Several skeptics have asked me if they are condemned to hell. Doubt and rejecting Christ are not the same thing. Doubt is something we all experience sometimes... and it's not my place to tell you where you will go at death. The scriptures say you must accept that
Christ died for you and accept His sacrifice in order to be saved but once you are saved you are always saved.
Jesus is the only way to salvation so that is the point.
People get too caught up in legalism. Which destroys true spirituality and any chance for a real relationship with Christ. He did not come here to condemn us. We were given the law for a reason. To deter evil. And if we are righteous we should love the law-- because we hate evil. BUT… the fact that the law exists DOES NOT deter the UNCONDITIONAL love that God/Jesus has for us. The entire point of His sacrifice was to reveal that He would ALWAYS be here for us and that while we were yet sinners (meaning, even when we had turned away from Him) He still died for us. And when I say us I mean EVERYONE. The whole world. That includes skeptics.
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).
We should 'never' let the law deter our understanding of God's unconditional love for us.
I think the problem with most of us is we don’t seem to be able to draw the line-- we perceive hell as a disciplinary action that God intended for His children. But this is wrong. God did NOT create hell for His children. And NONE of His children will go there. We inevitably suffer when we choose sin. And there are repercussions for rejecting God’s law. But nowhere in the scripture does it state that God’s children will suffer the fate of hell for violating the law. It says that Satan’s children will abide with him in hell... and we are only Satan’s children if we reject the Lord. Which is why we were given the law-- to prevent us from rejecting God and becoming Satan’s children because people that disregard the law completely and violate it 'continually' eventually put themselves at risk of obtaining a seared conscience and eventually a reprobate mind. But we do not obtain a reprobate mind unless we reject God completely in our heart... and choose Satan as our father. Thus at that point God is then forced to turn us over to Satan. And we are no longer God’s children. But Satan’s. So we suffer the fate of hell.
And God 'hates' it when we do this. It breaks His heart. Which is why He gave us the law to prevent it.. and sacrificed for us. And called us to intercede for others.. He hates when we choose corruption over all the blessings and gifts He has for us. But He won’t control us. And He won’t force us to choose Him.
Did you ever think that maybe Satan wants to condemn skeptics as well as everyone else for a reason? And maybe that reason is because GOD loves us so much AND we love GOD so much in our heart?
A lot of people don't realize this but God NEVER condemns us. EVER. He loves us UNCONDITIONALLY. There are repercussions for not following the law just like there are repercussions for disregarding authority of any kind. But that does NOT equal condemnation! Do our parents provide repercussions for doing wrong because they want to condemn us?! NO. There are repercussions for doing wrong because they LOVE us. And want to PROTECT us from making the WRONG decisions.
And WHAT are the wrong decisions? Wrong decisions=Satan.
And HE is our accuser. NOT GOD. He stands in front of the father (because he bows down to Him) and accuses the brethren DAY AND NIGHT yet we feel its best to consort with him and choose to have a relationship with him instead of Jesus? And guess who acts as our defender? When Satan makes these accusations. JESUS CHRIST. He intercedes for us NIGHT AND DAY. Yet so many are ashamed of their protector and their healer. They are ashamed of the one who gave His life for them. And do you know why? Because they are ashamed of the pharisaic spirit that supposedly represents Him when He is NOTHING like that. He wants His good hearted anointed to represent Him instead of believing they are condemned. That is why Satan targets us and tries to condemn us.
And it’s a good thing
My dad taught me that at a very young age
He always said those that thumb their nose at the law lack integrity
And they do
The law does NOT equal condemnation because the law was given to PROTECT us from Satan’s fate and hopefully prevent us from choosing to follow Satan ‘whole heartedly' thus renouncing God in our heart.
The law is not what condemns us-- its our ignorance or disregard of it that equals condemnation because when we violate it 'continually' in our heart we become desensitized so to speak which pushes us away from God and closer to obtaining a reprobate mind in Satan. And God wants to prevent us from doing that as He doesn’t want us to belong to Satan because it is at that point that we become condemned because we belong to our accuser.
