What are we made of? What is our consciousness? Scientists have recently discovered something called the Electromagnetic Field Theory of Consciousness:
"When thinking about fundamental entities, its easy to ask a question that, upon reflection, is contradictory. The questions of this kind take the form: what is some fundamental thing made of? The contradiction here is that there can only be an answer if the fundamental thing is not fundamental. The electromagnetic field is one such fundamental entity. It’s not made of anything else, it just is what it is. In the context of qft, photons (real and virtual) are "excitations" of this entity. Real photons are associated with the long range propagation of energy and momentum, i.e., electromagnetic waves. Virtual photons are associated with the electromagnetic force, i.e., the lorentz force, as well as evanescent waves, and near field antenna radiation.
These electromagnetic fields can be measured.. if it’s non-zero on average in some region, it can have physical effects, such as making your hair stand on end or causing a spark. It can also have waves - visible light is such a wave."
Parapsychologists study this phenomenon and attempt to capture spiritual activity this way. But why do they study electromagnetic fields? How is this indicative of a spiritual presence? The human conscious mind consists of an array of electromagnetic signals. Every time a nerve fires, the electrical activity sends a signal to the brain's electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic field does the binding that is characteristic of consciousness. If our consciousness is generated through an electromagnetic field then it is safe to say that it is the essence of our spirit. So in effect the human conscious mind is impelled by the spirit which consists of an electromagnetic field which is why parapsychologists study electromagnetic fields to capture spiritual activity.
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