Is Opening the Third Eye An Occult Practice?

There are two ways in which we can receive insight. Because we have two sources. It’s like that cartoon we saw as a kid in which the person had a red demon on one shoulder and a white angel on the other. And it had to pick between the two. That’s how it works. And the way you can know which source you are choosing is if you are not targeting God/Jesus in the practice than the only other source is Satan.

Typically there are also other clues. Like signs or symbols or just words. For instance, there is an article titled 'Opening the Third Eye 666- Angelfire' and the website is

Notice that the website itself references the serpent.

And uses the numbers 666.



Do All Psychics Get Their Power From Satan?

Those that had supernatural knowledge in the bible were called seers or prophets. They were given insight and revelation from God. The difference between one called a seer and one called a psychic is that a psychic typically uses his/her power for Satan. And a seer/prophet typically uses his/her power for God.

If a person is using his/her power for God than he/she will be using the gift to help others and not for his/her own gain. That’s how you can tell the difference. Most of the time prophets are given messages from God to give to others so as to help the person turn back to him. For instance, God may tell the prophet to mention something specific that happened to the person (that the prophet couldn't have known) so that the person will know the message was given to him from God. Or He will have them give exhortation or edification.

What is Lucid Dreaming?

The following is an excerpt from an article I found:


“The spirit that man is, the very being of who he is, the part that is in the image of God, that part experience life on many different levels. From the base of physical human passions, to the bliss of pure spiritual heavenly love. And all states in between! This spirit that man is can function inside the physical body, or outside of it, the spirit of man does not depend on a physical body, but the physical body is dead without the spirit, it is the invisible spirit that animates the physical fleshly body that lives.

We learn early in life that we function in two worlds, the physical, and the spiritual. Through dreams and other altered states of consciousness we learn that we are more than just the physical, that we are also spirit. They exist together, intertwined, and must be kept in balance.


The dreaming state of consciousness is the most common way we enter the spirit realm. What we bring into that spirit world is what we are, what we are during the day, is what we bring to the spirit world. When we enter the realm of the spirit, we are in our spirit body; it will be either clean or dirty. Dreams can have a very powerful effect on a person. Joseph dream save the Hebrew people from extinction! Through a dream Joseph was warned to flee with the infant Jesus.

The dream state is not something to be taken lightly. Some of the most beautiful music ever written was written in the dream state. But beware! The dream state can be a very deceptive place, full of seductions, spirit sexual seduction can be more powerful than physical sexual seduction. LUCID DREAMING" IS TO BE CONSCIOUS THAT YOUR ARE DREAMING WHILE YOU ARE DREAMING

The lucid dream is usually brought on by something really strange happening in the dream. Say the very first time you dreamed you could fly; the dream is beautiful, live and in living color. You are there fully conscious, and know that your body is on the bed sleeping and yet you are flying around like a god. This can be a most intoxicating state. You ask yourself, how this can be; I’m a man I can’t fly like a bird, than you reason, I must be dreaming, it is then that you enter the lucid dream.


Once you are lucid you have somewhat control of the dream, not total control. Everything intensifies, the colors become brighter your feelings and emotions become heightened. You are lucid!When you enter that world you are what you are! First of all if you entered that lucid state by any of the magical arts, you are already in violation’ you are in the occult. I do believe that it is in that lucid state or one very similar, where men receive prophecies, or men receive false prophesies. In this lucid state, Satan is always somewhere around, lurking, looking for someone he can deceive. And at the right moment he’ll present himself as an angel of light:


“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." [2 Cor 11: 14].


It is in this lucid state where most spiritual deception takes place. If you entered through the magical arts [witchcraft] you forced yourself in. you’ve entered as a thief, and a robber. This is to be entered at God’s discretion, and For His purpose. When and if God decides He wants to communicate with you on that level, He will summons you to it. And when He summons you, it for a very specific reason, not for you to bounce in and out at will and play your little god games.


