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I picked a girl up off the side of the road the other day.. she was walking down the road in the cold. After she got in the car I pulled over to get gas for my car, and I had a random thought that I should offer to buy her some coffee. So I got back in the car and said, “Do you drink coffee.” She was like, “Yeah, I do.” I said, “Do you want to go get some?” She said, “Yeah, but I don’t have any money.” And I said, “I’ll get it.” And I told her that I’m pretty sure God put it in my mind to get it for her. She said, “He knows, doesn’t He?” I said, “Yeah, He does.”
So I got her some coffee, and she started telling me her whole life story. And how people mistreated her all the time. She seemed really broken. But I told her that people will always let her down. And that I know how she feels because I have been let down a lot in the past as well. But I told her the way to conquer evil is with kindness.. when someone hurts you, you should treat them as nice as you can because it literally snuffs out the darkness when you do so. I told her that the light breaks through the darkness and it conquers it.
And I asked God to give me the words to say to her because I didn’t really know her story. And I can’t remember everything I said but she broke down crying.. and she thanked me. But I'll never forget the way she cried. It was like she was releasing all of her pain as I spoke.
I told her everything would be okay. And it will be. God has her in His hands.
... I told her that people may let her down but God never will. And He gave us this promise, that He will never leave us or forsake us. And we can put our trust in Him.
We really don’t realize how good God is.
He gives us so many things-- Our comfort. Our family. Our life.
He makes sure we're taken care of. He's constantly sending us gifts.
All God has ever wanted was a real relationship with us because He loves us. We are His. And He wants us to turn to Him so that He can protect us... and give us power over the enemy. We were created to fight evil with Him.
He will provide for us. And He will give us true happiness... and everything we need. All He wants us to do is trust Him.
He needs us to trust Him and choose to have a relationship with Him instead of Satan... because it’s kind of hard for Him to protect us from Satan when we constantly choose Satan over Him.
I watched the above testimony. And I got confused at the end when he said that he felt like God said, 'I don’t need you, I want you.' Cause I thought God did need us. And I’m pretty sure God explained it to me by saying that: He needs us but He doesn't need us ... I found that amusing. But I know what He meant. Though He needs us to choose Him and fulfill our callings-- He is still in control. He has a plan and a purpose for everyone's lives.
... And I’ve had a hard time understanding that in the past. Satan has tormented me by making me worry about things constantly. I didn't trust God, and I was trying to do His part rather than move when He says to move. I was always running ahead of Him. I didn’t grasp the concept that God has everyone in His hands. And that He has a plan and a purpose for them based on their actions… and what He sees they will do. Therefore, there is no point in worrying because everything happens at a certain time. God works at each person's pace. He knows what they are ready for. Or what they need at a certain time. He knows everyone's heart thus He has it all under control.
He is teaching those that will listen and He has an individual plan for each person. They will come to know Him according to that plan. When they are ready. And we are not to worry ourselves with that part of it. All He wants us to do is trust Him. And follow Him.
God is patient with us. He lets us choose what we want to choose. And He lets us learn as we go. He is with us every step we take- watching and waiting so that when we're ready-- He reveals Himself.
The first thing God taught me when I first turned to Him was that we can control no one. We can intercede.. but we cannot control the person. They have to choose Him at their own pace. Therefore, our prayers will be answered at the 'right' time. And we are not supposed to get caught up in what we see around us. Or focus too much on the fact that people are listening to Satan. Because that only glorifies Satan thus rendering him more attention than he deserves. We are supposed to keep our eyes on the Lord and trust Him thus glorifying Him instead (ie give it all to Him by stating that Satan is a defeated being and that though God’s children may be listening to him God has them in His hands. Satan has already been conquered. They are saved, and God already has a plan for them. He is going to turn it all into good thus what Satan meant for harm against them will return upon his own head). Because it renders Satan of no effect thus robbing him of his scheme to obtain false illusory power.
If a person is choosing Satan it’s not the end of the world. We have all chosen him at some point. And God teaches His children through that experience. He has a marvelous plan in which He makes all of His children new. He will strengthen us. And purify us through the experience. Though it may seem like darkness prevails at times in truth it never does. Because light always defeats darkness.
We gain wisdom through trials. We are reshaped and molded into His image so that something glorious is revealed and we become who we were meant to be.
God makes us into beings of light like Christ. He gives us strength and endurance so that we join ranks with Him and we become courageous and fearless. He teaches us to overcome evil with good and we become victorious forever.
God Has never expected us to overcome without Him. Those that followed Him in the Old Testament listened to Him and overcame 'by His spirit.' Only difference is that before Christ came the Holy Spirit inspired but didn’t indwell. People often ask me why God waited to send His spirit. Or what happened to those that lived before He sacrificed.. The answer is, God IS just. So those that were pure in heart will see the kingdom of God regardless of when they lived-- Jesus set the captives free.. everyone. Even those that lived before He walked the earth.. He said, “I tell you, even before Abraham was, I AM.” We have ALWAYS had the choice to freely choose Him both in the Old and New Testament. The problem is 'most' of us weren’t choosing Him so He made a way through His sacrifice so that we would see how much He loves us and thus more of us would choose Him over Satan. But we overcame through His spirit both in the Old and New Testament. And we have always overcome from the beginning of time in the exact same way-- by His spirit.
