
I like that manifesto.

I like the way he hints at the truth—

He's trying to assert that rationalism is not distinct from spirituality which contradicts humanism and thus renders him no longer a humanist if he were but willing to admit it.

No matter how exhaustive the examination of human history and ideology-- in the absence of God there is no truth because the heart and soul of truth is God. Therefore, trying to find the truth whilst discounting Christ is a senseless and futile effort.

Someone once asserted that I was a transcendentalist on a site during a debate. He didn't ask. He just assumed that for whatever reason. I didn't feel it was worth defending myself since he had already decided that was what I was. However, I’m not a transcendentalist. I am a person that accepts spirituality as a state of being, and I follow no one's beliefs but my own.

It seems to me that one always seems to want to fit into some category or to have a label of some sort.. to indicate that they are following a certain belief system that some random person started-- but I’ve noticed for some reason most of these belief systems are faulty in some way. They appear to be based on truth but are corrupt in some minute manner.

They are searching for truth in a system of this world

And so they will never find it

Because truth comes by hearing

And hearing by the word of God

Thus truth is found only in the person of Christ


I have but one teacher within myself

And I follow no one but Him

Humanism/atheism is just another form of defiled religion.

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