"Prayer gives heaven permission to invade the earth. Through this discipline we are able to pray heaven down to keep hell from rising.
You must realize that God will never abandon you. He is ever present desiring to work His will in your life. All difficulties in prayer can be traced to one cause: praying as if God were absent. God is right here with you, living inside you, ready to release His kingdom through each of you because 'the kingdom of God is within you' (Luke 17:21). For those who rightly esteem the privilege of accessing God's armory of possibilities, each word spoken by that person holds enormous power.
The Father has entreated each one of us to come and be involved in a dialogue that marshals angels and sets forth the weaponry of war-- weaponry that impacts the spiritual realm and affects how events unfold in the natural world. God gave us the power to bind and loose on earth according to His will (desire). He is still waiting for those of us to have the courage to step up and take their places in the highest ranks of His army, those who are willing to hear His divine strategies and implement them upon the earth."
Prayer intercession is so important because God works through our will therefore He needs us to cooperate and choose Him over evil so that He can work in this world the way He desires. So many do not understand the way God honors free will. They take the notion of His omnipotence to the extreme and assert that EVERYTHING that happens is preordained by God. This is not correct because as I've mentioned before there are things that God does not wish to happen. That is why He will show us a vision of a person that needs intercession so that we may (of our own free will) ask Him to intervene because He does not want to go where He is not wanted unless "someone" asks Him to. He wants to intervene in our lives because His children are choosing evil instead of good and reaping destruction upon themselves. Jesus was/is the ultimate intercessor. He needs us to follow Him. It is up to us to side with Him and thwart the plans of the enemy.
When people worry about 'open doors' or the transference of spirits whether it be on the person on the practicing or receiving end of deliverance the spirit behind this is one of fear.. as anytime we feel an inclination to pray for someone and ask for deliverance it is the Holy Spirit prompting us to do so as all good things come from Him and there will never be a time that we have an inclination like that and it didn’t come from Him as it is never God's will for us to remain in bondage to Satan so we should always just do it in faith.
We don’t always realize it but when we intercede for others were listening to God because the thought came from Him and that used to confuse me because I thought.. if it's His desire why do we have to institute it. But it was really simple. I want a lot of good things for my child but that’s not going to benefit her unless she wants the same.. because I can't force her to want the same things I do. She has to choose to want the same things I do. In other words, we have to choose His will before He can institute it.
Which is why He wants us to pray and ask Him for things.
So He can intercede the way He desires.
Because He refuses to force His way into our lives.
He wants us to choose Him.
When you function in deliverance the most powerful thing you can claim is 'the blood' of Christ. The enemy can’t stand it. It makes him flee.
If you start to engage in spiritual warfare speak the scripture out loud when you pray.. combine it with whatever else you're saying. Its your most powerful weapon.. that and claiming His blood.
And always pray every prayer in the name of Jesus-- it's what gives you authority and power.
The Lord has given YOU authority in His name.. to trample over the enemy.
... It is finished.
The Lord is waiting for us to take up His authority... the entire point of His sacrifice was that we may crush Satan’s head on His authority. Because greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.
He came to earth and gave up His spirit for us.. so that we may become 'one' with Him and conquer the wicked one in His spirit.
God defeats evil...
And our purpose is to learn to defeat evil with Him. We just have to choose it.
Because it's possible. And the way we do so is by choosing to have a relationship with God and allowing Him to teach us. And we choose to have a relationship with Him by reading the scripture and talking to Him.
We are all here to "choose" to be good or evil, and there are some that are stronger than others spiritually so they could help God's weaker children that are not as strong spiritually. Of course, there are some that will refuse to be helped. They have chosen evil and want nothing to do with God. They know who He is and they know who Satan is, and they chose Satan. They even pray to him. My sister met a guy the other day that does. But anyway, we are here to help those that still belong to God (meaning they haven't given their life over to Satan) so that they may surrender completely to the Lord and thus defeat Satan.
I’ve been attacked a lot in the past. The enemy has really come up against me. And it used to scare me.. but I’ve changed recently. I realized I can choose not to listen to him and he suddenly has no power. Problem is, I’m not really able to do that in my own strength. So, I asked God to fill me with His spirit so that I could resist the enemy.
... I had a dream once-- in the dream I was praying in the spirit.. and with each word I spoke I was lifted up off the ground.. I was floating, and I spoke with His authority. I was completely fearless, and the enemy was immediately conquered.