Because we trust God.. have faith.. and believe in His word.
He existed before His sacrifice.
God did not wait to send His spirit. He has been in existence from the beginning of time. And He purposed His sacrifice from the beginning of time.
Gods ways are not our ways.. and His thoughts are not our thoughts... they are much higher than man's. But what we can understand is this: what He has purposed shall come to pass. And He IS good. Therefore, there is no good apart from Him.
John 1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it...
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
The key to surrender is acknowledging that we need Him. And that we need His sacrifice-- because apart from Him we are not okay. So we seek after Him and His shelter-- we accept Him. And we overcome.
We say in our heart, God I’m nothing without you. The enemy will destroy me. I need your strength to overcome.. otherwise, I can't resist Satan. I know I can’t do this without you. I will choose Satan. I need your spirit. Please fill me so that I may overcome in you and there will never again be any room for any type of affliction. I trust you. And I give myself to you.
And once you do that it is finished. The battle is won.
And I said those words in my heart. So I’ve surrendered. It is done.
I’ve accepted His love and His sacrifice. And I’ve thanked Him for it… because without Him I am but a slave to Satan. There is no life or light… just darkness. But because He loved me enough to die I now have His spirit and I’ve been set free. Forever.
We can have His spirit without realizing it's worth.. we can be saved and belong to Him... but without surrender we have been set free but we have no freedom because we don’t realize we’ve been set free. We have to claim it.
Many are saved and have no idea what it means. They don’t know it's worth.. because they haven’t yet surrendered. Our authority comes from 'claiming' His sacrifice.. and our freedom therein so that Satan is forced to back down.. because when we give Satan no place, he has no place.
And we take Satan’s authority away by acknowledging that yeah, without the Lord's spirit we are not righteous. We are prideful and selfish and fearful but with it we are new. Our chains are gone. We are no longer bound by Satan.
We realize the unfathomable unconditional love God has for us. And that though we turned away from Him He never turned away from us. And He never will. We know without a doubt that we are loved beyond measure and forgiven forever.
And we realize that there is no life without Him and no salvation but because He loves us so much we now have life both here and now... and forever.
And that’s all He has ever wanted us to do- accept Him and His sacrifice because He loves us more than we could ever imagine.
And when I say that we turned away from Him I don’t mean that we rejected Him. There is a difference between turning away from God and rejecting Him- a big difference. All of us have turned away from Him at some point. But not all of us have rejected Him.
The reason the battle is won once we surrender is because we give our life to God.. thus rendering Satan powerless to us. Because we have 'claimed' our authority in Him… not that we didn’t have it before. But we didn’t 'claim' it.
For instance, I was saved before but Satan was still battling to keep me from surrendering. He wanted to drain the life out of me so that I’d never surrender and become filled because once we do that.. it's over for him. The battle is won. He is already defeated before through Christ’s sacrifice and the fact that we are saved but when we surrender 'we' have conquered him in that he has been stripped of all authority over us.
I was saved for a long time but I was still trying to battle Satan in my own strength. Now, I’m not fighting battles anymore cause I took up God’s authority and Satan was forced to back down so that the battle over me to keep me from becoming filled is over. It is finished. I’ve claimed His sacrifice whereas I had it before but had yet to claim it.
When you are saved you have given your heart to the Lord.
When you become sanctified you have given your life to the Lord and surrendered.
And when you are filled you are serving the Lord and fulfilling your callings to the fullest. We can serve Him before we are filled but not to the fullest.
Once we are saved the process of sanctification begins. Once we are sanctified and we surrender we become filled. And once we are filled we complete our anointing.
And once you surrender you then become filled.
God starts drawing on our heart from birth because we are all His initially. If we accept Him in our heart we become saved. If we give our life to Him in surrender we then become sanctified. And if we become sanctified we then become filled.
... God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one. You cannot know God or have any kind of relationship with Him without Jesus. We all belong to Him initially.. because we don’t ask Him to attempt to come dwell within us. He does it automatically. We can either accept or reject Him. And if you have not renounced the Lord and rejected Him thus giving your heart to Satan then He dwells within you.
This is the reason it is widely agreed upon that there is an age of innocence.. or that all children are innocent before they reach a certain age so they automatically go to heaven. Because we are all His initially. It’s just a process of three stages that we were ALL meant to go through. Only some never do so because they refuse.
Some believe the age of accountability is 13. And that we, at that age, then begin to decide whether we accept or reject Him. But the truth of the matter is no one knows... because no one knows the heart of any person.. young or old. Except God.
I personally believe that all children who are pure in heart go to heaven. And I’ve never considered an age because it doesn’t matter what age the child was.. it matters if they were pure in heart and most children are pure in heart.. although there are some that are not. But if they were pure in heart they are in heaven with God. But if I had to guess an age of accountability it would probably be five.
But I really don’t think it's quite that rudimentary. Because a lot more than age factors into it. For instance, the child’s upbringing affects a lot of things. God knows the future and every path that child may or may not have taken. And He judges the heart so we really can’t say for certain.