This level of communication with the LORD comes after much growth, spiritual disciplining, and maturing in the LORD. It can be a long slow process, but you enter it legally, at the command of the LORD. Not before!! Once men are aware that this state exists, they want to enter at their pleasure, even have orgies there. That place is where God may communicate with His physical earthly creatures on a higher spiritual level. It is to be entered in holiness and reverence. The occultist want to be able to enter at will, play out their sexual fantasies, and defile their spirits. When you entered through the occult you came in through a way other than through Jesus:


Verily, verily, I say to you, he that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbed up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber." [John 10:1].


I was so good at producing the lucid dreaming state that I would be able to achieve it within a couple of days of preparing for it, and usually that very same day. Ask any advanced occultist, to achieve that state so easily, I had reached an advanced level of initiation into the occult, and had stolen some very powerful spiritual forces.

Forces that could drag me to the pit of hell! There’s no such thing that I was going to do good with the forces I had stolen, the fact that I had stolen them, had already corrupted them as I possessed them. It could only lead to bad things, no matter how deceived I was into believing I was going to do good with them. It is in this state, on this spiritual plane, where a whole lot of Rock and Rapp stars sell their soul to Satan for fame.

There’s a lot of information out there of stars who sold their souls to the devil on that spiritual plane. The lucid dream is not something to be trifled with!


Mostly when I entered the lucid dream I loved to just fly around, and walk through walls. The advanced initiates know exactly what I’m talking about. Flying and walking through wall were a lot of fun, but there was the sinister side, the side of lust. I sought out sexual encounters myself, I know of what I speak. Being sexual creatures, sex is a powerful motivating force in much of the things we do. You may think that I speak a lot about sex in the occult, but just as sex have a power in the physical, it has an even stronger powerful and pull in the spiritual where all senses are intensified. If you are a sexual lustful person, don’t think you are going to enter the realm of the spirit, and leave the lust behind, it’s just not going to happen. You are what you are when you enter.


I was studying the fine art of music, the piano keyboard, I was always intrigued by the piano, my mother was a pianist, and she would some time set and play the piano almost the whole day. The beautiful sound of the piano had really gotten down in my soul. One day I would teach myself to play the piano. I bought myself a cheap electronic keyboard, I would teach myself to play. I taught myself the basics and over years have learned play a bit.

I can now take a peace of sheet music, commit it to memory and belt out a fairly decent rendition of the song. Now I wanted to reach the next lever, I wanted take my music skills into the lucid dream, and bring the beautiful music back to this world, the beautiful I had heard so many time before when in the lucid state. There was no doubt in my mind that this could be done, remember, I was advanced in the occult!

I set out to achieve by goal, I set up the conditions to have my dream where I would combine the two, my keyboard with the occult induced lucid dream. I remember the first bone Lucifer threw at me, as I entered the lucid state I walked into a music hall, in the hall was a large beautiful black Grand Piano, sitting at the piano was a beautiful Cole black woman, as black as the Grand Piano, and even more beautiful.

She was to be my music teacher, and my sexual play-mate. In the lucid dream, my cousin Jason was there, he asked the very attractive woman at the piano, are ya’ll going use my cousin Roy? I waited to hear her answer, she never answered his question. So I backed out of the dream, for now. I had been successful, I had proved to myself that I could enter my spiritual studio at will and reproduce the beautiful music I would hear there.

I knew if I brought back just one of the songs I heard when in that state would mean instant fame and riches. Remember, everything there is intensified the music you hear in the physical is nothing compared to the music there. I was ready to achieve my goal, but there was something warning me that there was a price to be paid for that fame I wanted. So I put the master plane on hold for a while.


Somehow I began to run across stories of famous people who made a pact with Satan for their fame and fortune. The price was too high to pay, he wanted my very soul. But I still loved music, so I continued to learn the piano. As time went on the piano just didn’t have the same meaning as before, because I just could not pay the price for fame. But still the piano was taking most of my time.

