We treat God like a genie... He's not. He's our father, but we want to make one way demands all the time yet never even consider real communication with Him... then turn around and act like because our father doesn’t answer our demands immediately that He must not be real. That’s like saying, “Well. I asked my dad for a loan and he never gave it to me. So he's not my dad... he no longer exists to me." Which is a fallacy.

If our father does something nice for us... then we should appreciate it. Not expect Him to constantly answer to our every demand then get angry with Him when we perceive that things aren’t going our way. God protects us because He is our father and He loves us.. we don’t have to earn it…

and we should feel the same way about Him.



God showed me something. I didn't realize that He loves us unconditionally. I suppose I didn't feel worthy. I was always trying to be good enough. I guess I thought then He would love me.

But He showed me that He already loves us perfectly as we are. That is why He came to earth and died for us as we are.


And I realized that all of the things that He had me write over the years were to make us understand the love He has for us.


He loves His children unconditionally. And we will be with Him for all eternity. It doesn't matter how many mistakes we may make. He will always love us.


We need to understand His unconditional love. It cannot be earned.


God never asked us to be perfect. We are not saved because we are perfect and without sin. We are saved because He came to earth to die for us because He loves us unconditionally. All He asks is that we accept Him instead of rejecting Him like those that want nothing to do with Him.


There are some that are not His and it's because they want nothing to do with Him. They are His enemies because they are of their father the devil. So they will be separated from Him and go to Hell. And it's because they chose it. He appeared to them and warned them that they were choosing to reject Him but they did so anyway because they do not want anything to do with Him.


No wait, I worded that last paragraph wrong. There is a verse that says, be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect. But that verse has nothing to do with salvation. What I'm trying to say is that salvation cannot be earned. It is a free gift given to us because He loves us unconditionally.


Then "after" we accept the "free" gift of salvation we should try to be perfect as our father in heaven is perfect.


We're not saved because we're good. We're good because we're saved.


He also showed me that the reason He wants us to strive to be perfect or righteous after we accept the free gift of salvation is for our own benefit. So that we overcome evil. Not because we have to be good enough for Him because He already loves us unconditionally.


The bible is pretty straight forward. The Lord loves us unconditionally so He came to earth to ransom us from Satan because we were in bondage to him. He took upon Himself the wages of sin so that we may be free. And all He asks is that we accept the free gift of salvation. If we reject Him instead then we shall not inherit the kingdom of God and we are condemned by our sin whatever it may be.

But there is NO condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus.

And if we are separated from God it is because we left Him. Not because He left us.

God warns against sin in the bible to keep us from becoming a slave to it. He does this to protect us not to condemn us.

The scriptures state, be not deceived neither fornicators nor thieves nor drunkards etc etc shall inherit the kingdom of God.

But He also said if we love Him then we will overcome the sin of the world.

This is not contradictory.

Rather it goes hand in hand because this cannot happen to a child of God because he is no longer considered a sinner or a liar, thief, or whatever.

This verse is stating the consequences of rejecting Christ and allowing sin to consume us.

A lot of people think that verse I mentioned above applies to those that have been saved but that’s not correct. There is nothing we can do to make God forsake us... we have to stop loving Him/reject Him in our heart in order to be considered one of the aforementioned sinners that won’t see the kingdom of God.

There is no sin that can’t be forgiven except breaking God’s heart by completely rejecting Him in our heart.

He loves us unconditionally... but He can’t force us to love Him back.

These are the verses... religious denominations have a habit of emphasizing only the ninth and tenth verse or only the eleventh verse. One must read the entire passage to understand it:

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Misinterpretation of these verses among others has not only caused a division in the church but it has turned people away from God.

Satan tries to take our life before it's time so we won't do what were called to do.

It was never Gods will for us to die. He created us to live forever but when we listened to Satan he introduced us to death because sin (which is Satan) leads to death.

So even though it's up to God when we die... he works through the law of free will. He can’t force us to choose life over death. It’s our choice. So He decides our fate based on our choices. And Satan tries to get us to choose him over God so that we will become sick among other things and thus lose our life because of him.

... And God hates it when we lose our life because we listen to Satan… that is why Jesus came to earth to ransom us (he had to ransom us because we had chosen Satan or signed a contract so to speak giving Satan permission to afflict us). He came to give us life and it more abundantly to destroy the works of Satan who causes death.

But we have to choose life over death and there are basically three stages: saved, sanctified, and filled. And even though the Lord’s goal for us is always for us to become filled many do not make it to that stage... because they become saved, go through trial (sanctification) and stay there until they die. They never get past the sanctification stage because they refuse to surrender to God. And complete surrender to God means letting go of everything that hinders us from being completely filled. And in order to do God's work effectively (or without hindrance/affliction) one must be completely filled with the spirit and have the shield of faith that protects them from all the fiery darts of the wicked one because how can one go into battle without armor? So Satan wants to keep us from becoming filled so that we wont obtain the necessary weapons to defeat him in the Holy Spirit and thus continue the work the Lord came here to do... which is what we are all here to do-- to intercede for others the way Christ did in the power of the Holy Spirit.

But regardless of whether one makes it through all the stages they will be with God in heaven when they die once they have been saved thus the reason the first stage is identified as being 'saved'.

I think sometimes we're too prideful. I think maybe we have a false sense of entitlement. And we forget that God didn’t 'have' to sacrifice for us or ransom us back from Satan. After all we had 'chosen' Satan instead of Him. But because the Lord loves us so much He gave Himself up for us.. and took our place.. so that we may have freedom. Even after we turned away from Him and denied Him. But we have a hard time accepting that for some reason. We don’t understand the love He has for us and that He is our father. I think maybe we should have more compassion for our maker.

And I think we could be more appreciative of the gifts He has given us.. like our life… our family… and every good thing we've ever had.

But above all we should acknowledge the fact that He has always been with us… guiding us… because He loves us.


I think we also forget that God didn’t 'have' to give us life.

And He doesn’t 'have' to protect us from Satan.. and disease.. and death.

And if someone does get sick.. or die.. we need to stop blaming God because it’s illogical as I think we all know good and well that Satan is the culprit.

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