There are some that would never have chosen God... regardless of their upbringing. Then there are others that would have chosen God had they had a different upbringing. So it just depends. And God always does what is kind. And just. So we can just come up with a scenario, pick what He tells us is the right thing to do, and that should clear it all up.
In other words, if we perceive something to be kind or just or the right thing to do.. Its because He told us it was. So you can know for certain if He told you its right.. then it’s right.
There’s no point in trying to figure out an age of accountability because it has nothing to do with that and all to do with what is right… and kind.
Everyone in this world that is kind and just is listening to the source of all that IS kind and just, and the reason it is kind and just is because what IS kind and just told you what is kind and just.
The source came from the source.
Therefore, if you were to be given a 'just' age of accountability (if there were one) which you did perceive to be just you would perceive it to be just because that which is just told you it was just and that which is just is just and that which is just is just because He who is just is just and He that is just told you that which is just…
Because He IS just.
We cannot be more righteous than God
As He IS righteousness
I never used to understand what it meant when I heard that God is love-- because I had always perceived love as a feeling, but I recently started to understand it. When we love someone we must be "following our heart" per say...but what are we doing when we listen to our heart? We’re listening to our conscience-- and God is the source of our conscience.
Our emotions are a product of whichever entity we decide to listen to:
God or Satan.
If one is disposed to the spirit of love then he/she is listening to God.
In contrast if one is disposed to the spirit of lust then he/she is listening to Satan.
God is the one that guides us into all truth. But we have to listen to Him. Otherwise, we're listening to Satan instead of Him. And that’s not good for us.. it drains us of our personality.. our intelligence.. our sense of humor.. our memory.. and eventually our identity.
We know the difference between right and wrong because God tells us so-- and we get to decide whether we want to listen to Him or not.
If we can no longer discern right from wrong.. or if we begin to confuse evil with good and good with evil then we're not listening to God-- we're listening to Satan.
There are different types of prayers:
First there are prayers in which you are requesting something but you may not be sure if the thing you requested is God's will because it is something you want rather than something you know is good and thus His will.
For instance, I had a new company take over where I work. I prayed that I would get the job "if it was His will"...
and I thanked Him that I would get the job "if it be His will"...
and I stated that I trusted if it were not not His will that I would find a better job.
Because I knew that it may or may not be His will that I get that particular job.
However, I ended up getting the job.
In my experience, as long as you trust God in a situation like that He usually ends up giving you what you want...
unless it's something that is not really what is best for you.
And He always knows what's best.
So you can always trust Him.
Then second there are warfare prayers/intercessory prayers in which you 'know' you are praying 'His will'
These are the prayers in which you are 'certain' that the thing you have spoken shall come to pass at the right time.
So you can claim it in faith.
And speak the scripture out loud.
And claim the blood of Jesus-- it's your most powerful weapon.
That and praying the scripture.. just combine it with whatever else you're saying.
And always pray every prayer in the name of Jesus-- it's what gives you authority and power.
A lot of people don't realize that they can claim that which is already written in His word. We do not have to ask for something that we can claim from His word. However, some go to the opposite extreme and teach a false doctrine that we can claim anything we want as long as it's in faith. That's not correct because if it's not in His word or His will we do not know that it shall come to pass. This can be a greivous error to teach such a falsehood because when the person speaks out whatever it is that they want and it doesn't come to pass it can make them lose faith.
Some examples of what can be spoken out and claimed in faith:
Deliverance and Salvation (remember the person has free will so deliverance and salvation doesn't always happen immediately but we can be certain it shall come to pass eventually).
I usually claim anything that I know is His will. So I speak out that we will all have the relationship with Him that we were meant to have and join ranks with Him so as to fulfill our callings in the name of Jesus Christ.
We should refrain from claiming something in the following manner:
In the name of Jesus Christ, I will receive $10,000 dollars and an expensive sports car of my choosing tomorrow upon waking.
Nah, that's not going to work.
Rather instead claim this,
In the name of Jesus Christ, my God provides all of my needs (Phillipians 4:19).
Thank you Lord that you have already provided all of my needs, and I have received all that you have prepared for me according to your perfect will and timing.
If you are interested in obtaining $10,000 dollars and an expensive sports car you can just ask God for it in prayer rather than claiming it.
I was listening to the radio and they said that a person had died in the hospital recently.. after she died a woman came into the room.. and she began praying. They said that the woman that had died came back to life after she prayed.
The Lord has given YOU authority in His name.. to trample over the enemy.
... It is finished.
Jesus knew Peter would deny Him-- but He also knew he would repent and turn to Him. Then Peter ended up helping all those people at Pentecost. And the people sent for him.. and a woman was brought back to life.
Acts 9: 40
But Peter put them all out and knelt down and prayed. And turning to the body he said, "Tabatha arise" and she opened her eyes and when she saw Peter she set up. Then he gave her his hand and lifted her up; and when he had called the Saints and widows he presented her alive. And it became known throughout all of Joppa and many believed on the Lord.
... The Lord gave Peter His power-- and many were saved.