God DOES NOT condemn us to hell. We CHOOSE Satan over Him. And HE cries out from the depths of His soul because He has LOVED and CHERISHED us our entire life. It is HE that taught us to walk, it is HE that comforts us when we are afraid, yet we did NOT acknowledge Him as our healer or our protector. Yet HE still could not turn away from us. And HE never will. WE have to leave HIM. Which means that WE reject HIM. And what choice does He have? Can we force anyone to love us? NO. We can’t. And once we make the choice to renounce Him by giving our soul to Satan we send ourselves with Satan to hell.
And if one has completely renounced Christ they are serving Satan. And they know that they are serving Satan. Therefore they would not have to ask if they are condemned to hell because they consciously know that they made the choice to go there. Because they accepted Satan’s ploy-- whatever it was. And God revealed himself to them before they made the choice. But they rejected Him. No one goes to hell without making the conscious choice to go there. They send themselves there. GOD NEVER SENDS HIS LOVED ONES TO HELL. Would you send your child to hell? NO. If we would not even send our own child to hell then what makes us think that God who is without sin and the DEFINITION of LOVE would send HIS children there? Can we be more righteous than God? When God is righteousness? See the confusion and the LIES that the pharisaic spirit is causing? God is outraged! The scriptures clearly state that GOD IS LOVE. And love is PATIENT. and love is KIND. It does not seek to harm but to PROTECT.
Bottom line: if we go to hell it is because we COMPLETELY REJECT Christ. Meaning, He DOES NOT reject us. We reject Him. And if you have not made a pact with Satan and renounced Christ then you belong to God. He never leaves us or forsakes us.
And if you have made a pact with Satan and renounced Christ then you will know it. Meaning you made the decision and you said in your heart, Yes, Satan. I give my soul to you. And I renounce Christ forever. And then He appeared to you in whatever shape or form and you still rejected him. And someone that did that would not have to ask where they are going.
We are only condemned when we reject Christ/God because He is the atoning sacrifice for us and He is our intercessor when Satan acts as our accuser.
Therefore, if we reject Him, we reject His intercession and love so that we are no longer His but a follower of Satan (our accuser).
In other words, we are only condemned when we follow our accuser.
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the only thing that can't be forgiven because blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the same thing as completely renouncing the Lord with your whole heart. And it’s those people that obtain a reprobate mind.
Skeptics and Christians alike have doubted the unconditional love of Christ. Doubt and renouncing the Lord are not the same thing. So people need to stop thinking they are because it’s a huge cause of atheism itself.
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is committed in the heart and only GOD can judge a man's heart. And when a person commits this they are completely rejecting Him in their heart. He is NOT rejecting them.
R: The notion that we send ourselves to hell is in contradiction to scripture.
A: No, its not in contradiction to scripture because the scripture states:
"I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendents may live." (Deuteronomy 30: 19)
We make our own choices in this world. It is not logical to say otherwise.
You're discarding a logical tenet through a calibrated interpretation in order to exonerate the fact that we are responsible for our own actions. God is the one that designates us for a certain place at death but we make the decision to go there.
R: Why would an all loving God create hell?
A: An all loving God would create a place for evil people to PROTECT those that are NOT evil by separating them from those that are evil.
That is why we are trialed here because good and evil cannot co exist forever.
The people that REJECT God are NO LONGER His children and the people that go to hell make the choice to renounce God because they desire evil. Therefore, they go to a place designated for evil people.
Jesus said to those that did not know Him that they were of their 'father' the devil and that they wanted to do the desire of their father. This indicates that once we reject the Lord we are no longer His children.
It also indicates that those who reject Christ desire Satan (evil).
[When I said that those that reject the Lord are no longer His children I was referring to them as His children in the general sense-- not literal. We were all born children of God per say however those that are truly saved and born again children of God are always His because once we are 'truly' saved we are always saved. Those that reject the Lord never truly accepted Him in their heart therefore they are not His elect].
**I met Shawn and his wife and they told me things about my life that they couldn't have known. They are truly inspired by the Holy Spirit. They are warriors for the Lord and they have helped so many give their lives to God.
