Mental Disorders

A split personality disorder is basically just a demonic paroxysm.

The soul battling the carnal flesh.

I attached an image I found when I typed in split personality.

A split personality disorder just indicates a person that struggles more with it. And is more easily influenced by the flesh.

I had heardpeople refer to themselves as me, myself, and I.. but just received the understanding of what these terms mean. 'Me' refers to the intellect (our identity/mind), 'my-self' refers to Satan (selfish), and 'I' refers to God/our conscience (the great I am).

What we know of to be termed medically as bipolar disorder or in more advanced cases, schizophrenia, is actually just demonic attacks. That is why those suffering from these disorders do not remember the terrible crimes they committed because they experienced a form of oppression in which Satan/demons took over their mind for a short time. One that is saved and belongs to the Lord cannot actually be possessed by demons, but they can be oppressed by them for a certain period of time though the person always returns to their mind. One said to have sold their soul to Satan loses his/her identity completely to Satan. Both saved and unsaved individuals can suffer from mental disorders so we cannot label an individual as unsaved due to having a certain mental disorder. Only God can make that determination. Many people with mental disorders are actually saved.

All mental disorders are demonic.

Thereforemedicine is not the cure.

Some medications for mental disorders can help because they feed the flame.

But what these doctors don’t realize is that they are making the person's condition worse.

The medicine deters the battle in the mind.

But it further suppresses the soul.

And that’s not a good thing.

God gave usdoctors and medications to heal us and these medications come from healing herbs and compounds that God gave us. But Satan will pervert medications through additives that are not natural and thus not intended for medicinal use.

Sorcery in the Greek language is pharmakeia

from which the word pharmacy is derived

certain substances put people under an outside influence bringing them into an altered state. Which suppresses the soul.

At which point they are rendered defenseless to demonic influences.

Thus the reason they have less issues with the battle of the soul/flesh.

The flesh is the part of us that desires sin.

And is subject to demonic/spiritual influences.

But our soul does not desire sin.

And wars against it.

The Holy Spirit is similar to the soul in that way.

But it is not subject to demonic influences.

So once it becomes part of our spirit (in its entirety) we desire to turn away from those negative influences. And a spiritual rebirth occurs.

So we get a new identity.

Which would be like that picture I attached without the dark side.

But we have to accept the Holy Spirit in our own will.

We were created with our own ability to choose evil over good.

And everyone desired evil.

This upset God because He knew evil would only hurt us.

So that is why He sent the messiah so that we could receive the Holy Spirit. It was His way of trying to save us/give us strength.

God created us desiring that we would want what He wanted for us. That which is within our soul. But most didn’t.

So He sent himself in human form to show us the type of love He expected us to show each other. The type of image He wanted us to have. In His likeness.

And then He sent His spirit. Or His DNA.

To help us to be like Him if we so desire.

Yeshua/Jesus had to die before He could send the comforter to dwell within us.

But now because He died we can receive His spirit/God's DNA.

And become like Him.

Without the desire for sin.

I'll give you an analogy.

Lets say I desperately wanted my daughter to be kind to others.

I wanted her to be like me and help others because I've always been that way.

But she seemed like she didn’t care as much as I did.

Even though she is my child.

But I can’t force her to be like me.

She has her own individual personality.

And I love her regardless of the choices she makes.

But I start to notice that she is becoming less caring each day.

She doesn’t listen to me or talk to me, and she doesn’t seem to care about me at all because she doesn’t desire a relationship with me...

And it starts to weigh on my heart.

Then let’s say that I had the ability to save her.

But I had to die for her.

So I choose this.

Desiring that she will see that I loved her enough to do this.

And choose to care for me/others the way I wanted her to.

God loves every single one of His children that turn away from Him

but He won't force them to love Him back

Imagine the kind of heart break He feels when His children give their soul (the identity in us that makes us His child) over to Satan/evil and choose Satan as their father instead.

That would be like my daughter giving up any traits she had that I gave her because she wanted nothing to do with me.

People act like God is cruel because He destroys evil

But then they turn around and complain about all the evil in the world.

Only God knows a persons heart. So He knows if that person only had evil in them. And more often than not God will take the life of His children in order to save them. He brings them home to Him.

And at that point they are a lot better off than we are here.

Certain spirits will put thoughts in our mind that are not ours.

They don’t belong to us.