And the Lord has given US His power to heal. It’s His power. But He has given it to US. The Lord’s power within us will heal the multitudes. We just have to be willing to take up that power.
And we do so by taking up His authority… and remembering that He is not just above us… or around us. He is 'within' us.
We are ONE with Him and so we have His power and His authority. And we have 'already' overcome the enemy because HE who is within us is greater than he who is within the world.
Which means, if we speak out something in His name according to His will-- it’s already done.
It’s the promise He has given those that choose Him. He will fight their battles for them and we have 'already' overcome in the Holy Spirit.
There is a balance. We must find it. The Lord within us heals-- we institute His authority which is within us.
We must understand this correctly so that we may tap into His power.
We mustn’t be afraid to institute His authority. But at the same time we mustn’t become prideful and we must always remember that it is His power within that gives us our authority and not that of ourselves.
We have to be fearless. Give the enemy no place-- claim it in 'faith.' I prayed for a long time, but I was fighting battles in my own strength. It wasn’t until I finally got so sick and tired of being afraid.. and feeling condemned that something just rose up in me. Something fierce. And courageous. And I said out loud, I will NOT live my life in fear anymore. The Lord LOVES me UNCONDITIONALLY. I CANNOT be good without HIM. And He knows that. That is why He sacrificed for me. And I have ACCEPTED His sacrifice. And I’ve been set FREE. Satan, in the name of JESUS CHRIST you have to go. NOW. Never to return. You are NOT welcome here. I will NOT serve you. The Lord is my GOD. And I serve HIM. And I BELONG to HIM. The scriptures state that I shall NOT be plucked from HIS hand. You are TRESPASSING in the name of JESUS CHRIST. You must go now. And NEVER return. You are NOT welcome here.
When you say that fearlessly. And in faith. It strips him of ALL his authority over you. And he's gone.
You must know without a doubt that the Lord loves you enough to DIE for you. Because He already knew that you would stumble. And He already knew that you would fall. That is why He sacrificed for you. Because He knew you could not do it in your own strength. He knows we have fallen into sin. And that we cannot be righteous without Him. He knows all. And He sees all. He knows the number of hairs on our head. And He loves us more than we could ever imagine. He knows every alternative for our lives. And every mistake we will ever make.. BEFORE we make it. and He has ALREADY forgiven us because He loves us unconditionally.
He has given us His spirit so that we may overcome because He knows without His spirit we cannot overcome Satan. All He wants us to do is trust in His unconditional love for us and thus overcome through the power of His spirit. And in order to do that we must acknowledge that we need His sacrifice because we can’t do it on our own.
There is only one way we overcome and it's through faith in His sacrifice and His UNCONDITIONAL love for us.
'We’re not saved because we're good. We’re good because we're saved.'
All He wants us to do is choose Him.
We cannot be good without Him.
And we cannot be bad without Satan.
God made a way for us before we were even born.. He knew what we would do. And He knew we would all turn away. So He came to earth in the form of a human to die for us and release us from bondage to Satan. All He asks that we do is choose Him. So that we may overcome in the power of His spirit.
... It is all just a mind set.
Just continually claim His promises and Satan’s defeat. Once you speak it out. And you know without a doubt that His promises have 'already' come to pass. It’s over. You have overcome. You trust Him.
If you find yourself thinking anything in opposition just cast it down in the name of Jesus.. keep your mind set on His promises. And that you have 'already' overcome.
The battle is in the mind.
And it’s over when you trust Him.
"Spiritual warfare consists of struggling against evil forces in our minds. The Bible is clear that this is not a battle which is fought on a physical plane at all, but rather a spiritual one:
Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."
Who are those principalities, powers, rulers or darkness and such? They all stem from Satan, but since Satan is not omnipresent (can be everywhere at once), he works through a network or an army of demon spirits.
Defensive spiritual warfare
There are two kinds of spiritual warfare, offensive and defensive. In defensive spiritual warfare, demonic spirits (under Satan's command) are launched what is known as fiery darts, as Ephesians 6:16 tells us:
"Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked."
These fiery darts come in one of three forms; temptations, deceptions and accusations. I will briefly cover each of these.
Spiritual warfare dart #1: Temptations
The devil tempted Eve in the garden because he had no 'place' in Eve's life, but he wanted one! Satan couldn't freely play havoc on Eve's life because he had no rights to her, so what did he do? He went about trying to get her to give him those rights. He tempted her to sin and when she listened to him it gave him a foothold in her life.
"Neither give place to the devil."
If we find ourselves listening to the devil we should immediately repent and cast his thoughts down in the name of Jesus. Then counter with God's truth.
Spiritual warfare dart #2: Deception
I have seen Satan beat up more than I care to admit. Countless people are living in defeat because they have been deceived. The enemy has deceived them and caused them to believe and live a lie. If we allow deception to take hold, strongholds can then be formed in our minds. Strongholds are incorrect thinking patterns based on falsehood. Demonic spirits love to use these strongholds to their advantage against a child of God. Strongholds have tremendous power to affect our feelings and emotions. Many blood-bought children of God Almighty feel guilt-ridden and worthless because they don't see themselves they way they ought to. Many feel unloved and not good enough to be accepted by God because they see Him wrongly. Their perception of Him has been damaged and causes them to see Him as a distant and cruel taskmaster instead of a close loving Father who longs (deeply desires) to have an intimate loving relationship with them!