It was at this time I started having these dreams, the same dream over and over, I kept trying to do something, but I could never get it done, because it was not what I was supposed to be doing at this time. I would have this dream over and over, this dream was trying to get a message across to me, but what was it? I set by my bedroom window and ask the LORD, I’m here with all this free time on my hands you have given me. Show me what you would have me do. Direct me to what you would have me do. A little while later I heard the word “YES!” go on and laugh, but it’s all true. Not long after that I stumble upon He showed that this is where I belong, reaching out to lost souls who are still trapped by the occult as I was, and not to spend my time trying to glorify myself! I was not looking for it found me. I feel that for the first time in my life I'm during something worthwhile…”


Astral Projection

One can be seriously harmed by demonic entities in the spiritual realm. There’s a difference between voluntary astral projection and involuntary astral projection. If it’s involuntary then there is no cause for concern. But if one has voluntarily induced the state then it’s considered an occult practice therefore they have opened themselves up to the demonic activity of the spiritual realm.


Voluntary astral projection is when one has induced the state. One does not have to induce the state every time it happens because once you have opened yourself up future experiences may then follow without induction. Practicing lucid dreaming can open one up to these experiences, and they can be dangerous if they were voluntary. The only way to protect oneself is to close any doors that may have been opened and ask God to intervene and protect you from any negative spiritual entities that may have entered through the experience.


Here is an article regarding astral projection:


I researched voluntary astral projection and the girl was saying that you could communicate with your spirit guides while doing it. And you could have sex with demons while in the state. That stuff is highly dangerous.


The video I posted in the next section on Christianity vs. The New Age Movement addresses spirit guides and such. They are actually demons.


They even reference Jesus. They refer to Him as an 'ascended master' but He is not at all involved in that practice. Satan will appear as an angel of light and try to pass himself off as God.


They say to ask God/Jesus to keep you safe "while" astral projecting. That is ridiculous. God isn’t able to fully protect us if we continue to practice the forbidden act because we have opened ourselves up to the activity by interacting with the evil spirits. Because once we invite the spirits into our lives it serves as an open doorway for other spirits/doors to be opened.


We have to stop choosing the demonic influence and close any doors that may have been opened then ask God to intervene and protect us from any demons that may have entered through the practice.


Christianity vs. The New Age Movement

{Our callings are without repentance so false prophets can perform miracles. Shamanism, New Age Santeria, spirit guides, etc etc .. All of it is demonic. Do not look upon it. Satan uses it to confuse people.

The Secret

I looked over some reviews on this book The Secret, and I researched the author. I noticed that the underlying theme appears to be about 'believing'... which is essentially having [faith] but it appears that she fails to mention the Holy Spirit, Christ, or God… which is strange because her books are centered on faith which is of the spirit.

I think her books have 'some' truth in them. It is true that our thoughts are powerful.. and we do in a sense create our own reality (one of my favorite sayings btw) and there is nothing wrong with thinking positive thoughts. Thinking positive thoughts DOES attract positive things. This is essentially hope which is of the spirit. I believe that we have spiritual connections with people and that our spiritual energy can attract or even repel others. However, it appears to me that she is promoting putting hope and faith in our thoughts alone as well as things of this world. We must have hope and faith in [God’s plan] most importantly because it is the only concrete blessing we can truly count on. Whatever we put our faith in shapes our reality. So we are essentially setting ourselves up for failure when we put our hope and trust in things of this world without putting God first as there is no stability in that. Apart from God there is no stability, and she is attempting to utilize that which is of the spirit without the spirit. God wants us to be positive and thankful. And He wants us to enjoy the things of this world-- they were gifts from Him. But without Him they will never make us happy. They are not concrete without Him and they will only let us down.

I think a more appropriate uncorrupt version of her book would look something like this:

Book titled "Faith, Hope, and Love-- the way to happiness"

God gave us the fruit of the spirit with the greatest of these as love. He is love and the only way to true happiness. If we focus our energy on His love and the fruit of the spirit we can renew our minds daily. We can learn to have faith in His perfect plan which will fill us with joy and happiness beyond measure. God created us with purpose and power. He created us to live a euphoric life with Him. Each one of us was created to be a mighty warrior in the spiritual realm. We live and breathe in Him. Which means His power is within us. As such our thoughts and words are extremely powerful... and we hold the keys to life and death. We can manifest God's perfect plan for us just by focusing our mind and energy on spiritual things. By being positive and praying His kingdom down to earth in perfect faith. We can reign blessings upon others by praying for them. We are beings of light-- made perfect in His image therefore we are mighty and strong in battle. We are meant to exude that light. God calls us to pray in the spirit-- in hope, faith, and love. He calls us to war in the spirit... to defeat evil. We are all here to fight with the Lord and His angels to defeat the darkness.

