I’m going to show you a conversation I just had with a guy-- but I’m paraphrasing his words--
(Some of what I’ve written you may have already seen as it’s always the same argument so the answers are usually the same)--
I think God is evil because I read the bible and interpreted it wrong as I’m influenced by Satan.
Actually, no.
God is not evil.
[God is good].
[Satan is evil].
And good and evil are already defined.
As such, we cannot redefine that which is already defined.
We’re not here to define what's right. We’re here to choose it.
A brief summary of the biblical scripture:
God created Adam and Eve to live in a paradise/utopia. He created them male and female. This paradise was a paradise/utopia because there was only fellowship with [God/ good].
Therefore, there was no evil/sin in the world in that [Satan] had not yet come on the scene and he had not yet swayed humanity into falling to evil/sin... [Satan is evil].
Then came the fall of man. God looked upon His creation (I say His creation as He is the one who gave us life) and He saw that there was [only] evil continually-- this grieved God as He loves His creation but He cannot force us to choose [Him/good] over [Satan/evil]. But God found Noah righteous in His sight and thus favored him and protected him when He sent the flood.
From whence we descend.
However, throughout the Old Testament the people turned away from God yet again. There were a select few that followed the Lord and He continued to bless them and protect them. Only those that followed Satan and were evil were destroyed. Unfortunately, back then, that was the majority as most were choosing Satan.
So rather than resign Himself to losing us to Satan God sacrificed for us so that we may overcome evil with good by His spirit.
Thosethat "choose" [God/good] will abide with Him in heaven.
Those that "reject" God (notice I said those that reject God meaning they reject Him as He does NOT reject them-- they have to reject Him) and thus choose Satan as their 'father' will abide with Satan in hell.
The Lord chooses those that [choose] Him.
And He rejects those that [reject] Him.
We are here to choose between the two:
[God/good] and [Satan/evil].
As good and evil cannot co exist forever.
So make your choice.
I think you’re dishonest for blaming Satan for his own actions. You shouldn't blame Satan for anything. He has done nothing wrong. He is not responsible for the evil of humanity because he is not responsible for his actions at all. He is just a victim. You should read the bible yourself instead of letting your pastor do it for you.
I read the bible on my own actually.
And I have enough sense to realize that everyone is responsible for their own actions.
That includes Satan.
So you admit that God is responsible for creating Satan evil?
Actually, Satan was not created evil. He was initially God's favorite angel and was closest to Him. But he chose to rebel against God/good. And thus became evil.
And I seriously hope you are not going to suggest that God should have never created Satan or anyone else with the ability to rebel against Him or that He should have decided not to create His creation simply because He knew some would rebel against Him because it would suggest that God should be a controlling tyrant that forces his creation to choose Him.
Satan has free will.
Just like we do.
Because God will NOT force anyone to choose Him.
We are here to 'choose' between God and Satan.
God threatens people with hell.
God doesn't threaten people with hell. He gives us instruction to protect us from Satan/hell and hopefully prevent us from choosing Satan.
He tried to make God into some kind of tyrant. And he gave an inappopriate analogy regarding the mafia as if God and Satan are cohorts.
Then he asked me where he would go at death.
I can't tell you where you will go. I’m not God.
All God asks is that we not reject Him and choose Satan as our father.
Only those that reject the Lord and choose Satan as their father will abide with Satan in hell.
And your previous analogy regarding the mafia is inappropriate.. as God and Satan are not cohorts. They are rivals.
God gives us instruction to get us to turn to Him so that He can "protect" us from Satan. So that we may join ranks with Him.. instead of Satan. And thus defeat Satan/evil.
Satan and God are not rivals. Rivalry indicates equal strength.
...God did not sacrifice for us so that He could defeat Satan... as Satan was already defeated by Him from the very beginning-- He sacrificed for us in order to give 'us' freedom. Because the battle between God and Satan is not between the two of them as Satan is under God’s authority.. but the battle is for us. Satan wants to get as many as he can to fall into his grasp and God is fighting against him to get us to choose Him instead... and they are competing in that sense with equal strength... as God refuses to use His power to control us.
(Thus the previous analogy I gave to the other guy regarding the good angel on one shoulder and the bad demon on the other. And the character had to 'choose' between the two)
Rivals are opponents. And God and Satan are in opposition to each other.
Why does Satan have to exist?
