God Does Not Control Us

People think that because God is all powerful

and we can pray to Him

and He sees the future

and He is in control

that we don’t make our own choices

But that is NOT true

God may be all powerful but He is NOT a tyrant.


Because He doesn’t WANT TO BE

Just because he can do something doesn’t mean He can’t choose NOT to and He chooses NOT TO control us.

We pray to God but He works around our will in answering that prayer thus the reason sometimes it takes twenty years for a prayer to be answered and other prayers may be answered the same week. BUT God has promised that the prayer will be answered so He will do whatever it takes to make it happen. He just works around our will in doing so.

And God sees the future, but He is not making our choices for us. This is the reason that He will show us a vision of something that He does NOT WANT to happen so that we can pray against it.

God is in control. But we make our own decisions.

And that is not contradictory. It just means that God "allows" us to reap what we sow. And He allows us to be evil if we choose it. But He is still in control because He is all powerful. And no one can come against Him. Thus the reason in the movies and in real life good ALWAYS wins... in the end.

But why does God allow us to be evil if we choose it?

Because you can't control people.

They are either good. Or they're evil.

And it took a long time for God to teach me how to honor free will the way He does.


God can intervene in certain situations that we get ourselves into, but He wants "someone" to ask him to. Of their own free will. Because He doesn't want to go where He is NOT wanted.

We were all predestined with a purpose in Christ, but we can of our own accord not choose that purpose. And we are trialed here for a reason. To choose to join one of two forces: good or evil.

Because good and evil cannot coexist forever.

And often we fall into one of a few categories:

First: Those who are pure evil and have given their soul over to Satan.

Second: Those who are good hearted and would never give their soul to Satan yet are attacked by him because they haven't really surrendered to God. These are the ones that Satan wants to keep locked up in a cage so to speak so that they will never pursue their callings cause he knows once they do that he's in big trouble. I had a dream when I was a little girl. It scared the hell out of me. In the dream Satan put me in a package and sent me away. The dream didn’t really make any sense to me but somehow I knew the dream was a warning. Now I know that it meant Satan would try to prevent me from my callings by keeping me in bondage.

Third: Those who are following Christ.


We should never blame God or anyone else for the evil in this world because the evil in this world is a result of:

our loved ones that choose evil

and ourselves (that is, when we stop loving others for the bad decisions they make when we have been guilty of the same).

God loves us unconditionally and we should show that same love to others… to lead them into light instead of darkness. We should try to understand the dire need for them to turn from their ways because they are essentially perishing when they choose to follow Satan. Because he plans to get them to join forces with him and give their soul to him. Or if he can’t do that he plans to attack them and keep them from their callings.

But at the same time we must understand that there are some that just will not listen. They will reject God/Jesus, and when they do that, there is nothing He can do. Because they hate Him and they desire evil.

Still there are others that will choose Him.



This is a quote my sister wrote:



"Jesus didn't just die for us. It's not just about him dying. It's about the way he lived. He was an example of light. He was optimistic. He was enlightened. He was selfless. He loved humanity. He brought life and love into people. That's what He lived for. He was an example to all of time. He was a person of light in an age of pure darkness."



And we're supposed to show that same example to reveal to others that light prevails and darkness never wins. Because when we don’t it causes others to lose heart and succumb to the darkness believing a lie… that darkness wins. When it doesn’t. We're just listening to a loser. But if we choose to listen to a loser instead of following God and being victorious it sets a bad example. And we are responsible for the choices we make... as well as those we may lead astray.



That’s why it's so important that we choose God/Jesus instead of Satan.



'You create your own reality'

You can choose to live a life full of light or darkness.

And it's a choice.

There are always two ways of looking at everything..

One side is positive-you win. The other side is negative- you lose.

But if you always choose the positive side you never lose.



It's all in the mind set. When you constantly focus on negative things all the time it’s the worst thing you can do to yourself because it drains you of the light… and all that is positive within you. You literally lose a part of yourself and the best part. When you constantly speak and think negative things it becomes your reality. And you eventually get sucked into this darkness that shrouds you and blocks you from the light and that’s a terrible thing.. because you need the light to survive.