2 Corinthians 11:3, "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled (deceived) Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."
Spiritual warfare dart #3: Accusations
Satan is known to be the accuser of the brethren. Not the accuser of his own or the world, but the children of God. He could care less about badgering those who belong to him, but he loves to pick on the children of God.
Revelations 12:10, "...the accuser of our brethren..."
He accuses us by reminding us of our past sins and failures. If we listen to his accusations against us, we will begin to meditate on our pasts and it isn't long before we begin to feel guilt-ridden and see ourselves as failures. Both of which has been dealt with on the cross! Has not the blood of Jesus washed away our sin? Then we ought not to be thinking about it anymore.
Satan loves to take a child of the Almighty God, who's been washed clean in the blood of Jesus and is without spot nor blemish, and make them feel dirty, worthless and see them self as a failure. If we pay attention to the devil's accusations, they too can form strongholds in our minds that need to be torn back down before we can experience freedom.
Offensive spiritual warfare
Then we have offensive spiritual warfare, which usually consists of tearing down strongholds that have been formed in our minds when we have taken the bait and accepted the deceptions and lies of the devil. Since strongholds are incorrect thinking patterns based on error, the correct weapon we are supposed to use to tear down such strongholds is through meditating on and applying the truth, which is found in the Word of God.
Ephesians 6 speaks of the weapons that we are to use in spiritual warfare, and in verse 17 we are told to take up the sword of the Spirit, the offensive piece of weaponry:
"...the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
A sword is an offensive weapon meant to tear down and destroy the enemy. This is exactly what meditating on the truth in God's Word does to strongholds, it tears them down! Strongholds are built on error, and torn down through truth.
The devil tells you: "You're a failure! Look at your past!"
God's Word tells you: "What past? The blood of Jesus has washed it away!"
If you meditate on the error, you will begin to feel guilty and see yourself as a failure, but if you meditate on God's Word, you begin to feel clean and victorious!"
In a nutshell, spiritual warfare is a battle that goes on in our minds between error and truth. If we can know the truth and focus on it, while at the same time ignoring the error, we will be successful in spiritual warfare hands down!"
Demonic spirits have no power over us unless we give it to them. The mistake we make is that we give them more attention and merit than they deserve... simply remember that they tremble in fear at His name. And greater is He who is within you than he who is within the world.. repeat that truth. So Satan has no place.
It is up to us to resist Satan. God gave US the authority in His name.. God didn’t sacrifice so that He could defeat Satan. He sacrificed so WE could take up His authority and overcome.
The key to having faith is relying on Him… knowing without a doubt that He has given you His authority to make the enemy back down. And when you pray, you speak out that which you 'know' shall come to pass without a doubt because it was His will as you were speaking that which is 'good' and ALL good things come from Him. Therefore, you know it's His will as He put it on your heart thus it SHALL come to pass. And Satan can't stop it cause greater is He who is within you than he who is within the world.
You can know for certain that the thing you have spoken in His name shall come to pass when it’s His will.
He promised that.
John 14-15
'Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to my father...
at that day you will know that I am in my father, and you in Me, and I in you.
If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
If ye shall ask anything in My name, I will do it.'
Basically, what we are doing with prayer intercession is we are praying His kingdom down to earth.. to thwart the plans of the enemy and break the chains of those that are in bondage to him. God wills that all of our chains be broken. But some have turned away from Him. They have shut Him out. So He needs us to intercede for people since He gave us free will and He doesn’t like to violate it... He needs someone that of their own free will is willing to ask Him to intervene.
So when we ask God for something that is in His will it is certain to come to pass at the right time. And we know what is His will because His will is good. And we know what is good because He told us what is good. So we know what is good is His will.
So you can have faith that what you have asked according to His will shall come to pass. And faith is important. It’s what makes prayer powerful.
When you war in the spirit and engage in prayer intercession there are two things you should always do.. first always believe that what you've spoken will come to pass... because you know it’s His will and you speak on His authority. And second, always close in giving thanks that it be done. So you're saying, I thank you that you have already done this.. and you go ahead and thank Him... as you are certain what you’ve spoken shall come to pass because you trust Him and you know it's His will.
... It takes faith to war in the spirit.. and it took me a 'long' time to learn this. Therein the power lies within 'giving it all to God' and surrendering ourselves to Him 'completely' so that we are always guided by Him... because if we are not guided by Him.. we cannot do His work effectively-- we will try to go ahead of Him. And that’s not good. Because God's ways are not our ways. And things are not always what they seem. God moves at our pace. He is patient with us. And He is teaching those that will listen. He knows what we need. And what we're ready for… when sometimes we don’t. This is why we must trust Him in order to do His work effectively. There are times when what we think is best for someone is in fact not really what is best for them. God is sovereign, and we can't always understand the way He works. As I’ve said before, God works around our will. And what He sees we will do. And He has this magnificent way of turning everything into good for those that love Him. He causes everything the enemy meant for harm to return upon his own head.. which means God uses something that appears to be negative for the benefit of those that love Him. But we can’t always understand the plan He has for each person… which is why we have to trust Him.