Without trust it's just a sick cycle carousel. We continue to question, we continue to get answers. It's always the same questions and it's always the same answers.
We question whether or not we have free will. God tells us we obviously do.
We question why Satan has to exist. God tells us it's because if there were nothing in existence but Him, then we would lack free will because we'd have no choice but to choose Him.
God IS good. Therefore, if He were the only choice we had, we'd be forced to choose good.
Satan is evil. He is the 'opposite' of God.
We are here to choose between God and Satan because the Lord refuses to force us to choose Him.
It is not Satan's absence that conquers him. It is our ability to resist him firm in our faith. So that when he tries to speak to us we are able to counter him with truth (the word) and he is rendered of no effect.
Cast down the thoughts he tries to put in your mind.
Say, 'that thought is cast down in the name of Jesus Christ'..
once you do that consistently Satan has to flee...
and tell him you are choosing the Lord over him... it takes his authority over you away... as Satan has NO authority over us unless we give it to him.
I started feeling weak again recently-- a heaviness. I knew it was demonic. And it just sort of hit me that we are in a battle. I mean, I’ve been writing this stuff for years but it's like I'm just now getting it. So I decided to spend a little bit more time reading the scripture when I woke up.. and I decided to get down on my knees and pray for a while before I did anything else.
I realized that since I’m in a battle I should probably realize that it’s not a good idea to wake up and go days without protection. When I say protection I mean communion with God and the sword of the spirit which is scripture.
But I have been going for years without even doing that... I mean, I’ve read the scripture and I’ve prayed but not like that. And I’ve been in a battle.. on the [front lines]. It’s a good thing God has been protecting me without my active participation or I’d be dead right now.
I was a passive prayer warrior before, and I was passively reading the scripture. I would do it methodically. I can’t explain it. It’s like I wasn’t aware of the reality of it, but I was doing it.
But now I’m praying actively. And I’m actively reading the scripture.
I've been reading a few pages of the scripture each morning... and a few pages each evening.
I just woke up recently and started doing it like that... whereas before I neglected to do it. I always felt pressed for time or just tired or whatever but now I just pick it up and start reading. And it literally takes me like two minutes to read a few pages so I don't know why I was thinking I didn't have time before.
I feel a lot better now that I'm reading it like I am. It gives me strength.
And I always ask God to give me wisdom and understanding.. and to help me focus as I read the scripture.
And I ask Him to sanctify me by His word-- His word is truth.
As you become more spiritually aware.. and you get closer to God... you will start to discern His voice. And you’ll be able to discern His thoughts from your thoughts. And you’ll also be able to discern Satan’s thoughts from your own. And you will resist Satan... until he flees. And eventually, there will be no thoughts in your mind except your own.. unless God speaks to you. And you’ll recognize Him when He does.
So you should read the bible and ask for discernment.
Ask God for wisdom and understanding so that you may interpret the scriptures correctly. And ask Him to sanctify you by His word.
And ask Him to help you focus.
And renounce any spirits that may be trying to speak to you and are opposed to Him in the name of Jesus. Tell them you want nothing to do with them.. and that they have to leave permanently.. in the name of Jesus.. that you do not speak on your own authority but His. Say, the scriptures state I shall not be plucked from His hand-- I am His, you must take your hand off me. I am a child of GOD and greater is HE who is within me than he who is in the world.
Then speak out Satan’s defeat-- and thank God for the authority He has given you.
Or rather, tell Satan he must, 'Take his hand off you (in Jesus' name).' I accidentally left that out. If your commanding him to do something always say it in Jesus’ name. Because it is His name that makes them flee. And your faith in His authority.. which is within you.
And tell Satan he is trespassing... because you belong to the Lord.
Basically, you just need to take Satan’s authority away by telling him you’ve sided with God. Not him. Therefore, you belong to God. So you're in His hands. And God has defeated Satan. And the Lord has given you His authority so in His name-- you can’t be touched.
Once you speak that (with His authority) Satan 'has' to go. He has no choice. He is conquered and rendered powerless.
You’ll know you're speaking on His authority when you 'believe' without a doubt that He is for you and not against you. And that He has got your back.. therefore, Satan cannot touch you. And you speak these words fearlessly.. knowing that Christ has conquered the enemy.. therefore, so have you because you are one with Him.
It’s just faith in His word and His love and it's power.
