God Is The Source of Our Conscience


Something important that I think one should point out:

God is not just an entity in the sky.

He is an omnipresent being that exists in three forms:

First form: the father who "can be" in the sky.

Second form: the son who came to earth to die for "our" sins to set us free from "Satan". Third form: the entity that exists "within us."

 ... God has a voice.... it's known as our "conscience" or a "still small voice"

{look it up: it's in the dictionary and it's universal ; this is the reason why we all inherently aspire to moral standards}

So God is the voice of our conscience and He is the Holy Spirit.

What is the Holy Spirit?

The entity that exists within us.

But what else is it?

The Holy Spirit is kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, hope, peace, and love.

Some of you may have seen the universal symbol of the Holy Spirit: the dove or the symbol of peace—

In the bible, the dove is the symbol of the Holy Spirit; it is also known to be a universal symbol for peace as the Lord is the one "Prince of Peace."

So let's recap: the Holy Spirit is kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, etc

all of which can be summed up as complete peace...

and He exists "within" us.

I'm thinking that most of you are probably aware of the definitions of the aforementioned words.

You've probably heard of them.

They can be summed up most aptly as: Your WELL- BEING.

The aforementioned are necessary for you to be WELL.

So what do you think happens when we deny Him that provides us with the above mentioned well-being?

It affects us negatively in that it drains us of the fruit of the spirit and our overall peace. Why? Because we are His creation: He is our father and just like any child has attributes attributed to them from their parent so do we have that which is of the spirit and was given to us by our father (these are good things that we don't want to lose). However, in this case, we can deny Him thus suppressing His spirit thus causing ourselves "much" harm as He is within us and when we deny Him we deny ourselves. It's important to note that we can suppress God's voice (our conscience) and listen to Satan instead repeatedly until we eventually lose voice of reason and harm ourselves as well as others. For instance, those that refuse to have faith eventually fall into a deep depression because faith is a good thing. Why? It breeds hope. And what does hope breed? Happiness.. and so on and so forth which all results in peace or our overall well-being. This is why it's so important NOT to let Satan turn us away from our "father" who loves us and provides us with our well-being as well as ALL good things.

The reason for moral universality is mentioned in the bible.. our conscience bears witness to it.. and our conscience is the voice of God.

God is separate from religion that is made by man.

He is truth.

He is the one truth that exists apart from man made religion. The only one that is not corrupt in some minute manner. The one religion that exists above and beyond man made religion therefore cannot be grouped therein.

True spirituality is the origin of universal truth. That which existed before religion. Therefore, the one true religion. The others are just perfidious counterfeits.

There is a certain counterfeit religious spirit or that of the pharisees. It seeks to destroy true spirituality. It seeks to confuse true followers of Christ and make them ashamed of their identity.. because His true followers abhor such traditions. They are like Christ in this way.

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

The counterfeit religious spirit is demonic.

But true spirituality and undefiled religion are not.

The two are separate. And they need to be acknowledged as such so that the counterfeit spirit is exposed for what it is and true spirituality is evinced.

I find it interesting that the word conscience is broken down to--

con- science

The truth is in the name.

Science is certainly a con.

God is the source of our conscience. Our conscience not only tells us right from wrong but it directs/guides protects us in everything we do. It is the voice that warns us to slow down if we are driving too fast and close to running off the road. It's the voice that gives us hope when we feel like our entire world is falling apart. It's the voice that comforts us when we are afraid.

It's the voice in the night that calms us and helps us fall asleep. It's the voice that gives us strength when we get weak. It's the voice that makes us believe in ourselves when we feel like a failure. It's the voice that tells us to help others when they are in need. It's the voice that tells us not to lie, cheat, or steal. It's the voice that tells us not to hurt others...        

And it's the voice of our father.

The one who has always been there from the very beginning guiding us and giving us strength...
Because He loves us.


I'm going to give you two examples in particular in which my conscience (GOD) has saved my life. There have been many times but these are a few technical examples... a few years ago my friend and I were leaving the parking lot. We pulled up to a redlight. I didn't realize it but they were doing construction there. I was talking to my friend, not paying attention, and I looked up as I slammed on my breaks. A semi truck flew by me going about sixty. He would have hit me head on directly on my side of the vehicle had I kept going to stop at the white line which was about another foot in front of me where the truck had just passed through.