God calls us to intercede for others in prayer, but He is still in control.
He has a plan and a purpose for the lives of those we intercede for.
And our intercession is only another part of that plan.
Intercession is important, and if we don't do our part it doesn't get done. But we must be careful as to not get too caught up in things and end up trying to do God's part.
It is not Satan’s absence that conquers him. It is our trust in God. Because once we trust Him, Satan has no place.
Once we truly understand that Satan is here with "no power" because God is in control... and He has everyone in His hands... we have won the battle.
And in order to do that we simply have to stop being so negative and be thankful. And stop focusing on Satan and what we think he is accomplishing. We should focus on the beauty of life… and the fact that Satan has already been conquered. Because ALL things work together for the good of those who love God.
When we constantly focus on Satan we are inadvertantly glorifying him, and we become negative constantly. It literally drains us of our life/spirit, our happiness, our freedom in Christ, our joy, and our identity.
But when we focus on God instead and the fact that He has already defeated Satan/evil.. we are a lot more positive.
... I inadvertantly glorified Satan for a long time. It’s the definition of worry.
We don't realize it but when we do that it's like we're worshipping him.. because when we give him all the attention and merit it's pretty much the same thing.
Someone that has hope and joy and faith doesn't give Satan glory. They focus instead on positivity which is of God.
And it's seriously dangerous to glorify Satan because it drains you of the fruit of the spirit... which sustains life.
And what I just said can be proven by science because stress, worry, and negativity cause disease and can significantly reduce ones life span.
All I focused on was what I perceived to be negative or unfortunate but as I’ve said before, you create your own reality. You can choose to live a life full of light... or darkness. And it’s a choice.
There are always two ways of perceiving things:
One side is negative-- you lose
The other side is positive-- you win.
But if you always choose the positive side you never lose.
It’s optimism at it’s best. And you have to make a conscious effort to think that way.. until it’s natural again.
... I was so burdened. I felt like something was literally sucking the life out of me. I questioned everything… saw only negativity…was always blaming myself… or God.. for something Satan was responsible for. And it was making me sick. I knew it was stealing my hope and joy so I asked God to heal me and remove it all.
And He did. I feel like I can breathe again. And my hope and joy came back. And God healed me of the sickness I had.
I remember when I first watched the Casting Crowns video testimony... Satan was trying to put thoughts in my mind as to why Paul had the thorn in his flesh. And I hated it because I knew it was wrong. I never used to think that way. I trusted God. And I knew in my heart that the reason Paul had the thorn was to keep him from becoming conceited.. because God knew he would turn prideful if He didn’t humble him with this thorn… and it was for his own good. But still these thoughts were in my mind, and I hated them. And Satan tried to make me ashamed of the Lord-- but I didn’t want to feel that way because a house divided against itself cannot stand. I knew that I could not be against He who is within me.
I finally realized that I was 'focusing' on Satan and his supposed impact, and it was giving him power. If I had not been so concerned about Satan’s supposed power that he in fact does not have then I wouldn’t have been worried about Paul’s thorn. Cause instead I would have perceived the thorn as the good thing that it really was rather than the bad thing that it wasn’t but because I was giving Satan too much merit, I in turn ended up questioning God as if the thing that He allowed were not good. When it was in truth in fact a good thing, but I didn’t see it the way it really was. I saw it in a negative way instead.
But the negative way is always a lie. And the positive way is always the truth.
So in order to conquer evil we have to see it’s lack of relevance in that good has rendered it of no effect.
In that everything Satan has meant for harm against those that belong to the Lord will be turned into good and thus return upon his own head.
We have to stop thinking that Satan has any power over us.. and we need to realize that God has 'already' rendered him of no effect.. and turned everything he meant for harm against us into good. And we need to trust in God’s plan for us. And believe what He has said as if it has 'already' came to pass. And we need to be nothing but positive from here forward.
So we just have to speak it out. Claim His promises. Say, Lord, I thank you that you have put Satan up under my feet and that you have given me POWER over the enemy. I thank you that all of your plans to prosper me.. and to give me hope.. and a future... have ALREADY came to pass. I thank you that we are MORE than conquerers through HIM because greater is HE who is within me than he who is within the world. I thank you that you have crushed Satan’s head. And that Satan has ALREADY been defeated. Say, I thank you for my life and your sacrifice and my health and my loved ones and for providing for me and guiding me every day of my life in Christ Jesus name.
... It’s important to claim it. There is power in our thoughts.. and words. We can speak things into existence with our faith.. and what we glorify and what we believe in.
Just speak out things you know are of Him. Claim the plans He has for you... simply know that you have 'already' received them according to His plan.. and thank Him for them. And it's done.
And above all.. thank Him that He has not given you a spirit of fear.. but of faith.. and a sound mind. And thank Him for the hope and the joy that He has given you.. both now and in the future.