So I refuse to think detrimentally. If I start to think that way I renounce it in the name of Jesus and counter it with something positive.



            I heard an interesting message ...


This guy was talking about faith... and he was saying that the scriptures state that its impossible to please God without it.. and that even the smallest amount would suffice. But what really caught my attention was when he explained what it meant not to have faith... he said that it was like questioning God's integrity.. and calling Him dishonest. Cause whether we realize it or not when we lack faith that is exactly what we're doing. We might as well just say, I’m sorry God. I just don’t trust you to handle the affairs of my life.. I don’t think your competent.. Ill take care of it.


... We are being robbed of life's best when we refuse to let God provide for us... and we refuse to trust Him. ... we miss out on all the gifts He has for us because we refuse to let Him take part in our life.


God created us with the ability to choose what we 'want.' Some people want to follow His voice. And some people want to follow Satan’s voice. It’s that simple.


... or I suppose I should have said God created us with our own will or the ability to desire what we want yet we question this as if it were possible for us to be conscious puppets with the ability to do what we want to do. And that’s absurd. Because puppets do not get to choose anything as they do not have their own mind and their own consciousness. They are inanimate objects controlled entirely by the agent controlling them. And if we think that we are in any way comparable to them then we're clearly confused.


God does not control us-- He wants us to choose Him of our own accord. It’s the entire reason why He has to intercede for us. And why He had to sacrifice for us. Because He has to 'intervene' in our lives because He gave us the ability to choose something that He would rather we 'not' choose... if He were controlling us then He would not have to intercede because we wouldn’t have the ability to choose anything but what He wants us to choose.


And there are many people that are under the impression that they do not have their own mind or their own consciousness even though such a notion is clearly impossible. So I’ve contemplated this state of mind and I’ve found the source... since it's obvious that we do in fact have our own mind and our own consciousness there can be but one culprit... because there is but one idiot that teaches doctrines of idiocy. And it’s Satan.


These people are under the mind control of the enemy. They are slaves to his will. And he is slowly draining them of their identity. But they appear to prefer to follow him than God? And that’s what I can’t understand.


They’d rather be angry with God. And blame Him for all the evil in this world. When the evil in this world is actually a result of those that are following Satan.. Not God. Because if we all followed God this world would be a lot better. But we blame God because we won’t listen to Him?


We act like it's His fault that we chose Satan instead of Him? Like He would actually set us up? And make us choose something other than Him? When He sacrificed for us just to get us to turn to Him instead of Satan and He intercedes for us constantly in an attempt to get us to choose Him over Satan. Yet we actually think He would set us up to choose Satan? Do you see how nonsensical that is? Because it's Satan’s thoughts and there is no truth in him. He is a slanderer. And a liar. And he will attempt to steal your hope and trust and eventually your identity. And that is why I have fought so hard to expose him.


All of this confusion results from a lack of trust/faith. The thoughts of pride and suspicion all stem from a lack of trust.


Those that trust God do not confuse things. They do not question Him or His motives.


We have to make a conscious choice to trust Him.


... We have to reject these thoughts that are not of Him-- cast them down in the name of Jesus. And ask God for deliverance from them permanently.


We have to choose Him over Satan.



We have free will. And free will sucks. Because we all have callings over our lives. And we were ALL meant to serve God. But because of free will many turn away and end up serving Satan. And as I’ve written before, our choices have a 'huge' impact on those around us and the choices they make in turn. And 'we' are responsible for the choices we make as well as those we may lead astray.


God needs us to listen to Him... and we need to listen to God.. it’s a joint effort. God works around our will.. and the choices He sees we will make. And He makes the best out of those choices-- but they're still our choices. Thus if we all chose Him we'd be a lot better off. But not everyone will choose Him. He knows those that will... and when they do He sends them to others that will. And that is our purpose.







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