I had no idea why I slammed on my breaks until I did it. I was thinking I needed to drive all the way up to the white line. I thought about calling the police department and telling them that they needed to fix that little mishap considering it could have killed me had I not slammed on my breaks for no apparent reason.

Here is another similar example.. not long ago I was driving somewhere but I was looking down at my iPod because I needed to change the song. I slammed on my breaks, then looked up, and there was a car stopped right in front of me. I would have hit them had I not hit my breaks but I didn't see them until after I hit my breaks and looked up.

"Something" just told me to do it, and fortunately I listened.

I taught a lesson on hearing God’s voice. I told them we're always following someone: God or Satan. There’s no in between. And the scriptures state, 'Choose this day whom you will serve.’ Cause whether we realize it or not we're always serving someone: either God or Satan.

Then I explained to them that God speaks in different ways:

Through the scripture (because God gave those that wrote the scripture the words through their conscience-- I told them they were called writing prophets).

In our heart through our conscience (and I told them we have scientific evidence for the way our heart and minds communicate with each other.. and that this is the communication that occurs between us and God because He is the source of our conscience).

And God speaks to us through our conscience and has us give messages to people.. sometimes when we don’t even realize it.

He also may have us turn on the radio to receive a message or He may direct us to read something at a certain time.

I told them that it is important to understand the way God speaks to us.

And that Satan also speaks to us. And I told them to think of a time when they could discern the battle in their mind in which Satan was urging them to do something wrong.. and God was telling them to do the opposite.

I told them that whichever entity we listen to the most is the one we serve.

Then the second segment of the class I addressed the importance of understanding God's unconditional love. And I told them it is easy for us to forget how much He loves us because there are consequences for our actions. I gave them a scenario: I said, if a person chooses to do something wrong and they go to jail for it who’s fault is that? They said 'the person's.' I said that’s correct. It’s the law of cause and effect-- we reap what we sow.

And without the system of cause and effect.. this world would be utterly chaotic. No one would have any sense of responsibility.. or accountability...

So the law is a good thing. And God gave it to us to protect us. And keep us from choosing evil and turning away from Him.

Then I asked them if they understood that discipline is a good thing.. and I gave them an example of two parents:

One that held their child responsible for their actions.. and disciplined them when they did wrong.

And another that didn’t care, didn’t hold their child responsible for their actions, and never disciplined them.

They all agreed that the parent that disciplined their child cared more.

The caring father disciplines his child. And teaches him right from wrong.. to protect him.

Thus we should 'never' let the law deter our understanding of God's unconditional love for us.

I think the problem with most of us is we don’t seem to be able to draw the line-- we perceive hell as a disciplinary action that God intended for His children. But this is wrong. God did NOT create hell for His children. And NONE of His children will go there. We inevitably suffer when we choose sin. And there are consequences for rejecting God’s law. But nowhere in the scripture does it state that God’s children will suffer the fate of hell for violating the law. It says that Satan’s children will abide with him in hell... and we are only Satan’s children if we reject the Lord. Which is why we were given the law-- to prevent us from rejecting God and becoming Satan’s children because people that disregard the law completely and violate it 'continually' eventually put themselves at risk of obtaining a seared conscience and eventually a reprobate mind.

But we do not obtain a reprobate mind unless we reject God completely in our heart... and choose Satan as our father. Thus at that point God is then forced to turn us over to Satan. And we are no longer God’s children. But Satan’s. So we suffer the fate of hell.

And God 'hates' it when we do this. It breaks His heart. Which is why He gave us the law to prevent it.. and sacrificed for us. And calls us to intercede for others.. He hates when we choose corruption over all the blessings and gifts He has for us. But He won’t control us. And He won’t force us to choose Him.

He sacrificed for us because we didn’t seem to be able to choose Him before... we chose Satan over Him. But now His spirit dwells within us. And if we desire Him, we may choose Him and thus overcome the enemy in the power of His spirit.

Before we are reborn in Christ we are a slave to Satan/sin. It’s just the way it is. We were born into it. You can blame our forefathers. But God made a way. And sacrificed. And sent His spirit so that we may overcome and crush the enemies head-- in the power of His spirit.



We cannot be good apart from God

And we cannot be evil apart from Satan


God gave us free will (the ability to choose between Him and Satan from the beginning of time).


In order for us to be good--

We (our spirit) has to ‘choose’ good/God--

Because we always overcome ‘by His spirit’


But because our forefathers ‘chose’ to listen to [Satan] instead of God we were born into sin as offspring share the traits of their parents-- it’s the law of genetics.