The only way to get rid of them is to cast them out in the name of the messiah/Yeshua/Jesus. He has all authority over them and now so do you because His spirit lives in you.

I'm referring to the Holy Spirit/the third part of the trinity..

because His spirit is in us in His name we can do everything He did.

God is not cruel.

He separates us from evil to protect us.

Because He loves us.

We stay hurt and upset because of the pain Satan inflicts on us.

The people that follow him are just like him in that way:

They love to inflict pain on others.

But God still loves those that follow Satan.

That is why He continues to give them chance after chance.

And the world has yet to come to an end.

But He cannot allow them to continue inflicting pain on His children that have a good heart.

So in the end Satan and those that give their soul to him will be cast down.

There is a battle going on every day between Satan and the angels that followed him and God's angels.

We may not be able to see it but it's real.

And we take an active part in that battle.

We give power to each of the entities.

In the choices we make each day.

But God intervenes and protects us when we choose evil.

He constantly sends His angels to battle against the evil spirits we invite into our lives.

But He gave us our own will.

So He wants us to ask him.

I've seen demons and angels btw.

and I'm not the only one.

A lot of people have seen them.

Angels are pure white.

And demons are black.

When I say we give power to each of the entities I mean that figuratively...

Satan never has power over God.

But when we listen to Satan we invite him into our lives.

And we are at risk.

And it's the same with God.

If we listen to God we invite Him into our lives to better protect us.

So that’s what I mean when I say we give power to each of the entities.

I'm wondering if any of you have ever truly met an insane individual? Or one categorized as such with a labeled mental disorder. There are several.

I'll characterize a few:

Person is lacking in conscience and empathy thus can be prone to sudden rage or instability. Person may also lack the ability to form coherent thoughts thus when attempting to communicate the person exhibits signs of a break down of thought processes. In other words, they lack both intelligence and wisdom but most importantly they are lacking in empathy so it's obvious that they may harm themselves or others.

These people have several underlying medical psychiatric conditions which we won't get into right now.

Then there are other disorders in which the person is not necessarily lacking in conscience or empathy but they suffer from irrational phobias or fear. This is not just anxiety or stress as we all have that and a certain level of stress is actually beneficial. I'm talking about the people we've seen on television that reside in padded rooms because they are afraid of contact with the outside world due to the risk of contracting a serious disease. Therefore, they must be quarantined as they refuse to leave their house because they seriously believe they will die in the presence of others. They may also suffer from other irrational fears such as drowning in the shower or choking on air.

There are several disorders but we don't really have the time to go into all of them.

So what causes these disorders?

Well, we know from logic that the person suffering from the first disorder addressed is lacking in conscience/empathy, but what is conscience/empathy?

Conscience is known as 'an inner voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of ones behavior.'

Okay, so what's empathy?

Empathy is the ability to to understand and share the feelings of others; to feel compassion for others or want to help them.

Now, what is the source of both conscience and empathy?


So, then, why would one be lacking in conscience/empathy?

Because they have turned away from God.

The biblical scriptures state that our conscience (aka the voice of God) can become seared when we repeatedly turn away from Him. Having a seared conscience does not mean that one no longer has a conscience rather it means that they are lacking in it. And they are lacking in it because they have been ignoring it so they need to start listening to it.

Why is this bad?

Because we develop the aforementioned mental disorders as well as others we haven't addressed. And one can eventually develop a reprobate mind if he/she ends up rejecting the Lord. If you don't know what a reprobate mind is this is what happens when one sells their soul to Satan per say at which point the person would then no longer have a conscience.

In reality these mental disorders are just a label for those that are oppressed by demons thus the reason why some of the people having the first disorder mentioned will say things like, I didn't do this, I have no knowledge of it. Then they will proceed to blame it on the alter ego (which is a demon of some sort which has whatever name) that oppressed them and is/was responsible for the violence they committed.

In the case of the second disorder mentioned this is really bad because the person is horribly oppressed by a demon of fear. This demon has oppressed the person to the point in which they are no longer able to function.

God's spirit consists of faith, hope, love etc.

 Demonic spirits in opposition are fear, despair, hate, etc.

There are several demons that oppress us and cause all kinds of mental and physical disorders. Those are just a few. This is just another one of the many reasons why we should never oppose our God that gives us mental stability, empathy, wisdom, intelligence, our well being, and our life.

His spirit sustains life.

Anything in opposition to it drains us of our life.

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