The dream foretold the future.
I documented some of my prayers that have been answered. They took up fifteen pages. ... I’ll post a few:
# 1
I prayed for my soul mate to see the truth and he did.
# 2
I prayed for God to send my soul mate someone (a girl) that would bring him closer to himself and that would show him that not all women are whores and He did.
# 3
I prayed that my father would get closer to God.. and sing for Him and he is.
# 4
I prayed that my mother would get out of the abusive relationship she was in and get her own place if it was God's will... and she did.
# 5
I prayed that my mother would sing for God.. and she got a position in the band at the ministry.
# 6
I prayed that my sister would see that spiritism is an occult practice.. she is still learning, but she met a Satan worshipper that practices Spiritism/Hinduism after that. And God gave me a message in a dream to give to her. She accepted the message and told me she knew it was from God because she knew what the dream represented. It made more sense to her than it did me.. but in the dream there was a guy who was like a guru. And he was a false teacher... pretending to be Christ. And though he appeared to be wise he was twisting things. Anyway, I knew that she knew what the dream meant because of the way she responded.
# 7
I prayed for my soul mates sister when God gave me a vision of her. Not long after that I found out someone was abusing her and told my soul mate to keep her away from him.
# 8
I prayed for my friend to get off drugs and he did. I also prayed for him to date a girl that would make him happy and he is.
# 9
I gave my daughter to God and prayed that she would walk with Him in the same way I have.. she started having dreams/visions from God not long after that.
# 10
I laid my hands on a woman at church that was crippled and walked with a cane.. and prayed for God to heal her. The following Sunday she stood up in church and told everyone that she was healed... and no longer had to walk with a cane.
# 11
I laid my hands on my mom and prayed that God would heal her when she was sick with an extremely high fever.. she said that she couldn't even function. I went to the store to get her some juice and chicken noodle soup.. (the store is about five min away.. so I was gone about twenty min). When I got back she was in the kitchen cooking... she had made stir fry chicken? She said her fever had gone down and she felt better.
She also had a strange looking mole on her neck not long ago. She said it was bothering her, and she was worried about it. I laid my hand on it and prayed that if there was something wrong with it that God would remove it. It literally disappeared after that. Mom said it just shriveled up and vanished.
# 12
I met a guy at a friends house that I didn’t know. I could sense a spirit of fear on him. Then God gave me a message for him. I can't remember what I told him. But I asked him if I could pray for him and asked God to remove the spirit. After I prayed for him he started crying. And I’ll never forget the look in his eyes. And the way he thanked me. I told him I could feel the spirit leave. And I asked him if he felt better. He said yes.
# 13
We have a band at church which consisted of four band members. One of them had dropped out. He had been gone for a while. I prayed for God to restore the band. That next Sunday after I prayed the band member was back.
# 14
I met a girl at the ministry. She has the gift of discernment but I could sense she had a spirit of pride and was confused. She said that there was demonic activity going on in her house and that she kept telling it to go but nothing happened and it stayed there. I prayed for God to show her that she had to do it in the power of His spirit and not on her own authority or in a spirit of pride. A few days later she came up to me and told me that she figured out why the spirit had not left her house and that she had realized that she was not telling it to leave in His name but that she had figured out how to do it right.
# 15
I met a girl at my last job that had lost her son not long ago. I could tell that she was having a hard time. So I prayed that she would let go and give it to Him. Not long after that God had me give her a message from Him, and she told me that she heard the same message on the radio the night before. I think the message helped her, and it was an answer to my prayer.
# 16
I prayed for a woman's husband when they thought he had cancer. I prayed for a spiritual and physical healing. A week later
the woman told everyone that her husband is cancer free.
I also prayed for a lady with a group of people at the ministry a year ago when the doctor told her that she had a tumor in her brain. The tumor just disappeared after that. The Lord healed her.
# 17
A friend of mine told me that a member of her family didn't believe in God so I prayed for him.
After that she said he turned his life over to God, and he now believes in Him.
# 18
I met a guy that was practicing witchcraft. The Lord revealed it to me. But He had also revealed to me that he is His son. So I prayed that he would give up the witchcraft, turn his life over to God, and utilize his gifts for Him alone.
After I prayed I saw the guy at the ministry.
He came up to me and told me that he has given up everything for God, and he is serving Him now.
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