And so many people never tap into this power.. because they refuse to believe in His word and His love.
Instead they live their lives in fear... following Satan instead of God and giving Satan authority over them when all they have to do is turn to God.. and Satan no longer has any authority.
... I forgot to tell you.. also ask for the Holy Spirit to fill you.. and come replace anything that was afflicting you before so that there will never again be any room for any type of affliction.
And another thing.. tell God you trust Him. And you give your life to Him in surrender.. because you know that what He has planned for you is what is best for you. And that you know everything you want and need He shall provide at the right time. Tell Him you will follow Him all the days of your life.
And ask God to forgive you for the times you followed Satan. And ask Him to deliver you from him permanently. And to help you resist him, firm in your faith (all of this in combination with the former words of supplication).
For instance, I asked God to forgive me for the way I judged the church-- His dwelling place. And I asked Him to remove the religious\pharisaic spirit from my life forever.
I asked Him to forgive me for turning away from Him.. and being ashamed of Him.. and I asked Him to remove the spirit of the anti Christ from my life forever.
I also asked Him to forgive me for being prideful, doubtful and fearful, and suspicious. And I asked Him to remove these spirits from my life forever.
I asked Him to forgive me for committing idolatry and I asked Him to deliver me from it forever.
And I asked Him to forgive me for getting depressed and not trusting Him. I asked Him to deliver me from this spirit forever as well.. and I asked Him to give me true happiness.
And I asked Him to fill me with His spirit.
I decided I was through giving Satan authority over me. And I decided to be more thankful for things... and to trust God. And I’ve been more positive. And I’ve been in a better mood than I was before. And I’m staying that way.
I was depressed for a long time.. a very long time. And it was a deep depression. Because I listened to others.. instead of God. I didn’t trust Him like I should have. But I trust Him now.
After you receive deliverance you must continue to claim it. Remember that you have been redeemed. And delivered. And that Satan 'cannot' touch you. And continue to trust in God... and believe in His plans.. and promises... give the enemy no place.. and he is forever conquered.
Satan has NO real power-- it is only the perceived power we give him.. when we believe a lie.
God is in us and within us... He has given us authority over the enemy.. It's time we take up that authority.
Satan is our enemy.. and he knows it. He is well aware that we are the Lord's children.. and he is well aware of the power we have in Christ... and he is 'very' afraid of what will happen once we tap into that power.
Our entire life Satan has come up against us.. and he has tried to make our fears reality.. so why not do him the same honor?
It shouldn’t be too hard. He’s quite susceptible to it... Satan is a coward.
He IS fear.
And he IS a lie.
Mark 5:7
“And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.”
"The Devil tries to instill fear into the hearts of men, but he is a defeated being (Revelation 14:11). Why do you think the movies always portray Satan as a powerful, mighty and intimidating being? It's all an illusion of power that Satan deceives people with.
The truth is that Satan is a sniveling little coward, as we clearly see in the cowardly devils in Mark 5:7, cowering in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. The demons were terrified! The devils begged like dogs in the presence of Jesus Christ. So we learn from the Scriptures that demons are cowards who beg in the presence of God.
Satan's illusion of power will one day be stripped away, and the world will look upon him in disbelief that he shook the kingdoms of this earth in false fear (Isaiah 14:16). Bible prophecy is history written in advance. Satan's doom, defeat and destiny are already sealed and certain, it's just a short matter of time until Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire forever."
If you’ll notice in the movies Satan always tries to glorify himself but in the end he is defeated... when good defeats evil. This is a universal philosophical truth. It is the same always and everywhere. We’ve nothing to fear. Satan has already been defeated.
Luke 8:30-35
Jesus asked him, saying, “What is your name?”
And he said, “Legion,” because many demons had entered him. And they begged Him that He would not command them to go out into the abyss.
Now a herd of many swine was feeding there on the mountain. So they begged Him that He would permit them to enter them. And He permitted them. Then the demons went out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd ran violently down the steep place into the lake and drowned.
When those who fed them saw what had happened, they fled and told it in the city and in the country. Then they went out to see what had happened, and came to Jesus, and found the man from whom the demons had departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind. And they were afraid.
Mark 16: 17-18
And these signs shall follow them that believe ; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
God has been with us our entire life.. watching over us and protecting us. And He has stationed His angels around us. There is a hedge of protection around us. And there always will be.
