Parapsychologists study electromagnetic fields to observe the spiritual realm. They have been doing this for years. New discoveries in science have provided some explanations for this in quantum physics. The elecromagnetic
field theory of consciousness states that the human mind and heart contain a highly endogenous extracellular electromagnetic field. After death our consciousness or this electromagnetic field still exists outside the physical vessel:
"In America, when two people sit down to talk seriously, it is called having a “heart to heart.” Research of the last 20 years indicates that this is actually very close to the truth and that emotional communication occurs at the level of quantum physics.
Studies performed at the HeartMath Institute show that each human heart emits an electromagnetic field, the largest generated by any part of the human body, which extends up to several feet away from the body in a 360-degree radius. An individual’s heart communicates with the hearts of others in its immediate vicinity through the emotional information encoded in its electromagnetic field and throughout the world via the electromagnetic pulses associated with each heartbeat which travel at the speed of sound.
One’s heart also communicates with one’s brain (via the nervous system, hormones, pulse waves, and electromagnetic fields) and with the brains of other individuals (via pulse waves and electromagnetic fields), according to McCraty, Tiller, & Atkinson (1996). The brain emits its own electromagnetic field and waves of energy (known as alpha, beta, delta, gamma, and theta waves, each of which results from different states in brain functioning). The heart’s electrical field, however, is almost 60 times greater in amplitude than that of the brain and is more than 5000 times greater in strength than the brain’s electrical field (McCraty, Tiller, & Atkinson, 1996). The heart also sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart.
Research is proving that the heart and brain interact with each other which impacts consciousness, perceptions, and performance. Heart-brain synchronization can occur between two people in interaction (McCraty, Tiller, & Atkinson, 1996) when they are responding to each other with sincerity, appreciation, and love (McCraty & Atkinson, 1999). The presence of negative emotions, however, has the opposite effect and creates chaos in one's nervous system. The HeartMath Institute has established that the heart contains a system of neurons that have short- and long-term memory and that their signals affect our emotional experiences when they are sent to the brain. McCraty and Atkinson (1999) also discovered that when the heart sends messages based in greater psychophysiological positive and coherent states to the brain, the brain’s information processing capabilities are enhanced.
So what does all this science mean for individuals on a spiritual path who wish to make a positive impact on the world? It means this goal can be achieved simply by being a sincere, loving, caring, grateful person. For example, being a loving parental caregiver is critical even at the quantum level. Gary Schwartz, Ph.D., Director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona, performed studies which revealed that an individual’s perceptions of the quality of care he/she received in childhood affects how receptive that individual’s brain is to synchronizing with the heart communications from others in their environment (The Energy Healing Experiments: Science Reveals Our Natural Power to Heal, 2007). The fact that a mother's brain waves synchronize to her baby's heartbeats both in utero and during breastfeeding has been documented. McCraty, Atkinson, and Tiller (1999) concur that those who are in a more physiologically coherent state are more sensitive to the electromagnetic information encoded in the heart signals of others around them.
There is great potential to understand human behavior from these studies. For instance, is it possible to establish an understanding of what occurs when two people experience what they believe is love at first sight based on electromagnetic and pulse-based heart-brain interactions?"
Physical attraction is based on spiritual/mental attraction as well as physical appearance.
And you can't be in love alone. That's not my opinion. It's science.
Real science. Not the fake kind written by idiots and lacking in relevance.
It's called chemistry.
Chemistry is spiritual. Chemistry = Spiritual = Physical. Chemical reactions encompass our spirit which embodies our physical existence. Thus the reason when you meet a person you are usually immediately comfortable in their presence or repelled by their presence. Because these chemical reactions or spiritual interactions are going on at all times at the quantum level. These interactions are based on spiritual reactions which are not one sided. Rather both parties are experiencing them simultaneously thus the appellation "chemical reaction".
There are different kinds of connections-- Friendship connections. Familial connections. Etc. Then there is the one connection you experience that usurps all others because it is every connection combined into one and it's centered on the kind of pure sacrificial love that surpasses all things. That's the one in which you only experience it once if you do and when you do you are in love with the one.
Logically, chemical reactions or (spirit to spirit) connections cannot be one sided. The (connection) between (both entities) exists in the
When a person thinks they have a connection with another person when they don't neither of the individuals truly have a connection.
But when you have a (real) connection with someone the connection truly exists and it's mutual.
It's sort of obvious that chemistry is not one sided. It goes both ways. You can't have chemistry with someone that you don't have chemistry with. And you can't have chemistry with someone that doesn't have chemistry with you.
Both always feel exactly the same way. If one appears to care more than the other it's just because everyone expresses themselves differently.
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