This is Shawn's testimony:
Escaping Demonic Oppression
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I received a comment from a skeptic asking me why anyone would choose to go to hell if they knew hell existed. This is the thing. Skeptics are usually "good hearted" which means that they are very close to God in their heart. They don't seem to understand that there are pure evil people in this world… that hate God and want nothing to do with Him. They would literally rather be in hell than co exist with Him.
This was my response:
Because they hate God (good) and desire Satan (evil).
There are pure evil people in this world. That is why we must be trialed here… because good and evil cannot co exist forever.
I posted that previous message about how most skeptics are good hearted therefore they are not aware of the evil in this world and this guy literally had an adverse reaction to it.
He freaked out on me, started calling me names, and accused me of being a psychopath... and I’m thinking he's obviously never taken a psyc. course. If anyone is exhibiting those signs it is him
(Psychopaths are lacking in conscience and empathy, and they often exhibit emotional outbursts like the one he had).
He got so angry because it’s the truth.
And when they finally realize that God is the reason for their good heart it will break Satan’s stronghold. That is why he got so furious when I said that most skeptics were close to God in their heart. Cause a lot of skeptics read those sites.
When I tell these people that God loves them unconditionally they say, well then why do nonbelievers go to hell when they aren't even sure He exists.
This was my last response:
... I said, He loves US unconditionally....
not that all of us love Him unconditionally, and if we don't love Him back it follows that we reject that unconditional love.
He is not rejecting us when we reject Him... we are rejecting Him.
Therefore, we send ourselves to hell when we reject Him.
And God doesn't hide His existence. We all know the truth in our heart.
I'm not sure their idea of non belief is the idea of non belief that sends you to hell.
The type of non belief that sends you to hell is one in which the person whole heartedly rejects Christ, and in their heart they know the truth. So they are not rejecting His existence, they are rejecting Him.
God appeared to Shawn right before he made his choice because even though he knew in his heart he was doubtful. That was NOT a special favor. God is not a respecter of persons. Everyone will know the truth. Without a doubt. Before they make their choice. No one perishes for not being sure He exists. They perish for REJECTING Him.
What if when God had appeared to Shawn right before he made his choice as to whether or not to do the blood sacrifice Shawn had ignored Him... and did the blood sacrifice anyway knowing in his heart that it was wrong and God had just appeared to him but instead of listening he justified his actions by saying there is no God and he must have been imagining it because he really wanted all that money he was being offered in exchange for his soul... even though he knew it was no coincidence that just before he makes the choice to 'lose his soul' Gods voice speaks straight into his consciousness loud and clear warning him of the consequences of his actions and that heaven and hell ARE real... but he still ignores it because he doesn’t want to hear Him.
That’s what happens to some of these people that appear to think God doesn’t exist. At one point they knew He did because they had a conscience that bore witness to it. But they continued to ignore Him until one day their heart became so hardened that they became completely blind.
God reveals Himself to everyone right before they make their choice and NOT in a subtle way. It’s clear that its Him and if they desired the truth at all they would listen. But not everyone listens. In fact, most don’t and they justify their actions by claiming He doesn’t exist.
... God knows our heart and when he appears to these people right before they make their choice they know it's Him. It’s not that they doubt Him; it’s that they reject Him.
God gives us chance after chance. He is with us our entire life, and we know Him in our heart. God never leaves us. We reject Him. So on that day that we make the choice to lose our soul God appears and our mind "CLEARS" which means God makes it CLEAR to us that it's Him (Shawn mentioned experiencing this in his video. He said the haze of his mind cleared and he was completely vigilant/aware of what was going on, and he knew it was God speaking to him)>
But some still reject Him even though they know it’s Him because they desire evil.
The following statement... "one day their heart became so hardened that they became completely blind" does not happen until after one rejects Him. As long as God is with us we have understanding. We do not become "completely blind" until after we completely reject Him in our heart. Meaning, this happens AFTER God appears to the person on that day and they reject Him in their heart.
... I meant to say, 'as long as God is with us we are capable of understanding... if we choose to' but we have to choose to listen to His voice. Many ignore Him/their conscience.
I just meant were not completely blind until we lose our soul/conscience because until then we still have a conscience even if we don’t always listen to it.
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