Toxins, Viruses, and Disease.

Virusesare living cells according to science. Separate cells that more or less invade the host cell within the human body.

Both humans and pathogens are made up of these microscopic cellular entities.

When a person becomes addicted to a certain substance it depletes their body of the natural endorphins (microscopic peptides/cells within the body that give a person a sense of well being) which causes the person to develop a chemical imbalance in the brain referred to as depression.

These endorphins are essentially composed of the same substance that makes up the rest of the human body there are just many variants on the labels.

They act in a similar way to that of the Holy Spirit- they give peace, joy, temperance, and an overall sense of well being.

But other chemicals referred to as exorphins (false endorphins) can be synthesized from an excess of drugs alcohol/addictive substances and act in opposition to the essence of this other entity although they induce a euphoric feeling.

Virusesare composed of the same microscopic entity that makes up our body.
But they are considered a separate living thing.
They just invade our cells within and sort of mix with our cells (spirit) causing disease. Other pathogens act in the same way.

But if this microscopic entity is composed of the same cellular substance we are composed of then are we not of the same essence in spirit?

So pathogens are spiritual entities that cause illness.
Sounds a lot like the biblical definition of demonic spirits.

An excess of certain drugs/chemicals can alter a persons mind and bring them under an outside influence which causes them to be intoxicated.. which eases their mind.. for a short period of time.
However this causes a depletion of the natural chemicals/neurotransmitters that properly regulate our body/mind/well being.

Viewthese false chemicals synthesized as a result of drugs and other toxins in excess as evil spirits. And view the natural chemicals/neurotransmitters depleted by these false chemicals as the soul.

So to put this in spiritual terms we would say that the soul is these neurotransmitters that help our cells (spirit) to function properly.

And we can assist these neurotransmitters (our soul) by choosing not to sin (defile the body through drug addiction or malnutrition).

We do this by listening to the neuronal signals (our conscience) that are sent from our heart (soul) to our brain (mind) and instruct us to be temperate in all things.

Electromagnetic fields are generated by the interactions between these cells (our spirit) and certain chemicals (our soul).

This ties us back into the electromagnetic field theory of consciousness that I mentioned previously.

This entity makes up who we are.

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