Q-- Doctors can replicate near death experiences in a lab by activating certain brain areas. Oxygen deprivation, drugs, dehydration, sleep deprivation, food deprivation and mental disorders can cause hallucinations. If we can hallucinate because of all these reasons, why should we believe god gives people 'visions' when they hallucinate?
If someone nowadays would say he can hear the voice of god, we would call a psychiatrist. If someone heard the voice of god 500 years ago, he would be a saint now.
"Why have the Old testament prophecies been fulfilled in the New testament"
Because it were stories (new testament) talking about the prophecies of other stories (old testament). I can write a book about fulfilled prophecies in my previous book...
"What about our God given conscience that obviously exists n has been addressed in the bible?"
It is our admiration of ourselves. We consider conscience and intelligence as the greatest property to have, because we humans have it (and we cannot win from animals without using human characteristics as the standard of superiority). Btw apes also have conscience, can recognize themselves in mirrors, have a better short term memory and are fairly good at problem solving (yes, they can think).
"What about all the other scientific discoveries that were addressed in the bible long before they were discovered."
The bible is so vague, the favorite word of christians is interpretation "If this bible verse clearly opposes the evidence, then you must have a wrong interpretation because the bible can't be wrong!" We used to think the Earth was flat (everyone believed that, because the bibe said so). Now we know the Earth is round, and christians point to the exact same verse to prove the bible said the Earth was round.
A-- Any time a person is in an altered state of consciousness (real or induced) they are subject to the spiritual realm and thus can receive visions or have a similar transcendent experience.
Doctors may be able to stimulate the mind in order to induce such an experience but it cannot be the exact same "near death" experience unless the person is indeed "near death."
As for your second question, imagination is the subconscious mind, the dream state, or the spiritual realm.
Certain spirits can put thoughts and images into our mind and so can God.
Drugs can induce this state as well as any experience in which someone is near death. Both experiences will induce an altered state of consciousness.
Those with mental disorders have been known to be more susceptible to this realm. Sociopaths are often said to be 'dreaming while awake.'
You might be able to write a book about fulfilled prophecies but you can't write history and these prophecies were not just fulfilled in a book. They were fulfilled in history.
The formal definition of our conscience is 'an inner voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.'
This would imply that this entity is separate from our distinct consciousness.
And yes, animals have something similar to a conscience although they do not possess the same mental faculties. In the bible God spoke directly to the animals and they recognized/listened to Him.
The bible doesn't say the earth is “flat” and it is not vague; people just lack understanding. And Christians are right. The bible is not easily interpreted correctly. Many try to understand it and they still can't. Sir Isaac Newton drove himself mad trying to decipher it.
Q-- Hallucinations are caused by braindisfuctioning. Hallucinations don't predict anything, they simply make you think you see or hear things which aren't real. There is nothing spiritual about it, it are chemicals in your brain.
A-- It's a common misconception that hallucinations are not real. Hallucinations are a product of our consciousness and our consciousness is real. We are constantly hallucinating to an extent every time we perceive, visualize, or receive an image/impression of something.
You seem to think that science and spirituality are mutually exclusive. They’re not. They are connected. These molecules are your spirit. You have an individual consciousness which is sustained through chemicals which are no longer functioning within your body at death which means your spirit and your body work together in this life.
There is no doubt a spiritual component coincides with our corporeal existence and such would include the existence of the spiritual realm: or God/angels and Satan/demons.
And our emotions are a product of whichever entity we decide to listen to.
Satan or God.
For instance, if one is disposed to the spirit of lust then he/she would be listening to Satan.
But if in contrast one is disposed to the spirit of love then he/she would be listening to God.
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