And He is trying to teach us to fight with Him. That is what we are here for. So that we may learn to fight Satan and obtain complete freedom in Christ. But in order to do that we must learn to take up His authority. and He desperately wants to see us take up His power and learn to overcome.
For though we walk in the flesh, we don't wage war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty through God to the throwing down of strongholds.
II Corinthians 10: 3-4
.... That verse has been on the back of one of my shirts for a long time. I got a shirt from Warrior Nations Ministries. It has that verse on the back of it, and it says fight club on the front.
But it seems like I just recently started to pay attention to what that verse really means.
God doesn't expect us to do this alone. He wants us to do it with Him.. and He is power. There is NOTHING He can't do.
All He asks is that we take up that power,
so what are we waiting for?
Submit to God. Resist the devil. And he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.. He will comfort you. And shelter you.
The way you submit to God is through praise music… and prayer… and scripture.
Give it all to God. Trust Him entirely. Leave no room for fear or any other type of affliction. We must "keep" our eyes on Him so that we "remain" fearless and thus filled with faith. This is a battle. It’s time we realize that and arm ourselves with the appropriate weapons so that we are filled with the spirit: prayer, praise, and the shield of faith that is obtained through God’s truth (the word of God) which is the sword of the spirit. And we must learn to meditate on His love and draw into it.
Once we can learn all of this we will be fine. We will not even be fazed by Satan. He will be rendered of no effect.
The most important thing is to hide in Him, trust Him, and meditate on His love.
It increases our faith
The rest of it is important as well but without faith we haven't a shield.
Ephesians 6:10-20
The Whole Armor of God
'Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit...'
The biggest lie Satan ever told us was that we are not capable of rising above his influence. And choosing good over evil. If that were the case there would be no significance to Jesus' coming. His goal has always been to get us to turn to Him, and we were given the Holy Spirit so that we may conquer Satan and rise above his influence. Once we received the Holy Spirit we were given all authority over the enemy. The Holy Spirit is not subject to Satan/sin.
Our purpose here on earth is to learn to overcome evil with good...
That was everyone's purpose though there are some that reject the Lord and choose Satan instead.
But we all go through a trial in which we will choose Satan or God--
God desires that we choose Him and overcome so that we may give our testimony (tell others of our experience and how we overcome so that we may give them knowledge so that they too may overcome because we have a significant influence on those around us).
Satan wants to prevent us all from overcoming because he wants to prevent us from defeating him in the power of the Holy Spirit and giving our testimony and this influencing others to do the same.
Because he wants to prevent us from furthering God’s kingdom on earth. He wants to prevent us from continuing the work of Christ as he does not want to see others healed and set free.
Once you overcome you will have the knowledge and wisdom to counteract Satan’s lies with truth and influence others to do the same. When you speak the truth it will set the captives free, their eyes will be opened, and they will see the truth whereas they were deceived before but because you come out of trial victorious you will be equipped to counteract Satan with truth in the power of the holy spirit and it will set the captives free.
That is why Satan fights so hard to prevent us from turning to God and coming through trial victorious.
We were all given gifts and callings from the Lord such as the gift of song, wisdom and revelation, intelligence, writing, etc
Satan fights in order to get us to utilize our gifts for him instead of God as our callings are without repentance.
He knows what gifts the Lord gave us.
As Satan knows all of our callings.
Satan knows we were all meant to expose his lies and defeat him with good so he fights to get us to choose to utilize our gifts for him instead of God so we will do his will of deceiving others rather than telling them the truth and setting them free.
We're meant to expose Satan’s lies...
not to promulgate them.
This world is stupid and cruel. Everything sucks. Everything is negative.
There is a lot of good in this world. You should try to focus on it.
He addressed scripture out of context and proceeded to attack God for executing judgment on the wicked.
Why is it that you want to address biblical scripture but only those parts involving God's judgment on the wicked? Why do you not address the scripture that provides solace.. or the scripture that states that God sacrificed for us... or the scripture that states God is love?
You cannot address the scripture out of context.. then presume to leave out the rest of the scripture which clearly states that there is only ONE who is good…
and that is the Lord.
And it is because the Lord IS good that He executes judgment on the wicked-- and you cannot call God evil for destroying evil then presume to blame Him for the evil He has yet to destroy--
nemo iudex in sua causa
He accused me of making statements I didn't make.