Therefore, we tend to be inclined to choose Satan instead of God…

However, though we tend to be inclined to choose Satan instead of God we were all created for a relationship with God so there are some that are pure in heart and desire the Lord yet they lack the strength to act on that desire and thus choose the Lord instead of Satan.


So God sacrificed for us so that if we desire Him we may receive His spirit [into ours] and thus be [reborn] in Him so that we may become a new creation that doth have the strength to choose Him and thus overcome evil with good.

[Once we are reborn we receive a new identity in Christ

We are still ourselves

Just a stronger better version of ourselves]



We cannot be good apart from God.

So we must ‘choose’ His spirit in order to be good.

But we didn’t seem to be able to ‘choose’ Him before.

So He sacrificed for us so that [if we desire Him] we may become ONE with Him and overcome by His spirit.


We must always overcome ‘by His spirit’

But we in our spirit alone did not seem to be able to choose His spirit


So He gave up His spirit so that [if we desire it] it is now [apart] of us

So that we are now ONE with Him

So that we overcome by His spirit

Basically, we seemed to lack the strength to choose His spirit and overcome.

So He sent His spirit to dwell within us so that those that desire Him may overcome by His spirit.


He gave up His spirit

And ransomed us

Took our place

And bought and purchased us


Because we had ‘chosen’ Satan

Or signed a contract so to speak giving Satan control over us

But He came and stood in our place

Thus over riding that contract

So that those that desire Him are now His




I’ve had some discussions with people in which they appear to be interested in who decides what is right and what is wrong. The answer to that would simply be-- not us. God gave us the ability to do but one thing. And that is to choose to listen or not to listen. For instance, this scenario may be going on in our mind. Something may be telling us it's wrong to do something we were considering doing.. how do we know it's wrong? Something just told us. We can choose to listen or not to listen.

Another scenario, lets assume we think it would be right to tell the truth rather than to lie.. where did that thought come from? Our conscience/ God, at this point, it is then our choice as to whether we decide to listen and tell the truth... or not to listen and tell a lie. However, we'd have never known it was wrong to lie if our conscience had not told us so.

I suppose I should have finished that first scenario: something may be telling us it’s wrong to do something we were considering doing. We only knew it was wrong because 'something' told us. We can either choose to listen to the voice that said it’s wrong and decide not to perform the act.. or we can choose not to listen to the voice that said its wrong and perform the act anyway.

And we choose what we want to choose.

... We know the difference between right and wrong because God tells us so-- and we get to decide whether we want to listen to Him or not.

If we can no longer discern right from wrong.. or if we begin to confuse evil with good and good with evil then we're not listening to God-- we're listening to Satan.


God is the one that guides us into all truth. But we have to listen to Him. Otherwise, we're listening to Satan instead of Him. And that’s not good for us.. it drains us of our personality.. our intelligence.. our sense of humor.. our memory.. and eventually our identity.


Which is why we need to turn to God... because He is our only protector.. and our only provider. He alone gives us wisdom… and understanding… and our well being.


I thought about that before... I was getting ready to leave work.. and something reminded me to put a post it note on a document I had just received from a client.. so I would remember to put the notes in tomorrow regarding the document. And I realized that was God reminding me through my conscience.. He is literally with us every second of the day.. guiding us... in all that we do. ... helping us to remember things. ...and comforting us.


And I noticed when I was being so negative before.. and I was listening to Satan.. I started forgetting things… and getting confused… and sick. And it’s because I was listening to Satan and he was draining me of my cognition.


... When we resist God-- we resist ourselves… because we are one with Him.


I in them, and you in me, that they may be made perfect in one.

 John 17:23


But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.

 1 Corinthians 6: 17




Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

 James 2:19


Read that last verse repeatedly


God is within us... and greater is He who is within you... than he who is within the world.


And that is exactly why Satan wants to destroy us. Because he knows exactly what will happen once we tap into that power within that the Lord has given us.


Satan is a thief and a murderer. He wants to steal our identity in Christ so that we will never become who we were meant to be. And so that we will never obtain true happiness and self fulfillment. He wants to rob us of all the blessings and gifts that God has for us. He will attempt to turn us away from God and make us ashamed of Him as well as ourselves so that we will reject Him and thus reject ourselves so that in the end we will allow him to destroy us... because he needs our permission as he has no power over us unless we give it to him.