We create our own reality. We can choose to live a life full of light. And we are all here to choose to live a life full of light. To glow with positive energy. But that light only comes from knowing Christ. He who made us perfect in His image. True joy and self fulfillment comes not from things of this world. But from spiritual things.

Maybe I'll write her a letter... I’ll say ma'am, I have reviewed the reviews of your book, and I have written a more appropriate uncorrupt version.

And I have given you a verse for the day:

Please memorize it and revise your book by the end of the day.

Here is the verse--

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all things shall be added to you.

Matthew 6: 33.

I think what we are all really seeking is love, and He is love. God created us with a perfect life partner and when we put Him first He sends them right to us. The way to get what we want is to put God first.. then He gives us the desires of our heart.

I had to go through a great trial to learn that.

I used to chase after things of the world, but I finally realized they left me desperately unfulfilled. I finally got so sick and tired of the sick cycle carousel that I fell to my knees, and I asked God to increase within me. Because I finally realized that I needed His spirit to increase within me or I would only continue to seek after things of this world thus continually remaining unfulfilled. My heart wanted God but my carnal nature had a mind of it's own.

I told Him that I knew that I could not overcome on my own because my flesh was too weak. And that I knew that was why He had to die for me.. because He knew I could not do it on my own... that I need His spirit to overcome. And I thanked Him for His sacrifice. And that He loves me perfectly just the way I am-- so much that He took my place in death to give me life. And I told Him that I accept His sacrifice and the life He died to give me. I asked Him to change me... to make me new in His spirit.. that I was tired of living the way I was. Because I was so sick of the endless turmoil.. of never feeling fulfilled. Of knowing I have a purpose but just not reaching it. I had reached the end of myself. I acknowledged that I wasn't good. I was actually pretty bad. I mean, that was why I couldn't do anything except selfishly chase after things of this world no matter how hard I tried to reach my true purpose. But I also acknowledged that though I considered myself to be pretty bad, God loves me just the way I am though I make mistakes. Which helped me to see others that hurt me in a new light. I realized that since God loves unconditionally and forgave me for all of my mistakes then I need to forgive and extend the same grace to others as we all fall short of the glory of the Lord. I'm not perfect and neither are those that hurt me. We have all succumbed to the voice of sin. But God loves us perfectly and unconditionally. And that's what it took to get where I am now. I had to acknowledge the unconditional love of Christ.. and that He loved us enough to die for us (in the unhealthy and unsatisfactory state we were in) so that we may be made new and receive life in His spirit. And I had to accept Him and His sacrifice. And that I could never earn His love as He loves me unconditionally. I think that was what I found hardest to grasp though I'm not sure why considering I've never expected my loved ones to earn my love so why would I think that my father in heaven would expect me to earn His love? Especially when He IS love.. meaning the love that I have for others... or that others have for me.. is His love. Love is not conditional-- it's unconditional. And unconditional means you can't earn it because it is already freely given regardless of what you do. When I finally accepted all this my life changed. I began to know Christ like never before. Suddenly my sole desire was no longer for myself. Or marriage alone. It was for the greater good. To seek and find the creator and father that knows and loves me just the way I am-- yet doesn't want to leave me that way. Because He has something greater planned for me. To break the bonds of affliction from the enemy. To prosper me in ways I can't even fathom. And the joy I feel from realizing and knowing my father and [the truth] is unfathomable. It is beyond words. It's like obtaining the completion of completion as you finally find your true hearts desire== what you are living for.

We are all here with a purpose and a plan. To know and experience the fullness of love in Christ. And He is within. Yet so many are chasing something they already have. God is love. And we already have Him.



Is Yoga Really An Occult Practice?