When I first started to feel better again after I had been sick for a while... not a lot just a little… but I could feel my joy coming back and I knew God was starting to heal me.. I started thanking Him repeatedly.. for giving me joy and healing me. Then after that my joy just kept increasing. I caught on that maybe it was because I was appreciative so I decided to be thankful for everything else as well. Then my faith started increasing and I looked in the mirror and noticed that not only had my color came back.. but there was a radiance around me… like a glow of some sort. I can’t explain it, but you could see the light in me.
God never gives us a spirit of fear. Satan does when we listen to him. But all we have to do is choose to listen to God instead and suddenly we feel a lot better. We have faith and hope and joy and a sound mind.
We have to understand that we have free will. It's NOT logical to think otherwise.. and understand that WE are responsible for choosing what we want. God simply allows us to choose what we want.. and teaches us through those choices.
We as humans with a simplistic mortal mind cannot grasp the concept of God’s sovereignty in conjunction with the fact that we have free will. Therefore, we must trust Him.
In the case of Paul, 'his' weakness toward the sin of pride caused him to be afflicted by Satan.. thus if he were not prone to pride then he would have never been afflicted.
And we cannot want something better than what He wants for a person. He is our father. And HIS love surpasses all things. And the small amount of His love that He has given us could NEVER supercede that of His pure unfathomable unconditional nature..
as He IS love.
(The word supercede originally meant to 'sit higher than' though I think it now means to intercept. Take it to mean the original meaning).
Without trust it’s just a sick cycle carousel. We continue to question. We continue to get answers. It’s always the same questions, and it’s always the same answers
We question whether or not we have free will. God tells us we obviously do.
We question why Satan has to exist. God tells us it’s because if there were nothing in existence but Him, then we would lack free will because we'd have no choice but to choose Him.
He IS good. Therefore, if He were the only choice we had we'd be forced to choose good.
Satan is evil. He is the 'opposite' of God.
We are here to choose between God and Satan because He refuses to force us to choose Him.
There are some that will not and will never choose Him because they want evil.. they are cruel and obstinate. They do not want to learn to fight evil with God because they want evil. They are Satan’s children so they will abide with him in hell.
Hell was created because eventually good and evil will be separated.. forever.
Those that want Satan, cruelty, and evil will abide with him in hell for eternity.
Those that want good will abide with God forever in heaven.
It’s that simple.
... and we were ALL meant to abide with God in heaven. Hell was not meant for anyone but Satan and the angels that followed him.. which is why it is so important that we complete our callings.. because we could help so many people if we did.
Some of the most evil people we will see... that are on the brink of giving their life to Satan... have the highest callings and end up serving the Lord.. because of one word that is given to them that makes them see the truth so that they choose Him instead of Satan and are saved.
I showed you the alternate reality scenario in a previous article regarding the false prophets and how they were meant to follow God.
There are several branching paths they can take. God knows all of them. Some of them would never turn to Him regardless of what path they take.. even though they were meant to. I know that seems contradictory because in another reality they would have turned to Him but they never chose that reality so it’s not in one of their branching paths.
Others have different branching paths. In one of those paths they turn to God. In another, they turn to Satan.
I probably wasn’t clear enough regarding those that will never turn to God even though they were meant to. We choose our own paths, and we have more than one depending on what choice we make. Some people, regardless of what choice they make, end up serving Satan in every outcome because they choose him in every outcome.. and every branching path.
Others do not choose Satan in every branching path. They choose God on one of them. And Satan on others.
God refuses to control us.. we must understand that. He knows every alternative for our life.. but He will NEVER force us into anything. Ever. And it breaks His heart when His children turn away.. especially when He knows had they chosen another alternative things would have been different.
We can’t really fathom all of this. It’s above our understanding. Basically, all we need to know is that God is in control. And no one that is pure in heart will ever suffer the fate of hell. He would love for everyone to be pure in heart but not everyone is.
... As I said before, our choices have a 'huge' impact on those around us and the choices they make in turn. And 'we' are responsible for the choices we make.. as well as those we may lead astray. And this is why God taught us the golden rule.. and why He tells us to teach our children in the way they should go so they shall not depart from it. And this is why it’s so important that we fulfill our callings.
We are in a battle between good and evil. And Satan is fighting for as many as he can and God is fighting against Him.
Therefore, when we follow Satan we are leading others down the road to destruction. And when we follow God we are leading others to salvation.
And God would love to force us all to choose Him.. but He created us with our own mind and the ability to choose what we want. And every choice we make effects another.. and another.. and another.. and God makes the best out of our choices. But they are still 'our' choices.
And the reality of it is many of the people that choose Satan would have never chosen him if the person that chose Satan before them had not chosen him. They would have chosen God.
Now to address God's sovereignty:
What He has purposed shall come to pass. Satan is under God's authority. And so are all the angels. Therefore, they are limited to what they can do. We are tried here for a reason. To learn to fight evil. And be purified. God judges our heart based on our actions. And what He sees we will do.
We need to understand that His sovereignty does not over ride our will. And the future is objective as well as subjective to God. And His plan for us is based on our actions and choices thus we would be a lot better off if we all chose Him.
... We are all tried here to learn to fight evil and be purified. Those that resist and choose Satan instead are the tares, and so they belong to the wicked one.
