs of deceit because they don't realize that. They start to believe they've just gone too far and there is no way they could ever get back to God or who they really are. But it's all a lie from the enemy. We can never stray too far from Him. He is always right beside us just watching and waiting for us to reach up and grab His hand. And as soon as we make that choice, it happens in the blink of an eye, suddenly we are free.

He is always with us. Even when we don't realize it.


The Lord didn’t say, Deliver yourselves from all evil, make yourselves perfect and without sin, then I will come deliver you and take your place in death on the cross. No, He did the opposite. He said, I love you unconditionally so I will die for you while you are not perfect and without sin…I will take your place in death. I will take upon myself the wages of sin which are death so that you can be liberated and free. So that you may have eternal life and authority over ALL evil in the power of My Spirit which I give to you as a gift… and He shall dwell within you. We cannot earn His love. His love is unconditional and we must accept it so that we rise above the bondage that Satan wants to keep us in... we must rise above in the power of His Holy Spirit then we become perfect (complete) and righteous in Him (His Holy Spirit which dwells in us). But that is only after we accept His sacrifice and unconditional love. We must accept that He loves us unconditionally (just the way we are) but came to earth to ransom us and give us a new identity in Him so that we rise above Satan’s influence thus becoming righteous in Him in ALL authority and power. We must accept this truth in order to take up His authority in His name. We were given the keys to bind (restrain) the forces of evil and loose (release) His angels. We were given ALL authority and power in Him but in order to rise above and take up His authority we must accept the aforementioned truth in faith because it is in that knowledge/understanding of His sacrifice, love, authority, and etc that He died to give us that we receive all that He died to give us: the love, the solace, the security, the identity, the authority, etc.


He is the perfect love that lives inside us. We love because He first loved us. He died to give us our identity and all that which is of His Spirit. It is finished.



Did you know that NO ONE is without sin? Did you know that I mess up every day. EVERY single day. But God has already forgiven me. And God has already forgiven you. He will NEVER reject us.


There is nothing more frustrating than a person that gets up in a pulpit and screams in everyone's face nothing but condemnation. That's not an accurate representation of the love of Christ. Try getting up there bleeding and bruised. Falling apart from pure love that goes unnoticed. That's the kind of love the Lord feels for EVERY single one of us. Thus it is a tragedy for anyone to teach the word of God in such a manner.


God didn't reject us. Instead when we turned away from Him He chased after us. He came to earth in the form of a human and said death take me instead. Even when we had desired it over Him. His love is pure and unconditional but can we reject it? Absolutely. People do it every day. But can we make ourselves God, get up there in some pulpit, and tell EVERYONE that they have? Absolutely not.


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