There Is No Fault In Him


Meaning, ANY righteousness in us is a result of us being His children. We were made in His image. In His likeness. We belong to HIM and we are His children. If we believe that He has wronged us it is because we are deceived by the enemy. He does not hurt His children in ANY way. All He wants us to do is listen to Him and have a relationship with Him. If we are suffering (and this includes everyone) it is because we have turned away from Him and we are serving Satan so in effect we are harmed by the choices “WE MAKE."

If we perceive something to be unjust more than likely it is because it is unjust. And God agrees with us because any good in us comes from Him. So we can be sure that God will reveal the truth to us…

Because He is NEVER unjust

When God executes judgment on the wicked it is done in righteousness.

Meaning, He does it to eradicate evil.

If we judge Him for that, then we truly do not love righteousness.

But what I realized when I started following Him was that I had always followed Him. I just didn't realize it. All the times I had helped others I was listening to Him and I had helped others all my life. And that has always been my reward because I’m not happy unless I’m helping others.

I get extremely depressed when I’m not working as a nurse or helping at the soup kitchen or something.

And if I don't have the income to buy gifts I get upset cause I like to be able to buy things for people.

And I feel like that because I am His daughter.

Meaning, that’s how He is and He is my father so I am like him.

All Jesus did in His ministry was help people. He walked the earth healing the sick and giving sight to the blind. He was a father to the fatherless and a friend to those in need. He gave His life for us but we have a hard time understanding that for some reason.

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for anyone interested in a different and critical perspective on t...

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