And he asserted that Numbers 31 says it’s okay to rape when it doesn’t.
I didn't say infants were evil nor did I say that foreign people deserve to be enslaved.
And Numbers 31 says NOTHING about rape.
Please go back and interpret the scripture correctly.. then I will take the time to discuss it with you.
And go back and read the verses in the bible regarding slavery within their original context.. they might make more sense then.
God alone gives life.
And He alone takes it away.
In every circumstance.
And every time frame.
And people die every day-- young and old.
Some believe the age of accountability is 13. And that we, at that age, then begin to decide whether we accept or reject the Lord. But the truth of the matter is no one knows... because no one knows the heart of any person.. young or old. Except God.
I personally believe that all children who are pure in heart go to heaven. And I’ve never considered an age. Because it doesn’t matter what age the child was.. it matters if they were pure in heart. And most children are pure in heart.. although there are some that are not. But if they were pure in heart they are in heaven with God. It doesn’t matter what age they were. But if I had to guess an age of accountability it would probably be five.
But I really don’t think it’s quite that rudimentary. Because a lot more than age factors into it. For instance, the child’s upbringing effects a lot of things. God knows the future. And every path that child may or may not have taken. And He judges the heart so we really can’t say for certain. There are some that would never have chosen God... regardless of their upbringing. Then there are others that would have chosen God had they had a different upbringing. So it just depends. And God always does what is kind. And just. So we can just come up with a scenario, pick what He tells us is the right thing to do, and that should clear it all up.
In other words, if we perceive something to be kind. Or just. Or the right thing to do.. it’s because God told us it was. So you can know for certain if He told you it’s right.. then its right. ... there's no point in trying to figure out an age of accountability because it has nothing to do with that. And all to do with what is right. And kind.
Everyone in this world that is kind… and just… is listening to the source of all that IS kind and just. And the reason it is kind and just is because what IS kind and just told you what is kind and just.
The source came from the source.
Therefore, if you were to be given a 'just' age of accountability (if there were one) which you did perceive to be just you would perceive it to be just because that which is just told you it was just and that which is just is just and that which is just is just because He who is just is just and He that is just told you that which is just because He IS just.
We cannot be more righteous than God as He IS righteousness.
I never used to understand what it meant when I heard that God is love-- because I had always perceived love as a feeling, but I recently started to understand it. When we love someone we must be "following our heart" per say...but what are we doing when we listen to our heart? We’re listening to our conscience-- and God is the source of our conscience.
Our emotions are a product of whichever entity we decide to listen to:
God or Satan.
If one is disposed to the spirit of love then he/she is listening to God.
In contrast if one is disposed to the spirit of lust then he/she is listening to Satan.
We know the difference between right and wrong because God tells us so-- and we get to decide whether we want to listen to Him or not.
If we can no longer discern right from wrong.. or if we begin to confuse evil with good and good with evil then we're not listening to God-- we're listening to Satan.
God is the one that guides us into all truth. But we have to listen to Him. Otherwise, we're listening to Satan instead of Him. And that’s not good for us.. it drains us of our personality.. our intelligence.. our sense of humor.. our memory.. and eventually our identity.
Which is why we need to turn to God... because He is our only protector.. and our only provider. He alone gives us wisdom… and understanding… and our well being.
I thought about that before... I was getting ready to leave work.. and something reminded me to put a post it note on a document I had just received from a client.. so I would remember to put the notes in the next day regarding the document. And I realized that was God reminding me through my conscience.. He is literally with us every second of the day.. guiding us... in all that we do. ... helping us to remember things. ...and comforting us.
And I noticed when I was being so negative before.. and I was listening to Satan.. I started forgetting things… and getting confused… and sick. And it’s because I was listening to Satan and he was draining me of my cognition.
... When we resist God-- we resist ourselves… because we are one with Him.
I in them, and you in me, that they may be made perfect in one.
John 17:23
But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.
1 Corinthians 6: 17
Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
James 2:19
Read that last verse repeatedly
God is within us... and greater is He who is within you... than he who is within the world.
And that is exactly why Satan wants to destroy us. Because he knows exactly what will happen once we tap into that power within that the Lord has given us.
