There are chemical messengers that send and transmit signals throughout cells in the human body--
as hormones/neurotransmitters…
like dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, etc etc
These hormones/neurotransmitters make up the process which regulates the endocrine system/nervous system that essentially maintain homeostasis (life).
I’ve read a few pages of a book called handbook of psychology and behavioral neuroscience so that I can attempt to piece together the workings of the mind and body in semblance to our spiritual existence.
I’ve concluded that most if not all that we know of science connects to spiritual
notions in some way.
The brain and heart are constantly sending neuronal signals back and forth between each other.
This is the communication
that occurs between the soul and spirit. Or our conscience and our mind.
Serotonin and dopamine are chemicals that induce a feeling of well being. Norepinephrine also acts to serve the same function
only is more associated with attention/arousal.
The hormones/neurotransmitters mentioned above correspond to our cells and tissues within our body. That’s why they are called chemical messengers.
They more or less assist our cells (spirit) in maintaining proper functioning.
There are many systems within our body that work together to maintain homeostasis but the endocrine/nervous system
are the most vital. There are also many chemicals within our body.
But essentially they all serve the same function to establish/ maintain bodily processes and this is accomplished through a set
of intracellular signaling mechanisms between chemical messengers and our cells/tissues.
So homeostasis (life) is maintained through these intracellular mechanisms:
certain chemical messengers=soul
organ system=body
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