The Yoga Upanishads describe Kundalini as lying "coiled" at the base of the spine, represented as goddess or "sleeping serpent" waiting to be awakened. In modern commentaries, Kundalini has been called an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force.[1][4][5] The Sanskrit adjective kuṇḍalin means "circular, annular." It does occur as a noun for "a snake"… Eknath Easwaran has paraphrased the term as "the coiled power," a force which ordinarily rests at the base of the spine, described as being "coiled there like a serpent".[16] The phrase serpent power was coined by Sir John Woodroffe, who published his translation of two 16th-century treatises on laya yoga (Kundalini yoga) in 1919 under this title.

Some academics have coined the term "Kundalini syndrome" to refer to physical or psychological problems arising from experiences traditionally associated with Kundalini awakening.[13]

Kundalini is described as a sleeping, dormant potential force in the human organism.[17] It is one of the components of an esoteric description of the "subtle body", which consists of nadis (energy channels), chakras (psychic centres), prana (subtle energy), and bindu (drops of essence).

Bks Iyengar in his book ‘The illustrated Light on Yoga’ states “Kundalini is the Divine Cosmic Energy in bodies. It is symbolised by a coiled and sleeping serpent in the lowest bodily centre at the base of the spinal column.” (Iyengar p.66)

The releasing of kundalini energy is the goal of kundalini yoga. “According to yoga theory, our physical body is accompanied and surrounded by an electromagnetic field called the energetic body, and with this energetic body there are seven energy centres called Chakras. The chakras start off the floor of the pelvis and run all the way up to the Sahashra, the crown shakra.” (Bender Birch p.50)

Chakras are depicted as wheels of light bearing occultic symbols and their function is to regulate prana (life force or energy) for one’s mind body and soul. The idea then, is to link up the prana (the chakra where one breathes) with the apana (the chakra at the base of the spine). This union of the prana and apana is easier said than done! ‘Assuming the lotus position, this is achieved by ‘frequently contracting the anus and raise the apana up; by similar contraction of the throat force the prana down.’ (Iyengar p66) As soon as the apana and prana link up at the third chakra the electromagnetic circuit is completed, the serpent (kundalini) is uncoiled or released and the united prana travel up toward the sixth chakra where it is joined by the pranic energy of the sun and the moon and the three currents rise towards the seventh chakra.

Traditionally many yoga masters originate from an ancient lineage of Brahmans, the highest caste in Hinduism, and whom themselves only teach other Brahmans. Yogis and their practitioners can attain a spiritual state when the kundalini has been uncoiled, resulting in the experience of being happily mindless. Yogis such as Gopi Krishna warn that yoga practise can endanger one’s sanity. “It was variable for many years, painfully obsessive… I have passed through all the stages of … mediumistic, psychotic, and other types of mind; for some time I was hovering between sanity and insanity.” (Cleghorn cited in Gopi Krishna)



Satan Targets Us

Satan will appear as an angel of light in order to deceive us so we must always ask God for discernment so that we may recognize his tactics. They take God out of the practice and "subtly" target Satan. But they masquerade as if it’s of the light and make out like it’s a divine spiritual experience. We all have specific gifts and Satan wants to prevent us from utilizing them for God. He will try to get us to utilize them for him instead so that we won't do what we're called to do. We were all called to engage in intercession or prayer on the behalf of others. For example, imagine you perceive a person to be extremely depressed, and you can tell that they need help. And something tells you they may harm themselves or others. That 'something' was God. So you would then pray that the spirit be removed from their lives forever. Another example would be if you could tell a person was suffering from a spirit of perversion you would pray for that spirit to be removed forever as well. A lot of people don't realize that God has given us the authority to cast out spirits in His name nor do they believe in them, but the bible clearly states that they exist.. and that we are expected to continue Christ's work in evicting them--

Mark 16: 17-18

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.


I know the power of God. I've seen it. You need to meet a true follower of Christ that functions in deliverance. So many people have been healed. A boy that was blind received his sight. It's amazing to meet a true follower of Christ that has surrendered. They exude this exhilarating energy. And they make a difference in the life of every person they meet.





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