Satan is a thief and a murderer. He wants to steal our identity in Christ so that we will never become who we were meant to be. And so that we will never obtain true happiness and self fulfillment. He wants to rob us of all the blessings and gifts that God has for us. He will attempt to turn us away from God and make us ashamed of Him as well as ourselves so that we will reject Him and thus reject ourselves so that in the end we will allow him to destroy us... because he needs our permission as he has no power over us unless we give it to him.
There will be a day when we will all stand before the Lord-- and His love and kindness will envelop us. And we will see Satan for what he really is-- a liar and a slanderer. And we will see his defeat. And how he trembles in fear at His name-- Satan is a loser. And he has already been defeated. It would be better for us to realize it sooner rather than later.
We cannot sensibly accuse God of being evil for being opposed to evil when He is opposed to evil because He is the opposite of evil as good is the opposite of evil so good must be in opposition to evil as the thing in opposition to the thing in opposition must be in opposition to that which it is in opposition to otherwise the thing in opposition would not be in opposition to that which it is in opposition to.
And if God were not good... and thus in opposition to evil.. then hell would not exist... and good and evil would co exist forever.
Do you want to co exist with evil forever?
I personally don’t. I’m sort of looking forward to the day that Satan and his demons are bound in chains and thrown into the burning lake of fire. However, I have joined forces with God. Therefore, Satan is my adversary. So it makes sense that I would look forward to that day. Satan is a liar and a thief. He has but one goal: to steal, kill, and destroy. He wants to get as many as he can to choose to share his fate and join forces with him. I want to get as many as I can to join ranks with God as we were ALL meant to join ranks with GOD. NOT Satan. And I have made it my life goal to expose Satan’s lies. Satan has no power against us unless we give it to him. Satan is a loser. He is a defeated being. As good has already defeated evil. Problem is, there are too many people that are choosing to side with a loser. Care to join the side that wins?
This is a quote my sister wrote:
"Jesus didn't just die for us. It's not just about him dying. It's about the way he lived. He was an example of light. He was optimistic. He was enlightened. He was selfless. He loved humanity. He brought life and love into people. That's what He lived for. He was an example to all of time. He was a person of light in an age of pure darkness."
And we're supposed to show that same example to reveal to others that light prevails and darkness never wins. Because when we don’t it causes others to lose heart and succumb to the darkness believing a lie… that darkness wins. When it doesn’t. We’re just listening to a loser. But if we choose to listen to a loser instead of following God and being victorious it sets a bad example. And we are responsible for the choices we make... as well as those we may lead astray.
Our choices have a 'huge' impact on those around us and the choices they make in turn. This is why God taught us the golden rule.. and why He tells us to teach our children in the way they should go so they shall not depart from it. And this is why it’s so important that we fulfill our callings in Christ.
We are in a battle between good and evil. And Satan is fighting for as many as he can and God is fighting against him.
Therefore, when we follow Satan we are leading others into darkness. And when we follow God we are leading others into light.
And God would love to force us all to choose Him.. but He created us with our own mind and the ability to choose what we want. And every choice we make effects another.. and another.. and another.. and God makes the best out of our choices. But they are still 'our' choices.
And the reality of it is many of the people that choose Satan would have never chosen him if the person that chose Satan before them had not chosen him. They would have chosen God.
So we'd be a lot better off if we all chose God.
God is competing with Satan over us with equal strength in that He refuses to force us to choose Him.
But the Lord has ALREADY won the battle in that those that desire Him/have chosen Him cannot be plucked from His hand-- meaning, those that are HIS are already victorious in Christ and everything Satan meant for harm against them will backfire and return upon his own head in that God will use it for our good to strengthen us and purify us.
When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
Isaiah 43: 2
My mom gave one of her testimonies at the ministry last Sunday. She got up in front of everyone and told them I used to be on drugs and that she was scared for my life because I was taking so much.
She told them about a dream she had about me in which I was wearing a white gown.. and there was fire all around me.
But I passed right through it unscathed. She told them I was glowing.
She told them when she first had the dream it scared her and she wasn’t sure what it meant.
Then she read Isaiah 43: 2.
The scriptures speak of the bride of Christ. It’s an allegorical representation of those that are one with Him and those that will reign with Him.
So that is what the white gown represented.
White linen represents purity.
And righteousness.
Those that are ONE with Him shall wear it…
And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God Almighty. And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”
And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone. And the rest were killed with the sword which came from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse… And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Revelation 19
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for anyone interested in a different and critical perspective on t...
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