There will be a day when we will all stand before the Lord-- and His love and kindness will envelop us. And we will see Satan for what he really is-- a liar and a slanderer. And we will see his defeat. And how he trembles in fear at His name-- Satan is a loser. And he has already been defeated. It would be better for us to realize it sooner rather than later.


Psalms 29:3

The voice of the LORD is upon the waters; The God of glory thunders, The LORD is over many waters.


Habakkuk 3:4

His radiance is like the sunlight; He has rays flashing from His hand, And there is the hiding of His power.


Deuteronomy 5:24

"You said, 'Behold, the LORD our God has shown us His glory and His greatness, and we have heard His voice from the midst of the fire; we have seen today that God speaks with man, yet he lives.


Ezekiel 1:26-28

Now above the expanse that was over their heads there was something resembling a throne, like lapis lazuli in appearance; and on that which resembled a throne, high up, was a figure with the appearance of a man. Then I noticed from the appearance of His loins and upward something like glowing metal that looked like fire all around within it, and from the appearance of His loins and downward I saw something like fire; and there was a radiance around Him. As the appearance of the rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the surrounding radiance. Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD and when I saw it, I fell on my face and heard a voice speaking.


Hebrews 1:3

And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.


2 Corinthians 3:18

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.


John 17: 22

And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one.


... Many misinterpret the verse that states that God will not give His glory to another... that verse is referring to that which is apart from Him.


We are one with Him and so He has given us His glory.



My daughter told me that she heard God speak to her the other day. She said He has a sense of humor. She said He is sarcastic lol.

I said, He is. And He is very authoritative when He speaks. I told her all the demons tremble at His voice. And that I can't wait until the day that He returns and destroys them all.


My daughter calls His sense of humor sarcastic and it is, but the type of humor is more accurately termed high brow or witty as sarcastic [people] can utilize this type of humor but some can be harsh or bitter and He is never that way.

He is just the intelligence of intelligence thus He is witty and my daughter picked up on that immediately.




I started feeling weak again recently-- a heaviness. I knew it was demonic. And it just sort of hit me that we are in a battle. I mean, I’ve been writing this stuff for years but it’s like I’m just now getting it. So I decided to spend a little bit more time reading the scripture when I woke up.. and I decided to get down on my knees and pray for a while before I did anything else.


I realized that since I’m in a battle I should probably realize that it’s not a good idea to wake up and go days without protection. When I say protection I mean communion with God and the sword of the spirit which is scripture.


But I have been going for years without even doing that... I mean, I’ve read the scripture and I’ve prayed but not like that. And I’ve been in a battle.. on the [front lines]. It’s a good thing God has been protecting me without my active participation or I’d be dead right now.


  • I was a passive prayer warrior before, and I was passively reading the scripture. I would do it methodically. I can’t explain it. It’s like I wasn’t aware of the reality of it, but I was doing it.


But now I’m praying actively. And I’m actively reading the scripture.


I've been reading a few pages of the scripture each morning... and a few pages each evening.


I just woke up recently and started doing it like that... whereas before I neglected to do it. I always felt pressed for time or just tired or whatever but now I just pick it up and start reading. And it literally takes me like two minutes to read a few pages so I don't know why I was thinking I didn't have time before.


I feel a lot better now that I'm reading it like I am. It gives me strength.

And I always ask God to give me wisdom and understanding.. and to help me focus as I read the scripture.

And I ask Him to sanctify me by His word-- His word is truth.

As you become more spiritually aware.. and you get closer to God... you will start to discern His voice. And you’ll be able to discern His thoughts from your thoughts. And you’ll also be able to discern Satan’s thoughts from your own. And you will resist Satan... until he flees. And eventually, there will be no thoughts in your mind except your own.. unless God speaks to you. And you’ll recognize Him when He does.


So you should read the bible and ask for discernment.


Ask God for wisdom and understanding so that you may interpret the scriptures correctly. And ask Him to sanctify you by His word.


And ask Him to help you focus.


And renounce any spirits that may be trying to speak to you and are opposed to Him in the name of Jesus. Tell them you want nothing to do with them.. and that they have to leave permanently.. in the name of Jesus.. that you do not speak on your own authority but His. Say, the scriptures state I shall not be plucked from His hand-- I am His, you must take your hand off me. I am a child of GOD and greater is HE who is within me than he who is in the world.


