What Leaves the Body at Death?


We have our own spirit we are born with-- that gives life to our physical body.
Then we have a soul that is sort of our guide (God/conscience).
Then the Holy Spirit is a separate entity..
It can be viewed as Gods DNA.

So once you accept it and it grows within you it mixes with your spirit.
And a sort of spiritual rebirth occurs.
The Holy Spirit is another part of us that knows things subconsciously like our conscience/God. But it actually imprints our spirit and so is a part of our individual self. Whereas the conscience is more of a guide or separate entity.

The soul is our link to God.
It is the part of us that is seated within the heart and is eternal.
It is the part of us that recognizes our connection to the divine.

It is the ever knowing nexus within that instructs and guides us in our life. It is the part of us that knows right from wrong (our conscience).

Our mind is our understanding of who we are here on earth.
But the soul is our understanding of who we are in Christ/God.
And both make up who we are.

We are composed of our soul, spirit, and body.

Our body is our outer physical shell.
It's made from dust. And will return there.
Our spirit contains our mind, will, and emotions.
Then our soul is our innermost being near to our hearts.
Our connection to it directly defines our heart.
Those that have a good heart have a strong connection to their soul.

So the term soul mates just means two people that are alike in nature/spirit/soul.
And they were intentionally created that way by God.
So in that way their connection to God is nearly identical.
They have similar hearts which causes them to have a spiritual connection to each other.
The heart is the connection between the spirit/soul.
And so defines the person.

So we are neither a spirit alone
And neither a soul alone
But a direct result of the product between the two defines our heart.
And our heart is who we are.
Thus the reason the scriptures say God searches our heart.

Our flesh wars against our soul.
Our souls are the purest form of who we were created to be--
righteous and without sin.
But the flesh/demonic thoughts desire sin and so war against the soul/part of us that is connected to God and knows what’s right.

But when our spirit/soul are strongly connected we have a good heart and are less likely to have impure thoughts.

A lot of people ask which leaves the body at death:
the spirit or the soul.
They are the same thing but separate.
Sort of like the trinity.
So both.

The soul/heart have been used interchangeably
as well as the spirit/mind...
but all of the above make up who we are.

So I suppose that could be the reason for the confusion.
Most just call what makes up who we are our spirit.

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