... I think God revealed to me the fate of the person that would have chosen God in one alternative and Satan in another.. but they didn’t end up choosing God cause I was wondering about it: if the person would have followed God and their heart was truly pure.. but He sees that they are going to turn their life over to Satan... then He does not allow them to do that.. He allows them to sin unto death before they do and He brings them home to Him before they can go too far.
... But after He revealed that to me I realized I already knew that.. cause I knew that He takes the body to preserve the soul in situations like that.
I was over thinking it.
Satan is fighting for as many as he can. And God is fighting against him. But God has already won the battle because He has already defeated Satan through His sacrifice thus everything Satan meant for harm will return upon his own head-- and everything Satan meant for harm against God’s children will be turned into good.
All God wants us to do is trust Him and fulfill our callings so that we may influence others to do the same because it is not Satan’s absence that conquers him, it is our trust in Him as He has 'already' won the battle.
.... God did not sacrifice for us so that He could defeat Satan... as Satan was already defeated by Him from the very beginning-- He sacrificed for us in order to give 'us' freedom. Because the battle between God and Satan is not between the two of them as Satan is under God’s authority.. but the battle is for us. Satan wants to get as many as he can to fall into his grasp, but the Lord conquered him when He gave His life for us. He bought and purchased us so that we are no longer our own and those that have accepted Him are one with Him thus having His authority, we can now trample over Satan and conquer him.
There is no power apart from Him.
There is no truth outside of Him.
And there is no life without Him.
... We are tried and purified because He is transforming us into His likeness and though our righteousness is as filthy rags through Him we are glorified and made new so that we are His stewards
‘We are not saved because we're good. We're good because we're saved.’
Once we follow Him and we have chosen Him we become righteous in Him.
Acts 20:35
I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
Titus 2: 4-7
...that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.
Likewise, exhort the young men to be sober-minded, in all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility.
[People have taken the verse that states women should be obedient to their husbands way out of context.. by twisting it's context… and using it as an excuse to undermine and disparage women.
When all that verse means is that God created the man as the head.. therefore the woman should submit to him thus giving him proper respect.
That verse paraphrased does not say, women, allow yourselves to be denigrated and belittled and talked down to.. because the Lord created you to mean nothing to your husband.
No, that verse simply means that a woman should love her husband and treat him with much merit and thus respect his position as her husband and the head as she was created to support him. And he was created to love her.. and protect her.. NOT to abuse her.
... The definition of obedience in the context within the scripture regarding the wife to the husband is simply submission to his authority as the head.
Examples: In a marriage a woman should listen to her husband and allow him to be in charge of important matters. And she should support him in his decisions. But it should be a joint effort. And they should come to an agreement together when making decisions so that neither are domineering and neither feel inferior]
I figured out that I should sing for God. I didn’t know cause I sort of thought I didn’t have that much voice talent.
But after I turned to God I started singing differently.
And I gained voice talent.
I think He gave it to me as a gift.
Well, no.
I said that wrong.
I know He gave it as a gift because everyone that has voice talent was given that gift from Him.
I meant to say,
so He recently gave it to me as a gift.
I’m trying to get my daughter to sing because she has the gift as well… but she's really shy. She’s shy about singing. And raising her hands in front of people..
I told her she didn’t need to pay attention to the people around her cause their opinion doesn’t mean anything.. they are just people. ... she shouldn’t care anything about what they think. They’re not the creator of the universe.. and they're not the judge.. but there is ONE that is. And we will all stand before Him on that day.. and all those people she was so worried might judge her will be standing right beside her to be judged.
Everyone is always looking around at everyone else.. to see what everyone else is doing.. cause they do what they see... they follow the leader. So she needs to be the one to raise her hands to God.. so everyone will follow her lead.
So I’m teaching her to do it while she is young.
So she won’t depart from it.
I’ve been singing praise music lately and I noticed something. After I sing the air in the room becomes lighter. I think it’s like in that book This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti. I think when we sing praise music it unleashes God’s warrior angels and they start fighting demons in the spiritual realm. And it also causes the spirit within us to increase because I feel light as a feather after I sing.
This was the first song I sang in the spirit. Satan was trying to speak to me so I started rebuking his thoughts in the name of Jesus and singing this song. And lifting my hands up to God. And the whole atmosphere in the room changed. And my mind cleared:
... Submit to God. Resist the devil. And he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.. He will comfort you. And shelter you.
The way you submit to God is through praise music… and prayer… and scripture.
Give it all to God. Trust Him entirely. Leave no room for fear or any other type of affliction. We must "keep" our eyes on Him so that we "remain" fearless and thus filled with faith. This is a battle. It’s time we realize that and arm ourselves with the appropriate weapons so that we are filled with the spirit: prayer, praise, and the shield of faith that is obtained through God’s truth (the word of God) which is the sword of the spirit. And we must learn to meditate on His love and draw into it.
Once we can learn all of this we will be fine. We will not even be fazed by Satan. He will be rendered of no effect.
The most important thing is to hide in Him, trust Him, and meditate on His love.
It increases our faith
The rest of it is important as well but without faith we haven't a shield.
Ephesians 6:10-20
The Whole Armor of God
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit...
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