Then speak out Satan’s defeat-- and thank God for the authority He has given you.


Or rather, tell Satan he must, 'Take his hand off you (in Jesus' name).' I accidentally left that out. If your commanding him to do something always say it in Jesus’ name. Because it is His name that makes them flee. And your faith in His authority.. which is within you.


And tell Satan he is trespassing... because you belong to the Lord.


Basically, you just need to take Satan’s authority away by telling him you’ve sided with God. Not him. Therefore, you belong to God. So you're in His hands. And God has defeated Satan. And the Lord has given you His authority so in His name-- you can’t be touched.


Once you speak that (with His authority) Satan 'has' to go. He has no choice. He is conquered and rendered powerless.


You’ll know you're speaking on His authority when you 'believe' without a doubt that He is for you and not against you. And that He has got your back.. therefore, Satan cannot touch you. And you speak these words fearlessly.. knowing that Christ has conquered the enemy.. therefore, so have you because you are one with Him.


It’s just faith in His word and His love and it's power.


And so many people never tap into this power.. because they refuse to believe in His word and His love.


Instead they live their lives in fear... following Satan instead of God and giving Satan authority over them when all they have to do is turn to God.. and Satan no longer has any authority.


... I forgot to tell you.. also ask for the Holy Spirit to fill you.. and come replace anything that was afflicting you before so that there will never again be any room for any type of affliction.


And another thing.. tell God you trust Him. And you give your life to Him in surrender.. because you know that what He has planned for you is what is best for you. And that you know everything you want and need He shall provide at the right time. Tell Him you will follow Him all the days of your life.


And ask God to forgive you for the times you followed Satan. And ask Him to deliver you from him permanently. And to help you resist him, firm in your faith (all of this in combination with the former words of supplication).


For instance, I asked God to forgive me for the way I judged the church-- His dwelling place. And I asked Him to remove the pharisaic spirit from my life forever.


I asked Him to forgive me for turning away from Him.. and being ashamed of Him.. and I asked Him to remove the spirit of the anti Christ from my life forever.


I also asked Him to forgive me for being prideful, doubtful and fearful, and suspicious. And I asked Him to remove these spirits from my life forever.


I asked Him to forgive me for committing idolatry and I asked Him to deliver me from it forever.


And I asked Him to forgive me for getting depressed and not trusting Him. I asked Him to deliver me from this spirit forever as well.. and I asked Him to give me true happiness.


And I asked Him to fill me with His spirit.


I decided I was through giving Satan authority over me. And I decided to be more thankful for things... and to trust God. And I’ve been more positive. And I’ve been in a better mood than I was before. And I’m staying that way.


I was depressed for a long time.. a very long time. And it was a deep depression. Because I listened to others.. instead of God. I didn’t trust Him like I should have. But I trust Him now.


After you receive deliverance you must continue to claim it. Remember that you have been redeemed. And delivered. And that Satan 'cannot' touch you because you are born of God. And continue to trust in God... and believe in His plans.. and promises... give the enemy no place.. and he is forever conquered.



Satan has NO real power-- it is only the perceived power we give him.. when we believe a lie.


God is in us and within us... He has given us authority over the enemy.. It's time we take up that authority.


Satan is our enemy.. and he knows it. He is well aware that we are the Lord's children.. and he is well aware of the power we have in Christ... and he is 'very' afraid of what will happen once we tap into that power.


Our entire life Satan has come up against us.. and he has tried to make our fears reality.. so why not do him the same honor?


It shouldn’t be too hard. He’s quite susceptible to it... Satan is a coward.


He IS fear.


And he IS a lie.


Mark 5:7


“And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.”


"The Devil tries to instill fear into the hearts of men, but he is a defeated being (Revelation 14:11). Why do you think the movies always portray Satan as a powerful, mighty and intimidating being? It's all an illusion of power that Satan deceives people with.


The truth is that Satan is a sniveling little coward, as we clearly see in the cowardly devils in Mark 5:7, cowering in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. The demons were terrified! The devils begged like dogs in the presence of Jesus Christ. So we learn from the Scriptures that demons are cowards who beg in the presence of God.


Satan's illusion of power will one day be stripped away, and the world will look upon him in disbelief that he shook the kingdoms of this earth in false fear (Isaiah 14:16). Bible prophecy is history written in advance. Satan's doom, defeat and destiny are already sealed and certain, it's just a short matter of time until Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire forever."


Luke 8:30-35


Jesus asked him, saying, “What is your name?”


And he said, “Legion,” because many demons had entered him. And they begged Him that He would not command them to go out into the abyss.


Now a herd of many swine was feeding there on the mountain. So they begged Him that He would permit them to enter them. And He permitted them. Then the demons went out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd ran violently down the steep place into the lake and drowned.


When those who fed them saw what had happened, they fled and told it in the city and in the country. Then they went out to see what had happened, and came to Jesus, and found the man from whom the demons had departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind. And they were afraid.



Mark 16: 17-18

And these signs shall follow them that believe ; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.


God has been with us our entire life.. watching over us and protecting us. And He has stationed His angels around us. There is a hedge of protection around us. And there always will be.


And He is trying to teach us to fight with Him. That is what we are here for. So that we may learn to fight Satan and obtain complete freedom in Christ. But in order to do that we must learn to take up His authority. and He desperately wants to see us take up His power and learn to overcome.

For though we walk in the flesh, we don't wage war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty through God to the throwing down of strongholds.

II Corinthians 10: 3-4

.... That verse has been on the back of one of my shirts for a long time. I got a shirt from Warrior Nations Ministries. It has that verse on the back of it, and it says fight club on the front.

But it seems like I just recently started to pay attention to what that verse really means.

God doesn't expect us to do this alone. He wants us to do it with Him.. and He is power. There is NOTHING He can't do.

All He asks is that we take up that power,

so what are we waiting for?


We are free in Christ regardless of whether we learn to take up His authority.. but we can have that authority and not use it so then it is never utilized and we never end up fulfilling our callings in Him.


Being saved is enough but there is so much more because being saved is only the beginning. We were meant for so much more-- but we have to be sanctified and surrender to Him in order to become filled. And it is at that point that we can really go into battle with the Lord.. and start leading people from darkness to light. And there is a joy and self fulfillment in that which is beyond measure. And that is exactly what Satan wants to prevent us from obtaining. But He has already been defeated. We just have to claim it.


We are always being guided by our conscience. And we always have a mixture of thoughts in our mind.. those of our conscience, those of our own, and those of certain spirits. For most of us these thoughts are just jumbled up together, and we haven’t the discernment to discern between them. But as you become more spiritually aware you will be able to.


If you’ll notice in the movies Satan always tries to glorify himself but in the end he is defeated... when good defeats evil. This is a universal philosophical truth. It is the same always and everywhere. We’ve nothing to fear. Satan has already been defeated.


And another universal philosophical truth... I think we can ALL agree that we want to let our conscience be our guide... Marvin Gaye does... Walt Disney does... we just don’t want to acknowledge the truth behind that aspiration or who we are truly aspiring to follow.


[Just in case you didn't know what I was referring to::






If you watch that second video you’ll notice that Jiminy Cricket tells Pinocchio that... if he wants to be a real boy he has to learn the difference between right and wrong and follow his conscience. Throughout the story Pinocchio struggles to do what is right, but in the end, he is good and thus becomes a 'real' boy.


I suppose I should have said before that we are always being guided by our conscience.. but that does not mean that we always listen to it. Sometimes, we listen to other spirits that speak to us… like the spirit of pride… or fear.


But if you pay attention you can discern these thoughts. Your conscience is the voice that gives you comfort and faith but these other spirits are unsettling.


So when you recognize them just cast them down continuously in Jesus’ name and counter them with something from your conscience.. that is positive…. and you won't have them anymore.

Resist the devil and he will flee from you.


You can see references to scriptural truth in everything if you pay attention. For instance, aside from the other obvious references to philosophical truth within that last link I posted...


Jiminy Cricket also instructed Pinocchio to take the [straight and narrow path]. And in the below video that I’ve provided the link to he says: 'seems the road [less traveled] shows happiness unraveled'




Matthew 7:13-14


The Narrow Way


Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.






I’ve thought about it and I’ve concluded that every single crime that has ever been committed could have been avoided… had the person chose not to commit the crime… or had they decided to listen to the source of their conscience instead... which is God.




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15.07 | 23:36

for anyone interested in a different and critical perspective on t...

11.08 | 06:25

Satan wants him to commit suicide because he's living a miserable life.. I...

11.08 | 06:23

I noticed that most spiritual twinflame relationships are under intense at...

06.01 | 04:07

This article is super misleading. What is the difference in yo...